Dear Ex-wife Marry Me by Twin Bridge

Chapter 118

Enzo’s POV
“You know, Enzo. You aren’t a bad drinking partner,” Alpha John said with a drunken slur as he slapped
me on the back of my shoulder. I could smell the whisky on his breath, and it made me cringe.
I’ve only had a couple of beers, so I was far from drunk. But I couldn’t say the same for the other Alphas.
The only other one that had his shit together was Bastien. He didn’t want to return to Selene completely
wasted and I respected that about him. He loved his family, and he loved his work; he didn’t let the
other Alpha convince him to drink more than he wanted, and I did the same, despite them trying.
“Enzo, when are you finally going to meet your mate and get married?” Alpha John murmured while
peering over at me. “You know it’s hard to run a pack without a proper luna.”
There was no way in hell I would tell them about Lila. I wasn’t even sure if there was anything to say. We
only kissed; nothing more happened between us. Besides, getting close to her would only put her in
danger. I couldn’t do that to her.
I remained silent.
“You’re embarrassing him,” another Alpha laughed. “Look at how red his face is. There must be
something he isn’t telling us.”
The Alphas fell silent, even Bastien was staring at me curiously for a moment. Once it was obvious that I
wasn’t going to answer their questions, Alpha John spoke again.
“Get my man a shot of tequila!” John shouted to the bartender who looked at John with a deepened
and disgusted frown.
“I’m all set on the shot,” I said, meeting the bartender’s eyes who nodded in understanding. “I should
honestly get going. I have some things to do in the morning.”
“Oh, come on, Enzo! We never get you to come out with us. Stay for another round,” another Alpha
I didn’t want to hang around these drunks anymore.
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“He doesn’t have to stay if he doesn’t want to,” Bastien said firmly. “In fact, I’m thinking we should all
get home to our packs.”
“Party poopers,” Alpha John muttered as he took yet another shot of whisky.
“We are responsible,” Bastien shot back, but there was a playfulness in his tone. “Have a good night,
Enzo,” he added, turning to me, and giving me a quick wink.

I thanked him before leaving.
Lila’s POV
The next morning.
“We don’t typically have school dances, Lila,” Mrs. Laurence, head of the board, said, peering up at me
from her desk in her office. “We don’t have the funding or the support for it.”
“I just think it would be a good opportunity to bring the students together as a community. We could
use something to get our minds off schoolwork and just have a little fun.”
“I’m not saying I don’t agree with you. But we don’t have the funding or support. I also don’t have time
to plan out a school dance. A lot of work goes into something like that.”
“What if you didn’t have to do anything?” I asked; an idea circling my brain.
She rose her brows as she met my eyes.
“What do you mean?”
“I could plan out this school dance myself and I could get the funding and the support necessary for it,”
I told her.
It was a lot of work, but it would be worth it.
Mrs. Laurence stared around my face for a short while; processing what I had just said.
“I’m not sure it’s something you should do on your own,” she finally said, but she didn’t sound
completely against it. “So, recruit a few people to help you. Like a student committee. You have
leadership skills, don’t you? I mean, you take after your father after all and he’s a leader of a sort. I have
faith that you can lead a school committee and plan out this school dance with your team.”
“A school committee?” I breathed. I never even thought about something like that, but it was such a
good idea.
“Yes,” Mrs. Laurence said with a nod. “And if things work out well, perhaps we can have a permanent
committee with you as the head.”
I gasped at the very thought of it; that would look amazing on my resume.
“I would love that,” I say to her in return.
She finally smiled and held out her hand for me to shake.
“Okay; if you can gather a team of students, get the funding and support, and plan out this dance
accordingly, then it looks like we will have a school dance and possibly more events in the future,” Mrs.
Laurence agreed.

“Thank you so much,” I said happily as I took her hand and shook it firmly.
I spent most of the afternoon in the library making flyers for volunteers.
The first person I asked to join the committee was Rachel, but she said it wasn’t her thing, so I was stuck
doing this completely by myself until others decided to join as well.
Surprisingly it didn’t take very long for a group of students to come forward and join my committee.
I had Megan, one of the smartest girls in our school and a fellow werewolf. Tayla, a girl that’s on the
dance squad and loves all things parties, and Jackie, Tayla’s best friend, both are vampires. Chanel, head
of the cheerleaders, Alex, a football jock, and Chanel’s boyfriend, both are bears. Then, Brody, a smart
guy, and a pitcher on the school’s baseball team, is also a werewolf.
Despite the many different personalities and species, I was pleased with my small gathering of
committee members, and I was ready to start planning this dance. It was nice that we could all get
along. Typically, the vampire species wouldn’t get along with the rest of us and the bears were known to
be weaker and isolate themselves. However, I didn’t want to discriminate on this committee; if they are
a member of the academy, then they are welcome.
“What if we have everyone in the school sign a petition to get some support?” Megan suggested during
our very first meeting. We held the meeting in the student lounge where we could be free to speak
openly with one another.
“That’s a great idea,” I said, writing it down in my notebook. “We could get the support of our entire
school. But now we need funding.”
“What about Sarah’s dad?” Tayla suggested with a shrug. “He funds everything else at this school.”
“I don’t think he’d give us money for a party though,” I said, frowning. Plus, I really didn’t want to go to
him for money. I had my pride to think about.
“What about a bake sale?” Brody suggested.
I hadn’t thought about that; I was pleased with Brody’s participation, and I couldn’t help but smile.
“I love baking,” I said fondly. “And I know someone who can help cook a lot of yummy food.”
I thought of Dee at the Calypso pack. She would love to help me if I were to ask her.
“Megan, how about you start creating the petition forms; print enough out to cover everyone at this
school and then some. Once you create the petitions, I’ll appoint a couple of you to go around the
school and get as many signatures as you can. Meanwhile, I’m going to work on getting a bake sale set
up. Within a couple of weeks, we should be able to have the best school dance ever.”
I clapped my hands together happily.

“Meeting is adjourned!”
They all started to grab their things and leave the student lounge, except for one.
He stayed behind a little longer; his soft brown eyes watching me carefully as I stuffed my things into
my backpack.
At first, I didn’t notice him. I was too busy trying to figure out how to approach Dee. I would probably
need to speak to Enzo first, so he’s not blindsided.
We hadn’t talked since our moment in the bathroom and the memory made my face feel warm and my
heartbeat quickly.
I paused when I noticed Brody was still there and he was watching me.
“Oh, I thought you had left,” I said, giving him a kind smile.
Brody was also very kind to me; I wouldn’t say he was my friend. In fact, he was more Scott’s friend than
mine. But he was gentle and sweet. For someone who was a jock, he didn’t have a mean bone in his
body, and he kept his grades up so he could stay on the team. He was a straight-A student and excels
at almost everything he does.
I respect him for that.
“No,” Brody said, rubbing his hands behind his neck and glancing at the ground. “I actually wanted to
talk to you.” He gave himself an awkward and nervous laugh.
“What’s going on? Are you okay?” I asked, raising my brows. “You aren’t changing your mind about the
committee, are you?”
“No,” he said a little too quickly. “I like the committee very much.”
“Oh, good,” I breathed out in relief. “So, what did you want to talk about?”
He seemingly swallowed a lump in his throat as he stepped closer to me.
“The school dance,” he said, keeping his eyes locked on mine.
I stood frozen.
“Okay?” I urged him to continue.
“I was wondering... if maybe... you wanted to go with me to the school dance?” He finally got the words
out of his mouth. “As my date...

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