Deadly Storm

Chapter Chapter twenty one

Sarah's POV

Only three more weeks until Christmas Break. Which means only three more weeks until I see my mom. It's the end of November and the snow sprinkled around the town.

I'm with my dad at the warehouse practicing. He's been teaching me new tactics on how to use a weapon, or weapons. I did, however been getting better throwing a stake at a dummy in its chest.

My father says I don't have to impale in the heart, just anywhere.

They do recommend the heart and head to kill but anywhere is fine. As long as I stab them and they die, it's all good.

All this matters is if I live.

"Okay, that's enough for today."

We left the warehouse. "When I get home I'll order pizza tonight."


"What kind?"

"I don't care, I like any kind."


We got home as I went to grab my laptop. Dad went on his phone immediately to order us a pizza. "How about a Brooklyn?"

"Sounds good."

"Okay, that's perfect. I'll get it."

He mumbled something which I couldn't hear. I logged into my emails to see if anyone emailed me while I was away.

One email does catch my eye.

An email from the Blade Ramose.

I open since my curiosity got the better of me. It's a very short email.

Hey, what's happening? I'm bored and need someone to talk to and your the one I have on my emails.

Just got back from training. Don't you have Keir or your vamp members at your home to entertain you?

I sent my message waiting for his reply. I refreshed it and he answered right away. I swear he just sits on his computer waiting for me to reply.

Yes but they can't entertain me. I'm sick and they can't come near me without getting it. So I'm bored as fuck and need someone to talk to.

He's sick? Never new vamps can get sick.

Your sick? What are you sick with?

I went to the fridge to grab some Ice Tea for my dry throat. I sat at the table bringing my laptop.


Speak English.

I am speaking English. It's just a sickness for vampires. I'll be fine soon.

I never knew this existed. Luckily I don't get it.

I don't usually say this but, aww poor you. Is that why you only showed up to school once to get your work and never came back?


Well that explains a lot.

People at school are saying you and Keir got suspended for two weeks until he came back this week. But he didn't say anything about you. So we just assumed you've got a longer suspension.

No, he only got the rest of the week off the went back. I only got two detentions but haven't been there to go to them now have I?

I actually laughed at the last part. Never knew he was so funny. "Hey, I'm going out to pick up the pizza."

"Ok dad."

I heard the door shut.

So what are you doing now?

Laying in bed.

You have a bed?

Well yeah. In those myths where we sleep in coffins you hear aren't true. We like to lay down and relax, but we don't sleep in them.

I know you don't sleep.

What's happening with you?

I took a sec to drink my Ice Tea before typing away.

Emailing you while waiting for my dad to get the pizza.


Cool. That's all he put. No other answer but 'great.'

Tell me something. I'm bored, that's why I emailed you.

Tell him something? What would I tell him? I wrote down something, the first thing that came into my head.

Marie's a bitch!

I chuckled. I'm curious what he'll have to say.

I know, she gets on everyone's nerves. I was waiting for the principle outside the office after the fight and she came up to me and said, and I quote, 'I hope they expel you and your vamp friends.'

I legit could hear her annoying squeaky voice. Honesty, that's something she would say.

Really? I could hear her squeaky voice while reading it. Plus it's something she would say.

I know right. She did say that to me and right then and there, I wanted to murder her.

For once I agree with you. I'd pick you guys over her.

I know, everyone does. Even her friends came up to us one day and said they'd rather be around us then with her. Of course they did that when she's gone.

Really? If her friends say that, then that says a lot.

My Dad finally walked in with the pizza. "Thanks dad."

He set it on the table and I got out two plates. I got my slices then went back to emailing Ramose. The pizza that I have is a double pepperoni with green peppers and mushrooms. It's very tasty.

"Your welcome honey. You deserve it after the hard work in training."

He left into the living and room and switched on the tv. I closed my laptop, place the plate on top with my drink in the other hand and waltzed to my room. Closing the door. I sat on the window bench and opened up my laptop. I set my drink on the window sill and started reading the email.

It does. So tell me, how's your training going?

It's going okay I guess. I still suck at it and if I go out now to fight, I'd probably die, both literally and figuratively.

I took a bite of my pizza.

Hahaha! You must be that awful then.

I am, as a matter of fact. But I'm still a beginner so it only makes sense.

True. It's like first developing into a vampire. You'll have to get used to the fangs, the thirst and the powers. With a lot of practice, you'll get better.

Yeah. And that's what I'm hoping. Soon though I'll get better.

Are you doing this on your own free will or forced?

Well . . . Both. I am forced to become a hunter and soon when I'm a professional, he'll retire and I take over. I only want to do it for protection. In case if I'm ever in the same situation as in the Chase.

I get ya. You were lucky that someone else was there to save yeah or you would've been dinner.

Ya. I just don't want it to happen again, but also not hurt the vamps unless if they attack me. Although I'm terrified something might happen and they'll bite me, I still think of them as people too.

That's good. It's hard for us since people don't accept us. I completely get it but it does hurt that we don't get accepted. So we kept moving places until we found Cooperstown. Although people do fear us, we still feel like we kind of belong as long as we have our accessories on. It's dangerous for us and you guys if we live in the town, so we built the house we live in now.

Wow, that's interesting. I just learnt some vampire history.

Kind of. To keep us safe, our old ancestor, not related, made these accessories so we can be around people without harming them. From what I heard, there's this machine that keeps these activated at all times, except on our property.

Is that why once human step on your property we're not safe?

Yeah, basically.

My eyes widen at this. So when they're accessories aren't activated on their property, it means we're in mortal danger.

What happens if something happens to the machine?

I don't know. I wasn't even a vamp then. I was still human. I do believe the accessories get deactivated and we go haywire. Which means we're our selves and crave human blood all we want without getting shocked. But I'm not positive.

You were only human then? How long ago was it?

Well, I'm 102 and this was six years before I became one. So I would've been 11 at the time, since I was turn when I was seventeen. Raul was one at the time, actually, he's almost 200 and still looks good.

I cracked at that.


Yeah, we never mention it 'cause no one really asks us. They're too busy being scared to really ask. So we never tell anyone.

Is it supposed to be a secret?

No. We can tell anyone just no one really bothers so we don't say anything. But Raul found it when I was eleven. It's been there longer than that. Probably way before I was born.

Wow, that's long.


Now I know the history behind those things.

It's really interesting if you think about it. But that's all I know.

It does sound interesting. Though this will be only a rare time I'll be nice and not scared. I still don't trust you enough. It's not like in the movies where people talk nicely once and they become friends.

That's okay, I completely get it. I'm not expecting you to like me after this. I'm just so damn bored that I don't know what to do.

At this point, I'm done both my slices and drink.

Anyways, I better go and get my rest.

Hope you feel better. Even a vampire shouldn't go through that.


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