Deadly Storm

Chapter Chapter twenty five

Sarah's POV

"Your moving tomorrow?" Kathrine asked shockingly.

"Yes. The house is sold and my parents found a perfect little house down in Seattle," Lauren exclaimed.

Tears prickled my eyes. I can't believe she's moving tomorrow.

"It hasn't even been a week since the break and your already moving ?" I ask.

"Yeah, sadly."

"That's too bad, never thought this day would come," Lennix replies with a emotionless expression.


"When are you leaving tomorrow?" Sabe asks, gloomy glancing at her.

"First thing in the morning, which means I won't be able to see you guys."

"I'm gonna miss you," I say hugging her. She's leaving right after this little goodbye meeting to pack up the last things.

"I'm gonna miss you too. All of you." Her voice cracked as tears rolled down her beautiful face. Running her hands through her red hair, she hugged each and every one of them saying her goodbyes and how she'll miss them.

I myself have tears free falling down my face. Before we knew it, she left for home.

Sabe drove us home as we talked of how we will miss Lauren. A sweet, quiet girl we all love. You know, that one friend who's shy and quiet yet still sweet and caring to others.

Now that friend is gone.

When I got home, I went straight to my room and started bawling my eyes out since I'll never see my friend again. Luckily my dad's out so I'm all alone for a while.

Of course we could still chat on the group chat that we created over the break, but it just wouldn't be the same.

After my little meltdown I cleaned myself up. Splashing cold water on my face to wash away the salty tears. I then use a face cloth to wipe my face to make sure the salty tears are gone.

Heading out, I stop into the kitchen to make myself some spaghetti, making some extra in the process for dad.

Turning on my music in the background for some noise so it's not complete silence.

Heating some sauce in the microwave. Getting my dinner ready, the doorbell rings. Setting it aside, I speed walk to the door. Opening it revealing someone I don't know.

His light brown hair pulled back into a small man bun in the back, black khakis and a white dress shirt tucked in the khakis.

"Hey, can I help you?"

He looks very pale. My hunch says he's a vampire. On the wall behind the door is garlic spray, I open the door wider as I reach for the bottle slightly to not let him know what I'm doing.

"Are you Sarah Harper?"


"I heard that you are becoming a vampire hunter. Is that true?"

"No, that's not true. I don't know where you're getting that information from," I lied. I didn't trust this guy enough to tell him I am indeed, a vampire hunter. Since this town is small, he probably knows I'm lying. Word can get around pretty fast.

"I'm pretty sure you are."

I catch a glimpse at his fangs as he smiled a sly one. Before I could react, he grasped me arm and threw me against the wall. I hit my head hard enough, a bit of blood leaked out.

He slammed the door and place his hands beside my head so I'm trapped between him. Spotting the blood, he pressed two fingers against the bleeding spot.

Admiring his work he licked his fingers.

"You have delicious blood. It would taste better in my stomach."

His mouth comes inches from my neck when I grasp the spray and defended myself. Spraying his eyes I book it out of the house down the street. I screamed for help. I almost slipped on the ice on the street.

I glance back.

He's not behind me. I stopped when a neighbour came out.

"What's wrong honey?"

"A . . . Vampire tried . . . To bite me." I took breaths as I explain my situation. I'm training to become a vampire hunter but still not a professional yet. So I'm still not sure what to do weaponless.

My neighbour glanced behind me for a second and screamed. I glance back and there he is. His eyes sealed shut but can still sense us.

He ran to the woman and bit her. I ran as fast as I could into the forest.

Couldn't this day get any worse!

Trying my best to get away, I turn left I got he forest and ran as fast as I could. I got myself lost but I'd rather get lost in the forest than have that vamp around me.

As soon as I'm deep enough in the forest, I stop to take my breath, leaning against a tree.

I couldn't believe that a vampire whom I don't know, would bite someone in front of me, and in the town in public where people could see.

Once my breath caught up to me, I started walking deeper into the forest. I didn't have my phone on me since I left it back at the house. Not only am I lost, but I don't have a phone. So there's no way for me to contact anyone.

My shoes crunched in the snow as I stroke my arms for warmth. I only have my sweater and jeans on, plus it's the evening so it's dark and freezing.

"Hey there, I was looking for you."

I twirl around to see that same vamp from earlier.

"What d-do you want f-from m-me?" My teeth chattered from the coldness. A gust of wind blew our way.

"Your blood."

He leapt at me and soon he's on top of me. I screamed.

This is it, this is how I was going to die. In the forest I'm scared of and from a vampire.

"Step away from my daughter!"

"Yo Vanett, step away from her!"

Two familiars voices echoed through the forest. One of them I recognize them as my dad. The other voice sounded familiar but I can't put my tongue on it.

The Vanett guy looked up from me. I could tell he hated them. "What are you doing on our land?" A woman's voice spoke. I couldn't move from the shock.

One minute, this guys onto of me, the next he's on the with a bullet whole through his leg. His eerie, raspy laugh filled the forest as I scramble to my feet. I back towards my father and the rest.

I felt strong arms wrap around me making sure I'm secure and safe. I look up to my father and curl into the unzipped jacket. I never notice how numb I was in the ears and hands until the warmth slapped me.

"What the hell are you doing on our territory Vanett?" Another guy asks the question again, this time more sternly.

"You know what happens when you trespass on our land."

He laughed again.

"You think I'm stupid? I'm being prepared for when the time comes."

"What do you mean, 'when the time comes'?" My father asks.

"Oh, you'll see."

At that he ran off. "Take Sarah back to your place, we're catching him."

My father handed me over. "Blade, take her back. Make sure she's comfortable and warm. Victoria and I are off to catch him with the hunters."

I pulled my hood over my head as Blade held out his arm for me to walk into. He wrap his arm around my shoulder and guided me to their home.

It's silent between us. The wind howled in the night sky, the snow crunched beneath us. At some point, my legs gave out since I'm so cold, and who knows what time it is at night. I fell but he caught me. Somehow, he positioned me then lifted me up.

Blade's now carrying me bridal style. Wrapping my arms around his neck, I nuzzled my face into his neck. I'm shivering and my teeth are chattering.

"Are . . . Are w-we a-almost there?"


Ramose somehow managed to pull me in closer to him. On normal circumstances, I would hate it, threaten him. But I'm letting this slide since I'm cold and wet from laying in the snow.

It didn't take long to get back. I felt a gust of hot air cover me and I appreciate it.

"Nevada, grab a blanket, Corbin start a fire in the living room," Blade ordered. I heard shuffling in the room but too cold to look up, let alone open my eyes.

"What can I do Blade?" I hear Keir ask.

"Grab a sweater from my room."

I don't know what's happening but the next thing I felt was a warm, leather couch. I hear a small crackling sound in the background.

"Here," I heard a soft, sweet voice.

I felt a warm blanket wrap around me.

"Thanks." I barely made out.

I snuggle in the blanket trying to get warm. With the blanket and the fire, I felt a bit better. Praying my eyes open, Blade, Keir, and two others who look like kids stood surrounding me. I recognize the two from the last time I was here.

"Hey, I'm Nevada. We haven't properly met last time since it was busy with a Vanett." Her jet black hair with the tips dyed red tied into a ponytail, her young face. She wore blank leggings, a purple tank top with a black leather jacket, in the winter. She must be crazy.

I'm cold just looking at her.

"Hi," I mutter.

"I'm Corbin." His round chubby face spoke, his light golden hair shine in the light. He wore an army green shirt and dark blue jeans. I nodded.

Keir, who gave me a sweater, stood beside Blade who's standing beside Nevada, who's standing beside Corbin.

"So tell us, what happened?" Blade's the first to break the silence that lingered.

"I was at home making my dinner when the bell rang. I opened it up and there he was. He questioned me who I was and if I'm becoming a hunter." I took a minute to calm myself and warm my face before continuing.

"I didn't trust the guy so I lied and said no. Of course he didn't believe me so I slowly grabbed the garlic spray that sat on the wall behind the door. I didn't want him to notice so I open the door wider to get to it. He then came in and slammed the door. I got stuck between him and that's when I sprayed him. I ran out of the house down the street, almost dying in the process from slipping on ice."

I took another pause.

"He then chased after me and bit on the neighbours who came out to see what's happening. He bit her in public and I ran for my life. I guess instead of going back to my home, since he knew where I live. I came into the forest, which I don't why cause I'm scared without protection. I thought I lost him when he came. He was on top of me, and I guess you know the rest."

I finish my explanation.

"Alright, put the sweater on. It'll warm you up," Blade ordered. I did as I was told. I took off mine and put his on.

I stayed on the couch until the adults got back, and when they did, I told them the whole story again. This time, without pausing.

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