Deadly Storm

Chapter Chapter thirty

Sarah's POV

Class is so boring. Instead of paying attention like I should have, I thought about what Raul said a couple days ago.

The next day, we thanked the vamps and went home but I haven't thought of what he said until now. How the Vanetts were nice to let them stay. How vampires are disguising themselves as drug dealers to lure druggies in to bite them.

How a machine can control all the accessories.

How there was war between them and a lot of vamps lost their dead lives. I just wish that Raul has the answers I need. What can I do?

I can't keep asking and poof, he has the answer I'm looking for wishing that's possible.

Before I know it, the bell rings and we get up and left. I stuff my things in my locker, bringing my lunch to the cafeteria where I met my friends. I told the others yesterday of what happened to me the day before.

Of course Sabe freaked out and started panicking, thinking that imma die and get bitten. Lennix was shocked but still worried, and Kathrine, she was shocked and asked questions.

Today, it felt like any other normal, boring day at school.

I sat down with the three still chatting about their morning. It still feels weird without Lauren here.

"Yo, you're just in time. I'm thinking of getting my hair done, like dyed," Kathrine replies.

"But I like your red hair," I said.

"I know, I just wants some colour so I'll dye so I have streaks. What colours should I do? And not pink."

"I think blue would work," Sabe suggested.

"Purple," Lennix said.

"Okay I will do that." She gasps. "Sarah, you should come with me and dye your hair!"

"Umm, no."

"Why not? You would look great with colours."

"Do I? Okay fine, what colours then?"

"Would your dad be okay with it?" Save asks.

"True, but it's my hair not his. As long as I don't dye it black or grey, I should be fine."

"You would look great with brown. Just dye your lips or something, not your whole hair," Lennix replies.


"I don't know, you just do."

"I'll think about it."

"Actually, having brown for your hair wouldn't be a bad idea. If your becoming a hunter, it wouldn't make you stand out. Unlike the blonde locks you have now, you'll be able to hide better, especially in the dark," Sabe exclaims.

"He's not wrong," Lennix said.

"Again, I'll think about it."

"If you say yes, we'll go tomorrow since it's the weekend."

The four vamps walked our way. "Don't look now but the vamps are coming." Of course, they didn't listen to me. All three looked over as the vamps walked closer.

"What do they want," Lennix asks.

"Who knows," Sabe answers.

Just then, both Keir and Blade stopped and haunches over for what looks or be in pain. Frey and Talon stopped and tried to help their friends. For some reason it didn't affect them.

I'm a bit suspicious. Sabe and Lennix got up to help them. I'm surprised by this. They usually hate them and won't care what happens. Kathrine and I stare at each other before helping the boys out.

"What happened?"

"We were walking and then they fell into pain," Talon replies.

"Pain!" Keir replies.

It's hard to tell as he's hunched over but the little glimpse I got was him trying to take off the watch he's wearing.

He gasps to catch his breath from the pain. Frey helped him up steadying him. Ramose on the other hand is still in the gnawing pain.

People gathered around in the cafeteria watching intently at the scene before them.

"Someone needs to get the belt off."

Sabe moved forward crouching to his level. Talon lift Blade so he's laying on top of him. Sabe reaches for the belt and scurried to get the belt off. Blade clinched a bit which made Sabe jump back a bit.

Finally undoing his belt, he pulled it off and Blade finally stopped wincing. He's panting from the sore pain. Taking helped have up but almost fell down.

His legs must feel numb after that. "Were you craving blood that bad that you almost got paralyzed?" I ask.

"We weren't craving human blood," Keir replied.

"You weren't?" Someone from the audience asks.

"No. We were just walking when the pain started up. It felt like thousands of drakes piercing through me," Keir said. Blade couldn't even speak it must have pained him that bad.

Finally, a couple teachers came in to see the ruckus.

"What happened in here?" Mr. Brotherton asks.

A student explained it to the teachers. Both boys went to the school nurse for a checkup bringing their accessories cautiously. I could see the fear in their eyes when touching the watch and belt.

"Alright everybody, shows over!" One of the teachers yelled at us, signalling to get back to eating.

"That was strange, hope they're okay."

"I agree with Kathrine. It's not like them to act like that," Sabe said.

"There's got to be something wrong," I say. They agreed with me.

"What the hell happened?" Marie stalked over to us.

"They're only in pain because of you," I reply.

She gasps while placing a hand on her heart acting offended. "What did I do?"

"Everything," the four of us chorused.

She stormed off with her two friends behind her.

Today's lunch was pretty weird.


On our way to class, Kathrine and I stopped by the school nurse to see how the boys are. From the looks of it they took hardcore pain.

Knocking on the door we walked in.

"Hello ladies." The nurse replied. She wore her typical uniform.

"We are here to visit Keir Vance and Blade Ramose," Kathrine said.

"Of course, right this way."

We followed her a few beds down in a corner. On the third and fourth bed on the right laid Blade and Keir. I can't even say Blade's last name anymore.

"Here you go ladies."

She left us alone and both boys turned our way. "So, tell us what the hell happened if you didn't crave our blood," I urge.

"I don't know, we were walking then all of a sudden sharp pain shot through us. It hurt so bad we got burns." Keir showed us his burn on his left wrist. Blade couldn't since it was around his waist.

"Isn't that supposed to help you not crave our blood? As in you have to wear it in town no matter what?" I ask.

"Yes, but because of the painful experience, we're scared to put them back on."

"We've never had to deal with this kind of pain before," Blade added on.

"Describe the pain," Katherine asking like she's a sadistic.

"Worse than having thousands of stakes from what I said earlier."

"Just imagine giving birth and the pain, but times that by a thousand. That's what it felt like for me."

I scrunched up my nose as I can imagine the pain.

"Are you okay now?"

"Oh yeah. It's like it never happened."

I take a glance at the clock.

"We've got to get going to class, but get better soon."

We left them in bed to heal from their painful experience.

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