Deadly Storm

Chapter Chapter six

Sarah's POV

"Here's my assignment."

I handed in my assignment and walked to my desk. Sitting in my favourite seat, the window seat. The people poured into the room. I looked out the window as I wait for class to begin. Before I know it, I felt something cold sit beside me.

I glance over to find none other than Keir Vance. I'm surprised that he decides to sit beside me even though there's seats still empty.

I stayed silent looking away hoping he doesn't notice me. But my luck, he did.

"Hey there Harper."

"Hey Vance."

"Look, we may not be on good terms but do you know why Vanett went after you?"

"Who?" I raised my eyebrow in confusion.

"Vanett, one of the guys who went after you on Saturday."

"No clue."

I turned to face the front as the teacher started teaching.

Thought the assignment, I couldn't stop getting a hunch that Vance wouldn't stop glancing at me. At some point through the lesson, he handed me a note from under the desk, kicking my leg gently to get my attention. I take the note without question.

I continue on with my notes until the bell rings. Packing up my things and sticking the note in my pocket, I walk out of class to my next one.

Social, which means I get both Ramose and Vance.


I'm early so I settle in a seat by the window. After getting in settled, I tale out the note as the people are still coming in to class.

I read it.

Tell me something I don't know. About the Vanett vamp. The guy you ran into on Saturday. Did he say something to you?

I flipped over the page and wrote as fast as I could for my answer, telling him that's said there's war. I didn't tell him when. I scan the room and there sat Vance at the back alone.

I then see Blade Ramose, Frey Lutter, and Talon Flon coming in.

I turn around to the guy behind me. "Pass this to Keir."

He passed it along to the other kids without asking questions. Just as the three sat down, the note got passed to him. I saw him read the note, glanced at me and nodded.

I turn around ready for the lesson.

"For the next week or two, you will be doing a project on the lesson we've been doing. I want you and a partner-" people gasped and searched the room for the person they want to work on the assignment with, "-will be doing a timeline about the Historical evolution of the American Identity, and it's role in the global. You must include the key terms, definition in your own words, illustrations, colour, and dates. I will be choosing your partner."

Groans echoed through the room. My luck, I'll end up with one of the vamps. Mr. Brotherton raised his hand for everyone to settle down.

"When I say you and your partners name, come up and grab a sheet and sit down with your partner."

He started calling our names both partners going up and sitting down brainstorming. Now, there's only the few of us. I feared the worse when my name is called and I'm partners with Blade.


I get up slowly glancing at him. We briefly glance at each other making our way to the front. He picked up a piece of paper and walked back, gesturing his head to his desk.

I nodded since I didn't feel like arguing. We sat down being awkward silence. I fidgeted with my pencil and eraser until he spoke up.

"So, what's the plan?"

"I . . . I don't know."

It was silent as we both stared at the blank page ahead of us.

"Oh one more thing," the class quiet down to hear, "you will be doing this project out of school. This and one more class to do this project, then you will have to do this project on your free time."

Just as this day couldn't get any worse.

Ramose and I stared each other down. Of course we'll need to do this outside of school.

"Can you draw?" Was the only thing he said. I nodded and he passed over the paper. "So what is the plan?" He asked crossing his arms on the table.

"Like I said, I don't know."

"Well we're going to have to think of something soon. I don't know if you want to meet up."

"Well if we do, you certainly won't be coming over to my place. My father won't allow boys in his house, especially vamps."

"I wasn't planning on going."

I scan the room to find people already starting on their project while we have a blank page. I turned the paper vertically and started drawing boxes. Ramose looked at me weirdly. His face says it all, being confuse as hell.

"I think I know what I want to do but it's up to you too."

I drew the boxes lightly in case of erasing them. I explain to him of having a box or section for each term, then writing the dates at the top of the box, with the definition underneath and picture.

"Or the other option is drawing a straight line across horizontally like normal timelines with the date and teeth at the top, with the definition and illustrations at the bottom."

"I like both but it all depends on space."

"I think we should do a rough copy of both ideas and see which one is better."

"Great idea."

Ramose took out two sheets of paper. He did the horizontal with the line and I did vertical with the boxes. It took all of class for us to do the rough copy. At least I'll do the picture when we figure out which one we want to do. In the end, we decided to do both.

A straight line with boxes to separate everything to make it neat. When the bell rang for lunch, we packed up.

I walked down the hallway to my locker. Placing everything in, I grabbed my lunch and made my way down to where my friends are. I sit next to Kathrine ready to ask Sabe and her my opinion.

"Hey, Sarah."

"Hey, Sabe. Listen I need your's and Katherine's opinion."

I told them my situation and how my deadline is tonight.

"I think you should stay because you have us," Sabe said immediately after I finish. Katherine also agreed and since they know that Lauren is moving, they want me to stay. I guess she told them while I was on my way to lunch.

I nodded what they said. It's fifty-fifty. This is my decision and I have to make it soon.


During dinner, my parents talked calmly about the divorce. Yeah, calmly about the divorce without arguing. Splitting the furniture and things and whatnot. I just sat quietly thinking over my decision that I'm going announce soon.

I just hope that the other won't be mad.

Staring blankety at my food, which I just pushed around with my fork, my father said it's time for my choice.

I placed down my fork, cleared my throat and spoke.

"I hope you guys won't be mad at my decision-"

"What would we be mad?" My mother interrupted me.

"I want to stay with dad. I thought this over and I really don't want to leave my friends and go to a new city which means finding new friends and getting used to a new scenery, and I also think that having protection from vamps is a good idea, yet I still don't like the idea of being a vamp hunter," I rambled.

Both of my parents stared at me in shock. My fathers face lit up with excitement that he gets to teach me to have protection, while my mothers face dropped into sadness.

"I could come visit you during the holidays," I requested to lighten up the mood. Mom just shook her head looking down at her half finished plate. I knew I hurt her.

"Sorry mom."

"It's okay, it's your choice. That's why we asked you."

I knew she's trying to hide the hurt was I created. For the rest of dinner it was silent. I helped mom with dishes as my father went back down to his office to catch up on calls.



"Are you mad?"

This is my worry.

"No. It's your decision and I accept it. It's not up to me, it's up to you"


After dishes, I texted the others telling them how it went. I relaxed on my bed having music blast from my phone. We have a group chat on Discord so that if we need to communicate at once, it's easy.

Sabe texted back immediately almost like he has been waiting for me to text.

I told him how bad I felt for hurting my mother. She did seem hurt but what can I do. I've already made up my mind.

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