Deadly Storm

Chapter Chapter fifteen

Sarah's POV

I helped my mom pack her boxes into the car. Today is the day where she is finally moving away to the city. Dad went out to find some beginner tools at the warehouse for me to practice with. As soon as mom moves out, it's time for my training.

That's fun.

Hint the sarcasm.

Since Winter is coming up, so we'll be practicing at the warehouse. It's their little area where they hold meetings and training. My dad says it's good to start early. Earlier the better.

As I loaded the last box my mom came out of the house with her keys ready to roll. "Thanks honey, I guess it's time for me to go."

I nod and gave her a big hug. "Promise me you'll come visit me."

"Yeah I promise."

"On Christmas break you'll be coming to stay with me for a week for Christmas, then you'll come back for New Years."

"Okay. Sounds like a plan."

We waved goodbye as she got into her car. She drove off until her car is out of view. Tears welled up as I saw my mom leave. Even though I'll still get to see her, it's just not the same.

I head inside to make myself some hot chocolate for the warmth. Since it's Fall, I snuggle up on the couch with my blanket, fuzzy pink slippers and hot chocolate. I flicked on the Netflix and scrolled finding one that I'm interested in.

Only halfway done the movie and finished my hot chocolate later, my dad barges in the home.

"Sarah, Sarah!"


"Come on, let's start."

Staring at my dad, I groan before getting up

from my comfy spot. "I was enjoying my relaxation."

"Haha, let's go. Your starting your training today. Let's go."

I groan louder and get up. Slipping into my sneakers I run to put my golden wavy locks in a ponytail. I run downstairs and outside to where my dad is waiting in the car.

"Do we have to do it now?"

"Yes. Well only do this every Friday and Saturdays. Oh and did your mother tell you that you'll be visiting her over the Christmas Break?"

"Yes she did."


From our home to the Warehouse, it toon around twenty minutes. It's outside the city's premises. Once my father parked, we head inside.

I've never been in here before. I don't even know where to start with words. It's abandoned that's what.

There's small stations with each tactics to kill a vampire. There's a station of how to stake a vampire.

There's also a station on how to protect yourself from them, and I'm assuming that's where I'll be training today.

Like I thought we would, we made our way over to the protection stand. It had a little section in the corner with the tools and weapons on the wall. Vests and armours are tucked away in boxes labeled 'vest' and 'armours'.

"Okay, let's start off easy."

I raised and eye brow when he said 'easy.' I don't know what that means but I'm scared and all I want to do is curl up on the couch and watch my movie with popcorn.

I can't do that since I decided to stay with my dad.

"Alright, we are going to start off with the simple thing. Protecting yourself from vamps."

He grabbed a stake from the table. "This. Everyone knows this is a stake. It's used to stake them in the heart. But you want to be careful when you try to stake them, they are fast and have really great sense of smell and gearing. They can smell your blood and sense every sound you make."

I nodded even through I already know. The thing is, living with a vampire hunter, even the daughter of the leader, I can pick up a lot of things, so I already know a lot about stuff and weapons and how to use them. When I was young and I asked about the weapons and things that my dad carried in, he would explain to me.

The only thing I'll need to know is to practice with the weapons and not get bitten by any vamps in the process.

So when he explains what to do and what they do, it's very boring but I let him ramble on.

"Alright, let's get started."

He passed me the stake. "Alright, aim for that dummy."

"Do I just throw it?"


I glanced at the stake then the dummy before I throw it as hard as I could towards the heart. Instead, it bounced off its chest and landed on the floor with a thud.

"Not bad, just aim for the heart. It's okay. We'll practice a lot until you get the hang of it. Again."

I grabbed the stake walking back to my spot. I throw again. I missed.


This is going to be a long lesson.


By the end of the lesson, my arm is stinging form how many attempts I tried impale the dummy in the heart. Guess how many times I've tried to impale it in general?

If you've guessed none, you are correct!

The stupid stake kept bouncing off the dummy. At some point I threw it so hard that it ended up making a mess of another station. Once my father realized I couldn't impale the dummy that's standing right there, he called it quits for the night.

I don't know how I'm supposed to kill a vampire if I can't even impale a dummy that's standing a few feet away from me, when a vamp is moving all sorts of direction.

After today, I've come to one conclusion. Imma die.

All the vamps are going to laugh at me for my failure, but right now since I'm just starting out, no one needs to know and I hope I'll get better soon enough.

Once I got inside my room, I laid down to rest for the night. I finished the leftover homework I have before setting off to have a nice warm shower to wash away the sweat and the pain.

Both from my mom moving and the soreness coming from my right arm. I then set off to bed for the night.

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