Dead of Wynter: A Dark Mafia Romance (Frost Industries Book 2)

Dead of Wynter: Chapter 6

I’ve loved Wynter for as long as I can remember. From the moment our eyes met for the first time, those icy blue irises so full of innocence, I knew she would be the girl I would marry. But as I stare at her now, the fierce fire burning in those eyes I’ve lost myself in too many times to count, I’ve never loved her more.

She stares at Storm with a mixture of anger and fear, knowing she could very well be doing this on her own if he doesn’t agree. She’s going toe to toe with the man most of the city, if not country, fear, and she’s doing it without so much as blinking.

She calls herself a princess, but I’ve always seen her for what she is. Wynter Saint James is a fucking queen.

“Wynter, you’re not built for this. You’re great with everything Frost Industries, but I don’t want to stain your soul with the other shit our family deals with. I’ve never wanted that.”

“And what happens if something happens to you?” she snaps, and we all collectively flinch at the harshness of her words. “You trained me to take over both sides of the business, Storm. You don’t just get to pick and choose when I do and don’t see the bad side of this business. I know how we started. I know Frost was founded with blood money. I know what you and Rayne do when you’re out late at night. If there was ever a time to include me, it’s right the fuck now.”

“She’s right,” I say. “She can’t be your succession plan if you never let her see the dark side of what we all do.”

Her head snaps around to me, the glare softening slightly as she considers my words. I have an inkling that she always knew I was still involved in the business, despite Storm and Rayne keeping it on the down low.

“You’re just saying that because you want back in her good books,” Rayne growls.

“No, I’m saying that because it’s the truth. Wynter has always been stronger than any of you have given her credit for. Your dad always sheltered the girls, always kept them away from what he did, and he taught both of you to do the same. But Wynter, and Snow, for that matter, are more capable than anyone has ever allowed them to be. And if you think me defending her is going to do anything other than piss her off more, you don’t know your sister very well.” I chuckle.

Storm drops back into his seat and sighs. “Fine. You can help. But you will not leave this house without one of us with you. After what happened with Emerson, I don’t trust anyone with any of your safety. We are all going to stay here until further notice, so if you need anything from your apartments, I suggest you go and get it now. We will all be working from here, with exception of Rayne, who will only leave to take care of problems if absolutely necessary, and he will have myself, Everett, or Tommy with him.”

Snow groans and throws her head back. “This is so unfair.”

“Do you want to be dead? Because that’s what could happen if you leave this house unescorted and Russo or his men get near you.” Storm stares at her pointedly and the blood drains from her cheeks. The baby of the family doesn’t love the word no. She didn’t when she was a kid, and that hasn’t changed as an adult either.

Tears well in her eyes as she looks to Rayne and Wynter for support. “Of course I don’t want to die, but I also don’t want to be a prisoner.” She pushes her chair back and storms from the room before anyone can attempt to stop her.

Emerson looks like she’s about to follow, but Rayne places his hand on her arm. “She’ll come around. She’s just used to getting what she wants and doesn’t like it when she doesn’t get her way.”

She looks to the stairs Snow disappeared up and sighs. “It’s hard for her to live in all your shadows. She thinks everyone has a role in the family but her, and every time you lock her up, she doesn’t see it as you trying to protect her. She sees it as you taking away all that she has,” Emerson tells us.

She hasn’t known any of them long, but her honesty will get her far in this family. That and her unwavering strength. She hasn’t flinched once while we started talking about Russo, hasn’t looked uncomfortable to be a part of a conversation about war and murder. You would never know she hadn’t grown up around this shit the way we all did. She fits.

“I understand that, but we’ve already lost our parents, I’m not risking losing her as well. She’s going to have to swallow all that shit for a minute and let us take care of this, and then on the other side, we’ll give her something to do within the family,” Storm replies.

Emerson chuckles. “That’s the point though, she doesn’t want you to give her something to do. She wants to earn it just like the rest of you did, but she’s sheltered. It’s no one’s fault, it’s just the way it is with youngest children sometimes.”

“Sweet girl, your counselor is showing.” Rayne laughs as he wraps his arms around his wife and tugs her into his side.

Fuck, it’s nice to see him happy. He’s always lived a tortured existence. He was the first one to kill a man, and he’s never recovered from it. Don’t get me wrong, the man loves his job, he loves taking care of problems and if a little bit of blood and the occasional torture session is a part of that, you’ll never hear him complaining, but sometimes I worried the darkness would take over. Emerson is the bright light someone like him needs, just the way Wynter is mine. Whether she’s known it or not, she’s always been the light at the end of the tunnel for me, the guiding light in everything I do.

“Sorry, I don’t mean to overstep. I just want you all to understand why Snow feels the way she does.” Emerson’s cheeks turn a bright shade of pink and she looks down at the table.

“You’re just as much a part of this family as the rest of us, Emerson. Don’t ever hesitate to say your piece,” Storm tells her. “But Snow is going to have to live with it for now, just like the rest of us. We’re all in lockdown the same way she is, and this is not something I am willing to negotiate. Once Russo and his organization are six feet under, we can get back to business as usual.”

I nod in agreeance. “It’s important that we take some time to grieve as well. If we go into a war with hot heads, it’s only going to mean more casualties.”

“I agree.” Emerson smiles shyly. “I know I’m new to all this, and that you’ve been doing it a really long time, but I have a certain amount of insight into how the human mind works, and Everett is absolutely correct. If you go into this guns blazing and wanting to avenge your parents as soon as possible, you’ll do so without clarity, and I imagine in this line of work that is dangerous.”

Rayne’s face is full of pride and love as he looks down at her, and I can’t help the pinch of jealousy that I can’t do that with Wynter yet. Or ever really. When we were together before, we were never really together. We were best friends. We were everything to one another. But no one knew we were that. She was scared her brothers would kill me, and honestly, I was a little scared too. But when I had to go to them and tell them I had to leave her, they were never mad, never even blinked an eye. They always saw what we tried to hide.

I feel her eyes on the side of my face long before I turn to look at her. She isn’t sure how to take everything I’ve thrown at her over the last twenty or so hours. Something deep inside me settles at the idea that she can take care of herself. She’s not the girl I left all those years ago. The one I was terrified someone would hurt to exploit me. Wynter is a woman now, and I’d like to see anyone try to take her on.

I tear my eyes away from hers and look down at my computer screen, pulling up the financials I had been scouring over late last night. There had to be something here, a loose thread we could pull, a weak link we could use to our advantage, and when I see exactly what that weak link is, I look up at Storm and smile.

Let’s do this.

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