Dead of Wynter: A Dark Mafia Romance (Frost Industries Book 2)

Dead of Wynter: Chapter 53

Dread washes over me the moment we step into the elevator. There’s something wrong, and while I can’t quite put my finger on what it is, it has the hairs on the back of my neck standing on end.

I glance over at Tommy beside me and notice the tick in his jaw and the way his hands clench into fists. He feels it too, the ominous atmosphere that threatens to suffocate us.

If I’d known we were coming into the office, I would have put a little effort in, at the very least I would have thrown some makeup on, but I can’t seem to find it in me to care that I’m wearing activewear with my hair tied on the top of my head, and not a lick of makeup in sight.

When my parents died, Storm and I gave blanket approval for our staff to work from home in order to give them their own time to grieve. Our parents were very involved in the company, even after retirement. Mom used to bring cakes in for everyone, and Dad used to run around at the company picnics with the kids like he was one of them, and their loss was a big shock for not only our family but for the people who work for us as well. I’ve never been more grateful for that idea than I am as I step out of the elevator and there are only a few people milling around.

“Wait here, I want to do a sweep,” Tommy orders and I nod. There’s no sense arguing with these men when they go into protect mode, so why would I waste my breath?

It feels like an eternity since I was here last, but in reality, it’s only been a couple of weeks. So much has happened I almost can’t reconcile the person I was the last time I stepped off the elevator and the person I am today.

As weird as it sounds, I’m stronger now. I’ve always been able to hold my own, always been a strong, independent woman, but now I know just how far that strength extends.

I reach into my back pocket and pull out my vibrating phone. It’s the third time Everett has called me in the last fifteen minutes, and I have a feeling he knows exactly where I am. Perhaps I should feel guilty for not telling him where we were going and making him find out on his own, but if he wants to keep secrets, two can play at that game.

My thumb hovers over the answer button, but there’s no doubt in my mind that he can hack into the cameras in the building to check on me, and I don’t want to talk to him right now.

Footsteps draw my attention from my phone, and when my eyes land on Clara, I almost smile. The terror in her deep brown eyes wipes any happiness from my face. Her dark brown hair is curled around her face, but I don’t miss the bruise forming on her cheek.

“Clara, are you okay?” I rush toward her.

“There are some men in your office waiting for you with the guy you arrived with,” she chokes out before leaning forward to whisper, “They have guns.”

My eyes widen and I struggle to keep my face neutral, not wanting anyone to see the panic ravaging my body. “What were your instructions?” I ask.

“To come get you from the lobby and return with you.”

“Okay, I’m going to walk in front of you, and you’re going to remain behind me at all times, okay?”

She nods, tears gathering in the corners of her eyes.

I reach for her hand and squeeze it. “It’s going to be okay. I promise they won’t hurt you anymore.”

“They have your friend,” she tells me.

I crack a smile. “Good luck to them. The moment Tommy is free, I want you to move behind him and he’ll keep you safe.”

“Okay.” Her voice is small and full of fear, but she understands, and that’s all that matters right now. Getting her to safety is my only priority.

The moment I step into my office, there are eyes on me, and my skin crawls under their observation. The three senior members of the Russo family sit on what is usually my side of the desk. Their leering gazes glide down my body leaving filth in their path, but my face remains disinterested.

“You’re in my seat,” I sneer as I glance at the corner of the room where a huge man is holding Tommy. His eyes are murderous as they flick between Clara and me.

“My apologies, Wynter.” Angelo chuckles but makes no attempt to rectify the situation.

“It’s Miss Saint James to you,” I snap. I shouldn’t be poking the bear, not when he could kill me where I stand before I could even blink, but I can’t help myself. I want every member of the Russo family to know I’m not afraid of them, even if it’s a lie.

“She’s fiery,” Paul comments.

“Our nephew has good taste,” Tony adds, and my stomach revolts. Everett is nothing like his family, but every time I’m reminded of the blood running through his veins, memories of all the wounds I’ve tended to on his skin flash across my vision.

“Take a seat.” Angelo gestures toward the chair in front of the desk, but it’s not a question. If I don’t sit, he’s going to make me, and I’d like to avoid any of these men getting their grubby paws anywhere near me.

I lower myself into the chair and glance over my shoulder at Clara by the door. Her body shakes violently, and I long to wrap my arms around her and provide her the comfort she so clearly needs.

Tommy’s eyes are on her too, a keen interest I’ve never seen in them. “I’d like you to allow my assistant to leave,” I say, turning to face three sets of cold eyes.

“It’s cute you think you’re running anything here, bitch.” Paul glowers across the desk.

I roll my eyes and immediately reprimand myself. Do I have a goddamn death wish?

“Apologies. You are in my office, in the building my family owns, on our turf, but excuse me for thinking I have a say in what happens here.”

The snark in my tone isn’t intentional, but I’ve been underestimated my whole life, and the men sitting across the desk from me think I’m weak. They think they can scare me by turning the tables on me in my own office, but they don’t realize how strong I truly am. I’m not going to bow down to whatever they think they have over me, because they’re in my territory and a queen protects what belongs to her. “I think it would be best for Clara to leave as she has no involvement in the sides of our business that correlate with yours,” I explain truthfully. She may know some of what we do behind closed doors, but I’ve tried to keep her as far away from it as I could. She’s too sweet for the likes of our darkness.

Angelo considers me for a moment, and I take the time to do the same. My eyes remain locked with his cold ones, my face remaining impassive and almost bored. The show I put on for them is part of the fun, and the longer I can draw this out, the more chance I have of Everett showing up to help. He nods once. “The girl may go.”

I look over my shoulder at Clara, who is still standing in the same place, eyes wide and unsure whether his approval is some kind of trap. “Go,” I whisper, and a moment later, she’s running out the door. I turn back to Angelo and force a polite smile to my lips. “Thank you.”

“I’m quite a reasonable man, Wynter,” he says, and I barely hold back the snort of laughter.

I nod. “It is quite reasonable to kidnap and torture one of our women.”

A booming laugh fills the room, and my eyes dart to Tony, who has both hands on his stomach and his face turns red from his chuckles. “Fuck. I see why Everett likes the girl. So full of fire.”

Angelo smirks, his eyes never moving from me. “Yes, I’m starting to think maybe I took the wrong woman. You are, after all, unattached. I know my nephew hasn’t married you or knocked you up yet. And how much fun it would be to break your will,” he muses.

For a moment I consider lying and telling them I’m pregnant, just to prevent them from trying, but even if that were the case, the baby would still have their blood running through its veins and would still be considered an heir even if I would never allow any child of mine to be a part of the heinous things the Russo family is known for.

“What can I do for you, gentlemen?”

“We just wanted to have a chat.”

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