Dead of Wynter: A Dark Mafia Romance (Frost Industries Book 2)

Dead of Wynter: Chapter 38

Part of being in a dominant and submissive dynamic is about trust. Trust that your partner will let you know if things have gone too far, and trust that your partner won’t ever give you more than you can handle.

The more time that passes since I bundled Wynter up only makes me wonder if something went wrong, whether our communication was crossed somewhere along the way. She told me to keep going, over and over she said she was okay, that she wanted to continue, but the tears falling against her soft cheeks tell a different story.

But then again, she’s not tense either. Her body is calm and relaxed as I hold her. She never flinches when I run my fingers across her skin or pulls away from the kisses I pepper anywhere I can reach. In fact, she leans into it. Every bit of affection I shower her with, she laps up like a tired kitten, so I keep giving it to her until the tears finally start to slow.

“I love you,” Wynter whispers into my neck and my heart bursts. Every time those words leave her pretty plump lips it feels like a fireworks show in my chest, and I hope I never take them for granted. I hope when we’re old and gray and in a nursing home that those words still ignite the same fire in my heart.

“I love you too, little dove,” I tell her.

“Thank you.”

“For what?”

“For giving me back a part of myself I thought was gone forever.” Wynter moves to look up at me, her eyes swollen from the tears she’s shed, but the ice blue is more vibrant than I’ve seen since coming back. It reminds me of how they used to be when we were younger, before all the darkness of the world tainted my dove.

“You deserve the whole word, Wynter, and I’ll always give you everything you need,” I promise. “How about we curl up in bed and watch a movie or something?”

Her eyebrows knit together as if the idea of cuddling and watching a movie with me is offensive. “I’m not ready to stop.”

“You’ve had more than enough for one day, Wynter.” I shake my head. After her reaction to her spanking there is no way we’re going any further today. It would be remiss of me to dismiss the healing she’s done today but going any further could very well fracture her further, and that’s the last thing I want.

“Keep going,” she pleads, her eyes round and full of lust.

I watch her for a while, not committing to continue, instead watching to see if there are any alarm bells ringing. It’s been a while since I’ve been in this kind of situation. After I left, BDSM was the only thing I could lean on to get me out of my head about Wynter, but after a while it stopped having the desired effect, so I stopped practicing.

Her tears have dried, and she stares up at me with a mixture of anticipation and hope. I’ve always been very good at reading Wynter, better than anyone else in her family, but I don’t want to risk this being the time I read her wrong. She’s watching me too, her eyes tracking every move mine make across her face and body. She’s alert, doesn’t seem to be distressed, and there’s not a hint of fear in her eyes. Wynter doesn’t shy away from my attention despite how vulnerable she must feel right now, and perhaps that’s what makes me think maybe she is okay to keep going.

“Are you sure?” I finally ask.

“I’m sure.” A small smile touches her lips and I can’t help but press my own onto the soft pillows. I spent too many years being unable to taste her, and I don’t want to waste another moment. The kiss is slow, but so full of emotion we both feel in the depths of our souls. Our lips move together in perfect harmony, our tongues probing and savoring the taste of one another with every swipe. I never knew a kiss could mean so much but sitting here with Wynter in my lap makes me believe in all the things I always thought were a myth.

When I finally pull away, her cheeks are flushed and her lips swollen as she stares up at me through big round eyes. She looks like a perfect temptress and an innocent virgin all at once.

“Here’s what we’re going to do, dove. You’re going to drink some water because you’re going to get dehydrated from all the tears you’ve just shed and what I’m about to do to you.”

Her eyes flare with excitement as she draws her bottom lip between her teeth. I take another moment to stare at her, reminding myself over and over again that she’s okay and nothing is ever going to come close to hurting her again because I won’t let it.

I rearrange Wynter in my arms and stand from the sofa, quickly moving across the room and carefully lowering her onto the bed. She winces as her raw ass brushes across the sheets, but part of the punishment is sitting on a hot ass, and I’m sure she knows that. I press a kiss to her forehead before quickly moving to the bathroom and filling the bottle of water she keeps there.

When I return, I’m almost blown away by how beautiful she looks sitting in the middle of the big bed, her body bare for my eyes to feast on. A delectable blush makes its way from her cheeks, down her neck and spreads across her chest under my gaze, but she doesn’t move to cover herself and the predator in me smirks.

I take long strides across the room and climb onto the bed beside her, quickly lifting her back into my lap. After everything we went through today I can’t stand not touching her, and it’s something she’s going to have to learn to live with, at least for the foreseeable future. I unscrew the bottle and hold it to her lips, swatting away her hands when she tries to take it from me.

“Drink,” I command.

“I can hold the bottle, Everett.” She almost rolls her eyes but quickly thinks better of it. She doesn’t want to earn herself another spanking so soon after the one she just had.

“I know you can, but I’m holding it.” I shrug. These moments after an intense scene have always been my favorite, but with Wynter it’s amplified, like nothing I’ve ever experienced before and I want to lap up every moment of vulnerability she’ll give me.

She lets out a little sigh before opening her mouth and allowing me to feed healthy sips of water through her pretty, plump lips. I can’t help but stare at the soft pillows as she drinks, wrapping around the tip of the bottle so perfectly, imagining how she’ll look with my cock between them. That’s the one thing we never got to do before, and I have to rectify that sooner rather than later because I know the sight of my cock disappearing into her warm mouth is going to ruin me.

As much as the sadist in me loves punishing a naughty sub, it’s always been the aftercare I enjoy most. The trust they put in you during an intense scene should be unparalleled, but when they put their vulnerability in your hands and trust you not be break them, that’s something special, and fuck me if it’s not the best feeling in the world to have Wynter trust me like this.

Today she’s given me not only her body, but her fears, her trust, her heart, and I’ll never break it again. There’s nothing on this earth that can drag me away from her, not even Satan himself.

Once she’s drained the bottle, I place it on the bedside table and brush the stray hairs from her face. “Are you sure you want to keep going?”

“I’m sure.” Wynter smiles up at me with trust in her eyes.

For a moment I’m torn about whether to go on as originally planned or if I should deviate and skip what’s left of her punishment, but there’s something about the way she looks up at me that tells me she can handle anything I throw at her because she needs this just the same way I do.

“Okay, dove. I’ll be keeping a close eye on you, but this next part can get just as overwhelming as a spanking, so if it’s too much make sure you safe word.” I’ve never given a sub so many opportunities to get out of a punishment, but then again Wynter has always been different, and she always will be.

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