Dead End High

Chapter Voices in the Night

Adam wanted to go to Pungaru, see Constable Clements and make his report, but Drake’s disappearance had taken place in Opanake, so it seemed more reasonable to go to the constabulary there. Adam also hoped that maybe he would get more action from them, as so far little had been done by the police in Pungaru, even by Constable Clements.

The officer on duty didn’t seem particularly concerned about the disappearance. ’Kids... Fooling around when ya should be at school. Serves ya right if something happened to one a’ ya.’

‘We think it’s Tania Casey who’s responsible.’ Adam ignored his comments. ‘She claims to be a teacher at Pungaru High, but she’s not.’

‘Tania Casey? I don’t believe I know that name.’

‘She lives out there at that place.’

’I see... but what were you kids doing out there?’

‘We were just walking along the road,’ Daisy piped up. ‘Drake went there to see if he could borrow the phone to call home.’

’What’re you lot doing all the way over ‘ere anyway? Why aren’t you at school?’

Daisy and Adam didn’t know how to respond to that one, but then Adam thought about his parents. ‘I was looking for my Mum and Dad.’


‘They didn’t come home last night.’

’Why come all the way over ‘ere?’

Adam tried his best to come up with a valid reason. ‘Because I thought they might be over here.’

‘They’ve been missing since yesterday?’


‘Well it’s too early for anything to be done at this point, but if you’re worried, I suggest ya make a report.’

‘It might be related to all the other disappearances!’

’Maybe, which is all the more reason you should report it in Pungaru if ya really think they’ve disappeared. Anyway, I’d like to know how ya both got out ‘ere.’

‘An adult friend dropped us off here,’ Daisy answered. ‘He’s going to pick us up on the way back.’

’Do ya both realise this is a very stupid thing you’ve done? Skipping school and coming all the way out ‘ere? Especially with all the disappearances. If your parents really were abducted, then that makes it even more stupid!’

Neither Daisy nor Adam could reply.

The officer’s lecture droned on. ‘These disappearances are not a joke! I can’t say for sure what happened to ya friend or all these other people, but if they were abducted, don’t ya think the school would be worried sick if ya didn’t turn up?’

Adam nodded, but said nothing.

‘But I’m sure this Drake Radnor lad is alright,’ the officer concluded. ‘He’ll turn up. He probably just decided to go somewhere on his own.’

Adam couldn’t believe how casual he was being and wanted to blast him for not being willing to get off his butt and at least search. But the officer refused to talk to them any further. It was almost as if he had been brainwashed. Maybe it was the same as the cops in Pungaru too.

The officer took their names and numbers and assured them that he would contact the Pungaru police and Drake’s parents and that he would go out to search the Casey property. ‘As for you two,’ he continued, ‘I suggest ya go into town and await this friend of yours. I have a good mind to drive you back to Pungaru myself and have a word with your parents when they turn up, which no doubt they will. But I don’t have time for that. Especially not now. Off you go! I don’t wanna see you in this town on your own again, especially not on a school day!’

Adam sighed. At least they could leave now, avoiding any more trouble. For a moment there he was certain the officer would notify the school, but either he didn’t really care, or was just too lazy.

The two left the station.

‘Do you think he’ll find him?’ Daisy asked.

‘Sure. He’ll find him.’ But Adam didn’t believe that at all. And looking at Daisy’s glazed eyes, he could see she didn’t either.

She took hold of his arm. ‘I’m worried. That woman and her men may still be around. Please promise me you won’t leave me on my own.’

‘I won’t.’ Adam stopped walking to face her. She seemed like a damsel in distress and for a few moments, he actually felt proud about being there to support her. But then reality set in. If Miss Crazy or her two goons tried to take them away, what could he do? He was no fighter, not like Drake. In fact, if anyone tried to attack him, he’d just freeze in terror. He was no hero. ‘Let’s go home.’ It seemed to Adam to be the next logical step.

Daisy sat in the front with him on the way home, but they both said very little. It was still late morning by the time they got back to Pungaru.

‘Well, we can’t return to school,’ Adam said. ‘They’d wonder where we’ve been. If we go home, we can always claim we were sick.’

‘I can’t go home yet, Adam. If my parents saw me arrive home early from school, they’d be asking questions. Let’s go back to your place.’

Adam didn’t argue. He was anxious to get back home anyway, just to see if his parents were back. It didn’t worry him that he would be in trouble for skipping school. He would just be relieved to see them.

They stopped in at the Radnor’s house first to drop off the BMW. Nobody was home. Seeing one of the house windows slightly ajar, Adam lobbed the car keys through.

Daisy was hesitant to leave. ‘I guess I was hoping he might come out to meet us. To tell us it was all a big joke.’

‘It’ll be ok.’ Adam touched her shoulder and smiled when she turned her eyes up at him. ‘We’ll find Drake. I promise.’

His parents had not returned home. He hurried to check the answering machine, but there were no messages. He debated going to the police station to make an official missing person’s report, but wondered if there was any point.

Daisy touched his arm and rubbed it gently. ‘It’s almost like the entire town is being picked off one by one.’

Adam didn’t reply. He tried to block out all the horrible possibilities, ultimately using Daisy as a distraction. They watched a DVD together, played pool, and pigged out on snacks and soft drinks. Many times she touched his arm and looked at him with a smile. She didn’t even mention Drake, which Adam found strange, considering she had been so distraught earlier.

The movie they watched was one of Adam’s favourite Sci-Fis and he was delighted to find out it was also one of Daisy’s favourites.

6:30pm quickly arrived.

‘Oh my gosh!’ Daisy gaped at the clock. ‘I need to get home. My parents will be so worried!’

‘I’ll walk you home,’ Adam offered.

‘You are so sweet.’

They walked along the road in the direction of her house. She smiled and took his hand in hers. He couldn’t believe it. Had she really forgotten about Drake completely?

He left her at her doorstep and returned home. The house was empty without her and his thoughts once again returned to his parents. The only thing he could do was wait.

But they didn’t arrive home.

Adam went to bed lonely and scared. He drifted off to sleep. He had strange dreams about missing friends. He heard voices; his parent’s calling out for help. Then he awoke suddenly, bolting upright to look around.

Something had awakened him, but what? His bedroom was large and the gloomy darkness was too much to see through, but his torch and knife lay close at hand. He felt a prickly sensation on the back of his neck as he shone the torch into all four corners of the room. All he could see were ghostly shadows.

Nothing was there.

He flicked the torch off and was about to lie back down when he heard a soft voice calling from a distance.


Adam froze and stared into the shadows. It was a familiar male voice. From where, Adam had no idea.

Aaaaaaaaadam!’ The ghostly voice became louder, sending a shiver down his spine. His chest tightened and he sat upright.

‘Who is it?’ he asked, his heart beating fast.

Why did you leave me, Adam? Why did you leave me there?’

‘Who is it?’ Adam turned the torch back on, shining it to any places he might have missed the first time.

It’s me... Drake. Help me… I need help...’

Adam flicked on the lamp beside his bed to illuminate the room. Shadows seemed to prance around the room, but then everything became still. There was no sign of anyone.

‘Where are you?’ Adam felt terror well up inside him. He tried to push it back, telling himself what he was experiencing wasn’t real.

They got me, Adam. They got me.’ The voice seemed to be coming from all directions.

‘W… who got you?’

Them. They are after us, Adam. They want all of us. Be careful, Adam. Beeeee caaaaarefulllll.’

‘Was it Miss Casey? Mr Venables?’

There was silence. A spooky silence that chilled Adam to the bone.


Help me...’ Drake’s voice seemed farther away this time. ‘I need your help... we need your help...’

’Who? The other kids? Who?’


‘Drake? Where are you? Who has you?’

There was no reply - just stone silence.



Adam gasped for breath, trying to regain his composure. This wasn’t real!

A female voice came from near his chest of drawers. ‘Brett! Where are you Brett?’ Adam jerked his head over, his eyes wide, but there was no one there.


‘Brett’s not here!’ Adam cried out, the words barely coming from his mouth.

What did you do with him?’

‘Nothing. Mrs Diamond?’ Had something happened to her now too? Was she, like Drake, calling to him from some new place?

It’s your fault, Adam If it wasn’t for you, Brett would still be here with us.’

Adam shuddered. ’I had nothing to do with it. Where are you?’

I want my son back. Give him back to me.’

‘I.. I don’t have him! I don’t know where he is!’ Adam blurted through the gloom, ‘It’s not my fault!’


Was she still there? ‘M… Mrs Diamond?’ he asked, shakily.

Then another voice, this time a man’s. ’You cost me my job, Adam!’

Adam almost leapt from his bed. The voice sounded as though it was right behind him, but when he spun around, he saw nothing. Only the ghostly shadows on his wall. ’Mr Bryce?

It’s your fault,’ the voice resonated. ’If it wasn’t for you, he wouldn’t be there.’

‘Mr Vennie?’

Beware of him, Adam. He’s dangerous.

‘Why are you blaming me?’ Adam’s mind was mixed with confusion and dread. ’I didn’t do anything!

You could have stopped it, Adam. But you didn’t. You allowed it to happen.’

That’s ridiculous!’

‘It’s your fault!’

No it’s not!’

Adam pulled his blankets aside, got out of his bed and rushed to turn the main light on, but there was still nothing unusual to see. Was this a nightmare? It was so real.

‘M…Mr Bryce?’

But there were no more voices this time. Just stillness and a creepy kind of tranquillity. He considered going back to his bed, but was too freaked out to sleep. He slapped himself a few times to be sure he was awake, then realised that that could be part of the dream too.

He got back into his bed, leaving the light on and sank back down under the covers. His hand rested on his knife. He hoped he wouldn’t have to use it.

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