
Chapter Dating 29

Chapter 29

1 tightened the grip on my hockey stick as I skated to the center of the rink. My half of the team followed behind me and the crowd in the stands went absolutely wild. I would never get enough of that sound. Hearing people cheering my name always got me pumped and ready to defeat whoever was across the line from me.

I was used to facing off against somebody on another team. But this time, standing on the other side of the dividing line, was my brother, Noah. A cocky smile was spread across Noah’s face. Fucking Noah, he really thought he could beat me.

“You’re looking a little worried, Liam,” Noah said.

“You fucking wish,” I growled back.

“Hey, remember, this is just a friendly. Although, I might have to go ahead and take something of yours when we do eventually win.” Noah said. He glanced at the stands in Ella’s direction and grinned.

1 growled and moved closer to Noah but my teammate Peter held my arm back, “Liam, you gotta stay focused, man.

“I’m going to wipe this field with your face, the same way I did at the resort,” I growled at Noah.

That wiped the smile right off Noah’s face.

“Are we ready?” the referee said. He paused. Then, he blew the whistle and the puck dropped.

I exploded into action. Immediately, I threw my stick out and stitched the puck away from Noah. My skates cut through the ice. I could feel them creating marks of where I had come from But Noah wasn’t going to give up that easily. He threw his stick out, trying to steal the puck back.

I quickly passed the puck to Peter. Even though the puck was already out of my possession, Noah continued towards me and rammed into me. I knew he did that on purpose.

“Keep doing shit like that, and see what happens, Noah,” I said.

I stayed close to Peter, trying to stay open in case he needed someone to pass the puck to, but Noah was always right beside me. I pushed down the field, moving as hard as I could. Noah didn’t expect that, and I completely left him in the dust.

Peter saw the space between Noah and me and slammed the puck in my direction.

“Fuck!” I heard Noah scream from behind me. But I didn’t have time to look back. I drove hard towards the goal. My teammate, who was now my opponent in this friendly stood in front of the goal, his arms wide. He would do what he could to stop my shot from going in.

But I knew Carter’s weak points as a goalie. There was only so much he could do.

1 clocked the space just above his shoulder, pulled my stick back and slammed the puck into the corner.

Carter didn’t even stand a chance. The puck slid into the goal with a whoosh.

The group

in the arena went absolutely wild.

My team skated up to me tapping me and lifting me up. I turned to the crowed and made eye contact with Ella. She was jumping up and down for me. I grinned. It felt amazing, having her cheer me on.

I looked down a few rows at the stands and notices Arthur Winslow, my hugest competition on the ice field staring at Ella, an angry frown on his face. He was staring way too long, way too intently at her.


15:26 Tue, Aug 13 R ·

Chapter 29

Who the fuck did he think he was staring at Ella like that,


Ella saw the shift in me, the anger that was already rising in me, and who it was directed at. She turned to look back at Arthur. Her mouth fell open into an o.

Liam, the game has started, pay attention!” Peter said, blasting past me.

Shit. I looked to the field and saw that the game had started up again and Noah had taken possession of the puck. He was headi towards our goal fast.

I got low and skated as fast as I could towards Noah. Because I was an alpha and he was a beta, I was way faster than him. He might have gotten a head start, but that’s because he needed it. He knew the distance between the two of us wasn’t going to stay wide for very long.

Noah shat the puck but I got there in time. I blocked the puck from behind and it flew up in the air. I blocked Noah from the puck as it came down.

“What the fuck! That’s a foul, ref!” Noah yelled at the ref on the field.

The ref threw his arms out, “No foul!”

The game went on.

“Don’t be such a bitch Noah, what, you can’t take a little body chuck?” I said as I breezed past Noah. I got to the other side of the field just in time for another teammate of mine to pass me the puck. Noah came up then and shoved me hard from behind.

But by then I’d already passed the puck back to my teammate. He scored. The crowd went wild again.

I didn’t let up on Noah, not once during the game. I was on a mission. Noah thought that his actions weren’t going to have consequences, but he was wrong about that. There was nothing more that Noah hated than being embarrassed.

And tonight, I was going to embarrass the shit out of him. Every time Noah, tried to get the puck away from me, I’d do a move that had him practically breaking his ancles as he tried to keep up. And when Noah came after me, I of course, pushed hard to leave him in the dust.

My strength as an Alpha wolf made it impossible for Noah to be at my level and he was stupid for trying. But that he never learned. And so it was up to me to keep teaching him a lessor

Noah stood off to the side of the field panting even though the game was still going.

“You tired already? The game isn’t over yet, you know?” I said.

it was Noah,

“….” Noah said. He looked up at me and suddenly, he came charging at me, fury in his eyes. But I was too quick, I sidestepped him smoothly and Noah went crashing into the boards that lined the field.

The entire arena burst out laughing. The ref looked at me, trying to see if he should stop the game. That was a clear fowl on Noah’s part but I waved him away. Unlike Noah, I could handle a little rough play.

The game in the dust.

continued but Noah and his team just couldn’t keep up. With every goal that we scored, our side left Noah’s side

Finally the ref blew the final whistle. My side had one by ten whole points. Cheers rang out in the gym and I threw my arms up in the air. Not that it was ever really up for debate, but once again, I had shown everybody who the Alpha was.

I skated last Noah, who was still panting beavily, sweat dripping down his face. I leaned in, “Remember this Noah,” I said

15:26 Tue, Aug 13 RO

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