
Chapter Dating 27

Chapter 27

1 got back to campus late on Sunday evening. The room was empty and I pulled out my laptop. After the weekend that I had with Liam. I was in the room to write. I’d gotten so inspired by the beauty of the mountains, the feel of Liam beneath me, the extra effort that had gone into the weekend.

I was so focused on the words on the laptop that I didn’t even her when Monica came into our room.

“Ella? Hello, Ellal” Monica repeated.

I looked up and saw Monica standing there, holding the duffle bag that she usually used whenever she went back home for the weekend. I lowered the music playing from my laptop.

“Hi! Wait, when did you get back?” I said.

Monica threw her bag onto her bed, “Well, just now but I’ve been standing in front of you for like 30 seconds,” Monica said.

“Oh, wow, I was super into the writing. Sorry about that,” I said, got inspired by my weekend with Liam and the words just kept flowing”

Monica grimmed as she plopped onto the bed, “That’s right, your weekend with Liam! I can’t believe you got an Alpha like him to sweep you away for a romantic getaway. You have to tell me all about it.”

I leaned back and sighed, remembering the weekend, “It was amazing. He showed me his wolf form.”

Monica sat up, her eyes going wide, Are you serious?”

I nodded, “It was pretty spectacular.”

“Seriously, Ella, do you know what this means?” Monica said. She had a huge grin on her face and she couldn’t stop staring at

“I mean, I guess he likes me enough to show me this other side of himself,” I said with a shrug.

Monica shook her head. She got up from the bed and plopped down on her own desk chair right next to mine. “That’s not all it means. He really sees you as his fated mate. No wolf would show just any human their wolf form, no offence.”

I took in what Monica had said. I knew that Liam showing me his wolf form was pretty special but maybe I had underestimated how important that was?

“Also, Noah showed up,” I said.

Monica’s face clouded with anger, “Are you freaking kidding me!”

I nodded, “He tried you kiss me and like, force himself on me. And he brought Ava to try and distract Liam but it didn’t work.”

Monic shot up, totally in a rage now, “That piece of shit! I’ll kill him.”

I grabbed her hand. Monica could be so overprotective of me sometimes. That’s why I loved her. “No, it’s okay, Liam set bim straight. But, get this, I didn’t know this before but, it turns out that Liam and Noah aren’t blood brothers. Liam was adopted by the Gravens.”

Monica looked back at me in total shock, “What?”





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Chapter 27


I nodded my head, “That’s why there’s always been this weird tension between the two of them. And that’s where all his money comes from, apparently.”

“It totally makes sense now,” Monica said, nodding her head. “That’s why stupid Noah has been so jealous. Liam comes from a rich family, is better looking and is way out of his league when it comes to playing hockey.”

“Apparently they’ve got a hockey game coming up soon,” I said.

“Yes! Peter told me that too, Monica said. Peter was Monica’s boyfriend. He was a beta wolf who also played on the hockey team. But unlike the majority of the guys on the team who were total assholes, Peter was actually pretty nice.

“Wait, you got to hang out with Peter this weekend too. How was that?” I asked.

Monica sighed smiling big, “Amazing. We stayed inside watching historical romance movies.”

I smiled. I was glad Monica was with Peter. She used to be with this other werewolf who treated her like shit. Finally, one day. she got to her senses and told him to get the hell out of her life.

“That’s nice. Wait, so are you going to go to the big game?” I asked.

Monica nodded, “Of course I am. They’re playing against Arthur Winslow’s team.”

I frowned, “Arthur Winslow? Who’s that?”

“You don’t know who Arthur Winslow is?” She said, her eyes widening in surprise.

mean, I guess the name is kind of familiar. Should I know who he is?”

Again, Monica nodded, “Uh, yeah. The Winslows are one of the richest families in town. They have so much money they don’t even know what to do with it. Not only that, they are a family of Alphas.”

Even though I didn’t know this family, I could tell they were a pretty big deal, “So who is Arthur?”

Monica shrugged, “He’s like, their golden boy. He’s the only son and heir to the entire Winslow fortune. He’s a god at hocket. which is why he’s the team captain. He was nominated MVP of the entire league last year.”

“Wow,” I said.

Monica nodded her head, “Wow is right. He and Liam are always going neck and neck for the MVP trophy. The year before it was Liam who won the trophy.”

I didn’t know all of this. I was going to have to ask Liam about this Winslow guy. Even though Liam had been gentle with me while we were on the slopes, I knew that he could also be crazy competitive. I wouldn’t be surprised if he was upset that he hadn’t beat out Arthur Winslow to win MVP.

“So, he’s basically the Liam of the other team?I said.

“Exactly. But you should probably not say it like that to Liam, something tells me wouldn’t want to hear you compare him to his biggest competition. Especially since Arthur Winslow is pretty hot too..don’t tell Peter said this.”

“Well, thanks for the heads up,” I said with a grin.

Monica frowned, “Wait, are you planning on going to the game?

I looked at my screen. It felt like I was finally getting inspired again. I didn’t want to disrupt the flow by going to a game that

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I didn’t really care that much about. I mean, I cared a little bit more about hockey now that Liam and I were “together.”

I’d gone to a couple more of his games just so that we could keep up appearances. I was learning some of the names of his teammates and even a couple rules. But Liam hadn’t invited me to this game, we hadn’t planned on being “seen” so, I didn’t feel the need to go.

“Probably not,” I said and shrugged.

Monica’s eyes bulged, “No. Absolutely not. You have to go to this game. There is no way in hell that you are missing the first game between Liam Gravens and Arthur Winslow especially now that you and Liam are a couple.”

“What, is everybody going to have their eyes on me or something?” I said, joking.

Monica looked back at me without an ounce of humor, “That’s exactly what’s going to happen. Your being there and how you react is going to be a test of the strength, loyalty and connection between you and Liam. This isn’t a joke, Ella.”

I looked back at Monica, getting a little anxious about what being at this game against Arthur Winslow meant.


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