
Chapter Dating 17

Chapter 17


Mom and I ended up watching one of her favorite romantic comedy movies from the 50’s, this movie with Grace Kelly and Frank Sinatra. Throughout the entire movie, 1 tried not to think about Liam. But it was so hard not to.

Even though Liam and I had grown up as next–door neighbors, and I had sometimes been drawn to his window, curious about the life he lead, it was nothing like the pull that I was feeling now. I couldn’t get him out of my mind.

I went to my bedroom, turned off my light, and got under the covers. I refused to look into Liam’s room. I could control myself, couldn’t I?

I closed my eyes and fell fast asleep….

I stepped into the Gravens house party, desperate to talk to Noah after seeing him kiss Ava on the live stream. Wait, hadn’t I seen that before? Or lived through this? Why did this all feel so familiar. But wait, I had a mission. I had to talk to Noah.

I stormed towards the staircase, but Liam stepped in front of my path. “Ella, finally, you’re here.”

“Of course I’m here. I need to go talk to wait, what’s his name?” I said. I frowned. Why couldn’t I remember his name?

“You came here to confront your secret boyfriend who happens to be my brother, remember?” Liam said, trying to help me along.

I nodded, “Right, yes. But why can’t I remember his name.”

Liam shook his head. “It doesn’t matter. Let me grab you a drink I grabbed dream Liam’s hand and followed him to the bar.

“Bar tender, give the girl a pina colada,” Liam said to the bar tender who wore all black and somehow looked just like Liam, except with a more serious face. I leaned forward, trying to take a closer look at the man.

“One pina colada coming right up,” the bartender said. He turned around and half a second he turned back around with a pina colada in his hand,

that was very fast, dream me said.

“You can say that again,” the bartender said.

“Wow, that was very fast,” I repeated.

“Let’s stay on track, Ella,” Liam said. I nodded. I was back in this dream world version of the night Liam and I had first gotten back together for a reason. I had to stay focused and see it through

I took a huge sip of my pina colada, but the stray was too tiny. So I tossed it out of my cup and downed the entire cup in a

few seconds.

Liam shrugged, “Close enough.”

My head began to swim and I found myself standing up and reaching for Liam.

“Liam, I hate you for telling me the truth about Noah,” I said, my voice coming out slurred. The room was spinning, I didn’t

know what to do.

“Now you do, but it won’t last forever,” Liam said.

15:23 Tue, Aug 13 R ·

Chapter 17

“Take me home, Liam”

“You want him to feel as hurt as you do right now, don’t you?” Lim asked. I nodded.


1 clung to Liam as he lifted me and carried me through the party. The room full of werewolves just stared at us in disbelief. I stuck my tongue out at all of them. My head was swimming but didn’t care.

Just before we stepped out into the night, Liam turned around and flipped off the stairs leading towards..him.

“Fuck you, Noah!” Liam growled. Yes! That was his name.

We got back to Liam’s room, and I sat down on his bed, “I’m so hot, Liam,” I said. And then I pulled my sweater up over my head. I had nothing but my bra underneath. Even though Liam was far away from me, I could hear his heartbeat quicken.

I looked up at him and grinned, “Dream Liam, you’re staring at me again.” I got up off the bed and walked straight to Liam. “Why are you so far away from me? Are you scared?”

Liam whispered, “Maybe you should get some sleep, Ella”

I narrowed my eyes, “You are scared of me. When I do this, does that scare you?” I put my finger against Liam’s lips. “Or how about when I do this?” I slid my hand down Liam’s chest. “What about this. Does this make you scared of me I place the palm of my hand firmly against Liam’s crotch

“Ella, don’t do this to me. I don’t know how long I can control myself,” Liam said, his voice coming out strangled.

“Then don’t control yourself, Liam. I want you to let yourself loose,” I growled.

Liam suddenly picked me up and threw me onto his bed. He pinned my hands above me so that I couldn’t move. “Is this what you want, Ella?

I stared back into Liam’s eyes, never breaking contact. “Yes. I’m your little human, Liam. And I want you to disrespect me.”

Liam flipped me around and yanked my bra off in one quick movement. He traced the length of my neck with his tongue. He continued to lick down the length of my back and my breath began to come out hard and fast.

Just when he reached the lowest point of my back, Liam turned me back around and pulled my legs open. And then he continued licking me right between my legs, right in the spot where I wanted him to touch.

“Oh my God, Liam. Don’t stop. Please, don’t stop.” Liam kept licking, even as he put one finger inside me. And then two. “Liam, please, I need to feel all of you inside me.”

Liam pulled himself up and lay down on top of me. His shaft was hard and big. I only caught a quick glimpse of it because a second later, Liam had pushed all of himself inside me. And it felt like heaven.

As Liam entered me, he let out a growl. I’d never heard anything like it. And suddenly, he started to shake as he pumped harder and faster inside me. And then, with one final growl he let himself go completely. “My mate, Liam let out in a strangled whisper.

Iwoke up in my

bed with a start. I was sweating. I couldn’t believe the dream I had just had about Liam. But it was really more like a half dream and half truth because so much of it was exactly what had happened at Noah’s party, the night! caught him cheating.


Chapter 17

I’d thought Liam was the one who had been pushing me for sex but I suddenly realized it was me. I was the one who had instigated things between us. I was the

one who had taken advantage of him.

How was I going to ever face Liam now that I knew what had really happened that now?

I got out of bed, and that’s when I noticed a gift bag on my desk table. I opened it and looked inside. It was a gorgeous flowy green dress. There was a note from Liam that read:

I saw this dress at a boutique and thought of you. So I bought it. Put it on for me.

I couldn’t believe it. Even after what had happened, between tis, Liam was sill insisted on giving me gifts. I slipped the dress on. I didn’t know what I would do now, but I needed to grab a glass of water so that I could think better.

I walked down the stairs and turned the corner. A burst of laughter came from the living room, one high and giggly, the other deep.

It was mom and Liam sitting on the couch and single seater, laughing about something together.

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