Dark Magus Returns

Chapter 99 The Marking Of DM

Chapter 99 The Marking Of DM

All in all, after the countless number of beasts that Raze had hunted before the others had arrived, as well as those he had hunted while with Dame and his group, he now had a total of twenty-six power stones.

The first thing he did was feed a stone to his robe, bringing his number down to 25. That way, he didn't have to worry about it randomly taking one item. With the large number of stones he had at the moment, he didn't mind sparing one.

"Alright, so now it's time for the second task." Bringing out a piece of chalk, Raze started to draw the magic circle on the ground, and then he carefully placed the bought ring on the floor. It was a green jade ring. The color was specifically chosen so he could differentiate which ring did what. After all, the cursed black ring had an unwelcome effect if taken off.

Activating the magic circle with his Wind attribute magic, it lit up, and the ring glowed for a few seconds before returning to its original state. Raze didn't need to ask what the ring did; he knew what enchantment circle he had used. Kneeling down, he picked up the ring and placed it on one of his fingers.

"I remember a number of different enchantments, and I can always experiment with my enchantments if the item has a high affinity with magic, but it would be helpful if I had access to certain recipes for different enchantments. I wonder if Alter has any; the leader is a 6-star mage, after all."

Now with the rings on his fingers, Raze could actually gauge his different types of magic growing.

- [Wind attribute: 11]

- [Dark attribute: 29]

"Oh, it increased more than I thought. I guess repeatedly using wind magic to kill those beasts came in handy after all."

Onto the next part, Raze had redrawn the magic circle and had placed down the Qi pill that had been bought, along with the crystal. Magic circles were almost a set of instructions for what to do with the items, and then the crystal was the energy that was used to allow the spell of the circle to work in the first place.

Right now, after activating the spell, the pill had broken and was destroyed, but it started to turn into a small mist and formed words in front of Raze, just like when he would ask for the effects of items.

- [Wheat]

- [Water]

- [Oil]

- [Salt]

- [Egg]

- [Level 1 power stone]

- [Silverstone flower seed]

"I see, so these are the ingredients that are used to make a Qi pill. I guess they then condense all of the ingredients with a furnace, but I will only need the outer layer. So I can forget about the power stone and the flower seed being a part of the Qi pill itself."

With this information at hand, Raze wasted no time leaving the inn and heading back out to the market. He was now on a quest to buy the following items. Even though Dame wasn't with him, he still had coins from selling the previous power stone to Alter. The ingredients, since they weren't anything special, weren't hard for him to come by after buying them. After buying the ingredients, it was then time for him to quickly return to his room.

Placing the ingredients on the floor, Raze had placed the power stone down as well, but there was no bottle. That was because he was trying to create something else other than bottles.

"There's just one more touch I want to add to this magic formation." Inside the magic circle, two letters were written: 'DM'.

Activating the formation with dark magic, all of the ingredients lifted into the air. They then started to turn into nothing but energy particles as they clashed together and began to condense down. There was a slight flash of light, and when it disappeared, in its place was a dark blue colored Qi pill, with two letters engraved on it: DM.

Picking up the small Qi pill, Raze placed it into the palm of his hand. He looked at his handiwork and the engraving, which had a slight purple tint to it.

"I like this, I like it a lot. It looks like it worked," Raze thought. "This Qi pill has the exact same effect as the cursed mana potion. If I plan to sell items in this place, then I need something that is more familiar to them. The potion bottles would be a hard ask, but the pills, I can already imagine them spreading. With the marking, they will know it's my product. The 'D' and 'M' are embedded and a part of the pill itself, so with a magnifying glass, someone would be able to tell if someone just carved the letters on a pill. Letting them know the difference between a real and a fake."

When creating items and products for the mass market, one had to think about the future as well, and Raze was thinking quite a few steps ahead. With the potions in the form of Qi pills, it would be harder for Alter to detect as well, and they would think it was a product of alchemy rather than magic. Starting in the demonic faction, it would take a while for these to spread out as well.

Raze went on to create nine more of the dark blue colored pills, allowing him to complete the order that Dame had placed. After that, he still had 13 crystals as well.

"Before, I would have just sold the rest of the crystals for coins. After all, buying materials and items will become quite important for the future," Raze thought. "But there's a way I can make even more money."

For now, Raze would leave the enchanting of the statue for later. He wanted a higher-level power stone, although he could do the same as he had done before for the earring, there was a chance he could burn through quite a number of crystals since it wasn't always a success combining crystals.

After Raze continued to enchant several items and create Qi pills, he eventually decided to get some sleep. It wasn't long after that a knock was heard on his door.

"Dark Magus, it's me, Dame. I have arrived!" A voice was heard through the door.

Raze opened his eyes and could see rays of light hitting him. He had fallen asleep with his clothes on and hadn't even drawn the curtains, yet he still hadn't woken up due to the sun. He was exhausted. contemporary romance

"It's been a long time since I pulled an all-nighter like that. It's quite exciting just getting into the state of flow when working."

Getting up, Raze made sure his hood was up, covering his face, as he went to the door, undoing the locks. Opening it up, Dame was there, but this time it was just him on his own.

"I'm happy to see you slept quite well," Dame said, shutting the door behind him. "I think you're going to like the gifts I bought you. Your special drink was a big hit, so I think I should equally reward you with something nice as well."


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