Dark Magus Returns

Chapter 137 Let Him Fight!

Chapter 137 Let Him Fight!

Log in to get LK and view more chapters.The student stood up straight, his body shaking slightly with an unnerving look on his face. Instead of calling out for his next opponent, he had made a request to his teacher.

"Teacher Lee... I agree with Liam, please let Raze fight."

It took a lot for the student to say these words because he was conflicted as well. If Raze fought and won, if a no-name won, what would that mean?

Would it mean that they were less than a no-name? That those born in the lowest caste system were better than them?

Perhaps, but it meant something more than that to the students. Because they were fighting to prove that the position of the clan could change. That the position and place of a person weren't predetermined.

If anything, a victory through Raze, a no-name, was an even greater achievement in proving this, but what they needed was a victory at all costs.

The memories of Raze running every day, of him hunting the hop bunnies, were all fresh in their minds. He was their hope for a victory.

Seeing the student speak, Lee slapped the top of his forehead and shook it.

"What has gotten into you students? Do you really want the worst student to go out there and fight on your behalf?" Lee asked.

The student didn't say anything, somewhat stating his answer.

'The student they are talking about is also a no-name,' Lee noted, looking at the top corner of the stand.

'No-name, will have been from no clan. They would have had next to no chance to learn any advanced skills or receive Qi pills to have grown a strong foundation.'

'He is also one of the students that arrived late, so they weren't even able to obtain a skill book from the library. Sure, the girl I took in was also a no-name, but I could see her talent.'

'It's not usual for talents like this to come across once in 100,000. So, is the student just afraid of going out there and embarrassing themselves in front of the others?'

Teacher Lee started to think about what Liam had said as well. He had already lost his fight and had the same thing, so maybe there was some truth to it after all.

In the end, the teacher turned his head to look at the two teachers that had taken the assessment. contemporary romance

"These results that you gave me, are they absolutely correct?" Teacher Lee asked.

"Yes!" Tod answered as he wiped his hands on his legs. "The student performed basic fist skills and did nothing but run during the month. He was one of the worst-performing students."

Tod's voice had wavered slightly because in the back of his mind, he was worried about something.

'That kid, he didn't get all of those power stones on his own, did he? No, that's impossible; he must have stolen them. Not even the main disciples would have been capable of such a thing.'

From up above, Raze could see that there was some commotion going on. A lot of the students were wondering because a student had stood up from his seat but had yet to declare an opponent of any kind.

They were also too far to hear anything that was being said either.

"Callum, select your opponent," Teacher Lee said.

The moment he said that, sighs were let out everywhere, including coming from Liam. In the end, they would take the teacher's word over the kids.

'If I send out the worst student, I would be a laughing stock; I can't do it.'

Reluctantly, Callum called out one of the students from the Yellow headband group. He stood there in the center of the stage and tried his best.

Using the skills he had learned, he swung the sword well, but he was just a little too slow in movement. Not only that, but the skills the Yellow headband owner displayed were beyond that of the Blue headband.

Using his sword, he had knocked it out of the student's hand and hit the Blue Headband user right across the face, knocking Callum out and sending him to the floor.

"Hahaha!" The Yellow headband owner laughed. "Come on, now you guys are embarrassing the Dark Faction as a whole. If they are weak clans like you protecting us... well, let's just say when war comes, I wouldn't want you protecting my back."

With the defeat, a few students went and took Callum off the platform. After that, the next student stood up and declared his opponent.

Once again, five more students had lost from the Blue headband group, leaving only four left, including Simyon and Safa.

When the next student stood up, he was already pleading.

"Please, sir, please let Raze take my place!" The student said, gritting his teeth. "I want to take part, I want to show my skills, but more so than that."

"I want us Blue headbands to at least get a win!" The student cried out. "We've all been training hard side by side this entire time. We know our strength, so please!"

Once again, there was another pleading from the students, and just as Lee was opening his mouth to decline him, he heard the others speaking up.

"Please, sir, please let Raze fight!" The students asked.

These were the front row of the group. Not just those taking part, but the other students in the crowd.

"We need to win, let Raze fight on our behalf!"

"Please, sir, they keep laughing at us and cursing our clans; let him fight!"

There was an overwhelming response, and it was coming from all the other students. When had Teacher Lee ever seen something like this, and it was for a no-name, no less?

Relaxing his tense fist, Teacher Lee looked up to the sky to make his decision and let out a big breath.

"If that is the wish of my students, then how am I meant to go against it? Very well, I will let Raze fight," Teacher Lee stated.

It was a risk he was taking, but with only four students left and how many straight losses their group had gone through without putting up much of a fight, he would take the gamble, but he wasn't hoping for much.

"Raze Cromwell!" Teacher Lee shouted with a booming voice. "Please take the position of Helix Fan since he is not feeling well or up to the task."

A big smile came across the students' faces when they heard this, and Helix started to grab his stomach as he rushed off and away.

"Arghh, my stomach!" Helix said, with a smirk as he went away to the side.

"Wait... me, he wants me to take part?" Raze pointed a finger at himself.

"That's what he said," Dame replied. "It looks like you're going to get your revenge after all. Go on and show them what you've got; go get your revenge."

Raze stood up, a bit dumbfounded as he wasn't expecting to be called, but Dame was right; this was his chance.

As Raze walked down from the stage, the Principal and those from Alter started to take notice.

"Oh... what a very interesting development," Himmy said.


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