Dark Lies (Magic Side: Wolf Bound Book 3)

Dark Lies: Chapter 7


I parked my truck in front of Savage Body a little before noon.

Savannah’s Gran Fury was already pulled into the garage, and she stood with her back to me, hands on her hips. The way her gray jeans hugged her ass heated my blood.

A part of me was still shocked that she’d actually called, wanting to meet.

I tried to read her scent and body language as I approached. She looked nervous and agitated, though I wasn’t sure if that was about whatever caused her panic attack the night before or about entrusting her precious car into our obviously unworthy hands.

She shook her head violently at my mechanic. “No, I just need you to fix the front bumper and check out my right back wheel.”

She must have sensed my approach because she glanced over her shoulder. A faint blush spread across her face when she noticed me. “Hi.”

I gestured for her to head inside. “You wanted to talk. How about my office?”

She nodded and started in, but she paused at the door and turned back toward the mechanic. “Don’t touch anything under the hood, please.”

My mechanic gave her a quizzical look, and I raised my brow at her. She shrugged and stepped into the shop office as I held the door. “The last time you had my Fury, your guys stripped her to pieces.”

A soft laugh escaped my throat. “It needed new pieces.”

Her expression only darkened. “It did not. That car is the last thing I have from my parents. Nobody tinkers with it, not without my permission.”

I studied the hard creases at the corners of her mouth. She’d said her panic attack had been about finding old photos of her parents.

Some wounds cut deep. That, at least, was something I could understand.

I put my hand on the door frame, turned back to the mechanic, and growled, “Not a thing gets touched on that car without Savannah’s permission. Treat that vehicle like it belongs to the Moon Mother herself, and make sure everybody in the shop knows it.”

My mechanic glanced at the vehicle and swallowed. “Right, boss.”

“Will that do?” I asked.

“Yes. Thanks,” Savannah mumbled.

I took her into my office in the back and shut the door. Her tangerine citrus scent made me dizzy with need, and I had to take a deep breath to calm my desire. “Are you okay? What happened last night?

She swallowed hard, and her eyes lingered on my mouth before she dragged her gaze to mine. “It…it was nothing. Just old photos. I’m not ready to talk about it. That’s not why I’m here.”

Confusion spiraled through my thoughts. “Then why did you want to talk?”

“I have some bad news.” She paced back and forth, her unease unmistakable. “One of the Order’s special agents showed up this morning. She had questions about the bikers who attacked me. And about you and the pack.”

So much for a heart to heart.

If constantly dealing with the LaSalles and the out-of-state packs wasn’t bad enough, the last thing I needed was the Order snooping deeper into our business. They’d been on our ass for a while, and when they couldn’t pin the abductions and murders on us, I was sure it had upset a few agents.

My mood rapidly growing dark, I leaned back against my desk and crossed my arms. “What kind of questions?”

“She’s investigating an MC in Michigan that’s been pushing a blood-based drug called Scarlet, which I’m betting was made by Kahanov. Apparently, the supply has run out, and word on the street is that a certain redhead can be used to make more.”


“Your blood.” I recalled the shifter we’d tracked down after Savannah was kidnapped. Right before I’d torn his throat out, he’d said that Kahanov had wanted her for her blood. It’s like his.

Savannah nodded. “She thinks that your pack is involved and that I helped you cover up the abductions and murders in Wisconsin.”

“Of course the Order does.” Trying to get a grip on my emotions, I reached down and sank my claws into the oak desk. It audibly cracked under the strain. “And what does this agent want from you?”

She stopped pacing and watched me closely. “To cooperate. To tell her the truth.”

“What did you say?” My tone was harsh, and Savannah winced ever so slightly before frowning.

“Nothing. I’m not a rat,” she snapped.

I relaxed. “I know. Sorry. I trust you.”

Though she was a wildcard, I knew that Savannah would never put the pack in jeopardy. She’d proven herself loyal. More than loyal—she’d lied for us, covered up for us, and helped rescue members of our pack. We owed her a great deal. But she was still a LaSalle, and even though I trusted her, it was hard to forget.

Hard for you to forget? Or hard for your father to forget? my wolf asked.

I tightened my fist and pushed the thoughts from my mind. “I haven’t really thanked you for what you did for our pack—rescuing so many from the Dreamlands. We haven’t had a chance to talk about what happened…”

“It was my fault, Jaxson. The bastard was after me.” She bit her lip and met my eyes. “The only reason your people were in danger was because of me. Because you wouldn’t hand me over.”

Our people. You’re part of us now, whether you accept that or not.”

“I’m not, Jaxson. I’m fucking stuck in the middle. I’m part LaSalle, part wolf.”

And you are my mate.

I wanted to say it, but as I reached up and opened my mouth, she moved to the other side of the room and wrapped her arms around herself, as if she knew what I was going to say.

“There’s something you need to know.” She looked up and out the window. “Right before I killed Kahanov, I discovered that it wasn’t him who was pulling the strings. It was Victor Dragan.”

“Dragan?” My mind reeled. He’d been a dangerous fucker, and the reason the LaSalles and the Laurents had made a pact to work together years ago. My father and Laurel had killed him. “He’s dead.”

“I know. It was his ghost possessing Kahanov or something. I think he wanted revenge on my family and the pack and the Order. He said we’d all have to beg the Dark God for mercy, right before I cut out his soul with the Soul Knife.”

The hair on my neck rose as dread crept under my skin. Did he mean the Dark Wolf God? It was a thing out of buried legends and nightmares. If Dragan had been messing with such dark powers…

I dragged a hand over my face and tried to rein in my anger. I set my jaw. “Why did you wait until now to tell me this?”

Savannah’s eyes flashed. “I was pretty messed up after nearly dying, and we haven’t spoken. Plus, I told Laurel about Dragan shortly after we returned from Forks. She killed him the first time, and she and Pete are looking into things.”

Fury twisted my muscles. “Moving forward, you will come to me. Do you understand? The Dark Wolf God involves werewolves, and so it’s my business. I need to know everything you know.”

Her temper flashed, but she pressed her lips together and nodded. “Fine. But it also involves me, so I need to know everything you know. What is this Dark Wolf God? Does it have anything to do with the twin-headed wolf tattoos we found on the rogue wolves working for Billy? You said once that it dealt with a myth, but that it was for wolves only. Well, I’m a wolf now.”

I shook my head. “The Dark Wolf God is a thing of terrible myths and legends. It’s not spoken of often, and it’s not my story to tell. But we can ask the pack loremaster. She’ll be able to tell us more.”

Savannah took a hesitant step toward me. “Jaxson, this could be important. The Order agent said some of the bikers she was tracking had twin-wolf tattoos. I’m wondering if they’re looking for revenge for what I did to Dragan.”

“I thought you said they were after your blood.”

She threw her hands up. “I don’t know!”

I stepped closer and grabbed her forearms. She resisted for a second, but I let my power wash over her, calming her rising emotions. “Savannah. It’s going to be okay. You killed Kahanov. You got rid of Dragan. These bikers, we’re going to get rid of them, too.”

She nodded, her chest heaving provocatively, and desire swelled within me.

I let go and stepped away, needing a clear head. Whatever was going on, all I knew was that I couldn’t let her out of my sight. “You need to stay on pack lands.”

She folded her arms and opened her mouth to protest, but I was ready for it.

“You don’t have a choice.” I crossed to the cardboard box in the corner, pulled out an Eclipse shirt, and tossed it to her. She caught it and held it up, frowning, and I explained, “You’re working the bar tonight with Sam, as we agreed. Have you ever bartended before?”

Her jaw ticked in frustration. “I’ve waited tables.”

“So no. Sam will show you the ropes, but it’ll take some time to get up to speed. Tony will take you over now—he’s waiting outside. He’ll be your wheels and personal bodyguard while your car is being fixed.”

I could smell Savannah’s irritation. She hated being beholden to anyone. “Fine,” she said, heading to the door. “But only until my ride is fixed.”

“Until your ride is fixed and we take care of the bikers. And trust me—you have bullet holes in your car. You’re not going to pay off the repairs in a single night.”

With a low growl, she glared, spun, and stalked out the door.

A deep smile cut my face. I wasn’t sure the customers in Eclipse were ready for her kind of fire, but it was going to be entertaining watching things sizzle.

I shut the door and braced my hands on the frame. Fuck. Things felt like they were spiraling out of control.

Pulling out my phone, I dialed Gretchen at the Order. She’d helped me investigate during the abductions several months ago and had been there when I’d found the broken vial of blood on the road. She answered after two rings.

“Gretchen, there’s an Order agent asking questions about the pack and some MC in Michigan. Do you know anything about that?”

The lieutenant sighed audibly. “Harlow Blake. She’s a force of nature and keeps her cards close. She’s shut me out, no doubt because of my connection with the pack, but she’s investigating a group of clubs that are dealing illegal substances.”

“Did the lab reports on the blood in that vial ever come back?”

“Yes.” Gretchen paused. “But there was a seal on the report. I can’t share the results. Sorry, Jax, this is above me.”

Special Agent Harlow Blake.

“I understand. Thanks for your help, and let me know if you learn anything more,” I said, and hung up.

The last thing we needed was an Order agent poking into our affairs. We’d need to move quickly to figure out what these bikers were up to and just what they wanted with Savannah Caine.

A hint of pride sparked in my chest.

Whatever it was, I was certain that she’d give them far more hell than they’d bargained for.

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