Dante: A Dark Mafia, Enemies to Lovers Romance (Chicago Ruthless Book 1)

Dante: Chapter 39

After I took Kat to the den to be with Joey and Anya, I called Maximo and told him the plan for dealing with Tony and Elmo. Then Lorenzo and I escorted the two sick fucks to the room in the basement. It’s concrete and soundproof and perfect for such occasions. The room is bare but we won’t need anything except the drugs, the knife and the large glass bottle of water that Maximo just brought in with him.

Tony and Elmo kneel on the cold floor, trembling with fear but knowing better than to beg for their lives. All they can hope for is a quick and relatively painless death, which isn’t going to happen.

“You sure you don’t want me to handle this, D? You can go be with Kat,” Maximo says.

I shake my head. “I need to hear them suffer the way that she did.”

“Okay, compagno,” he replies as he takes off his suit jacket and hangs it on the hook on the back of the door. Elmo and Tony shuffle back on their knees at the sight. Maximo’s reputation as an unhinged psychopath who enjoys gouging out eyeballs and flaying people while they’re still alive is well known and entirely deserved. But he’s not about to touch them. Not yet anyway. They’re going to do most of the damage themselves.

He takes a packet of blue pills from his pocket. “Four each?” he asks me.

I nod while Tony and Elmo cower as Maximo approaches them.

“Open your mouth,” he snarls to Elmo who clamps his lips together and shakes his head.

“We didn’t know, Dante. He gave her to us, man. He owed us and he gave us her as payment. He’s the guy you should be going after. We were just doing our job,” Tony pleads.

I hold up my hand, stopping Max momentarily.

“Who gave her to you?”

“Leo. Her brother,” he says as though I should know this piece of information.

“And since when do you two take women as payment instead of cash?” I snarl, aware of the irony because I did exactly the same thing when I took her too.

“Your father knew. He was fine with it as long as we cleaned up any mess we left behind.”

“Pop knew about Kat?”

“No, he just knew we took the girls and had fun with them.”

“He would never let you leave a loose end like that,” I snarl.

Tony shakes his head as snot runs down his face. “We were supposed to kill her.”

“So why didn’t you?”

“I thought we had. She was almost gone. I thought someone had found her and dumped her for us.”

I roll my neck until it cracks, trying to calm down before I lose my shit. Leo Evanson just made it back to the top of my list of people to kill. But I’m not surprised by my father turning a blind eye to what Elmo and Tony used to do to women. Not given what I know about him.

I nod to Maximo, and he continues with our original plan, grabbing Elmo’s jaw and squeezing so tightly his mouth is forced open before he tosses four pills inside.

He sputters and coughs as Maximo holds his mouth wide.

“Can one of you pass me the water,” Maximo asks.

Lorenzo picks up the bottle from the floor and takes it over. If I get too close to either of those sick cunts right now, I might rip out their throats and that would be far too easy a death.

Unscrewing the cap, Lorenzo pours water into Elmo’s open mouth before Maximo clamps it shut again. Then using two fingers, he massages Elmo’s throat until he swallows the drugs down.

“Now you,” Maximo says to Tony, “open wide.”

Realizing he has no choice, Tony allows Maximo to toss the pills inside before Lorenzo pours in some water. Once he’ swallowed, Maximo forces his mouth open anyway, stuffing his fingers inside to make sure that he swallowed them all.

“What the hell did you just give us?” Elmo asks.

“Viagra,” I reply.

“W-what? Why?” Elmo snivels.

“Strip, assholes,” Lorenzo barks at them.

“Why?” Tony starts sniveling now too. “What are you gonna do to us?”

“Strip or I will remove your clothes for you,” Maximo snarls.

The two of them start taking off their clothes under the fierce glare of my older brother and my best friend, and once they are naked, Lorenzo forces them to kneel again.

“What are you gonna do?” Elmo cries as he looks at me, as though I might be the one to show him a little mercy.

“What we’re going to do is more merciful than what you did to Kat,” I tell him. “You see, there were two of you when you raped her and you violated her while she cried and begged you to stop, but there’s only one of each of you.”

They blink at me in confusion.

“You’re going to do to each other exactly what you did to her,” I tell them. Elmo retches, but nothing comes out, while Tony pisses himself. “One of you will hold the other one down and you will fuck his ass until he’s bleeding and crying. And when he begs you to stop, you’re going to carve the words SICK FUCK into his back. It’s up to you two who gets to give and who gets to take.”

“N-no, please.” Elmo shakes his head as saliva drips from his chin. He’s smaller than Tony and is no doubt aware he’s the one about to be raped. “You can’t make us do that.”

“You just swallowed four viagra, fuck-face. Lorenzo so much as taps his foot on your cock and you’re gonna be as hard as iron. But you know, if those tablets don’t work…”

Lorenzo passes me the bottle of water and I smash the neck of it against the wall, leaving a jagged edge protruding. “Or if I think one of you is taking it easy on the other, I’ll just do the job myself with this.” I hold up the bottle.

“Those tablets should start kicking in soon. So while we wait, you two can decide which one of you is going to fuck the other in the ass,” I tell them as I lean back against the wall with my arms folded over my chest. A few seconds later, Lorenzo and Maximo join me.

For the first few minutes, neither Tony or Elmo does anything, but soon, they start getting twitchy as self-preservation kicks in. I guess they start feeling the affects of the pills because they jump to their feet and begin to circle each other.

“Who do you think is gonna be lying face down in that dirt getting fucked in the next few minutes, D?” Maximo asks me.

“My money is on Elmo.”

“I dunno, you know. He’s a wily little fucker. He might just get the better of the big guy,” Maximo says.

Elmo and Tony can hear us talking, but they remain focused on each other, circling like a pair of dogs primed to fight. It’s Elmo who strikes first, dropping his shoulder and running into Tony and almost knocking him on his ass. But Tony grabs him and takes him down. Then the two of them slug it out for a few minutes, each of them trying to top the other until eventually Tony has Elmo pinned to the ground.

“Told you,” I say to Maximo who shrugs his response.

“Tony, come on, I’m your kid’s godfather, man,” Elmo wails as Tony keeps him pinned to the floor.

Tony looks at me, tears in his eyes even as the stimulation and the drugs have his cock hard. I hold up the broken bottle again. “It’s your choice.”

“I’m sorry, buddy,” he growls as he rams his cock into Elmo whose screams for mercy echo around the small concrete room.

“Did Kat scream like that?” I take the knife from Maximo and walk over to the two men on the floor and pass it to Tony. “Carve those fucking words into his back and make it fucking hurt, because if he’s not crying and bleeding all over this floor in agony, I will make both of you feel pain like you have never even imagined.”

He takes the knife from me and starts to carve the words into Elmo’s skin. Elmo screams and struggles, but almost all of the fight is gone in him — for now.

I stand back against the wall with Maximo and Lorenzo and listen to the screams of agony mingled with the pleas for help and mercy. I wonder how hard my beautiful fiancée fought and cried when these sick pieces of shit violated her.

When Tony is spent and has to take a breather, Elmo crawls away to the corner of the room, shivering and crying.

“Hey, Elmo, how would you like to make this a fairer fight?” Maximo asks as he pulls a syringe from his jacket pocket hanging on the door.

“What is it?” Elmo wipes his bloodstained face.

“Pure adrenaline, buddy. A shot of this and you’ll feel like you can bench press a tank.”

Elmo nods frantically while Tony starts sputtering. “No. You said. You said if I…” he shouts, his eyes darting between me and the man on the floor he just brutally raped.

Maximo sticks the needle into Elmo’s arm and stands back as we wait for the effects to take hold. It doesn’t take long before he’s powering across the floor where he dives on top of Tony and exacts his revenge in exactly the same way.

It’s four hours later when we leave that basement. Four hours where we watched two men humiliate and torture each other in a desperate attempt at self-preservation. Hope is a powerful thing. Give someone a glimmer of it and they’ll do almost anything to keep it alive. They suffered in ways I’ve never made anyone suffer before, and the kicker was they did it all themselves. Elmo killed Tony in the end. Jumping on his skull until his brains were all over the floor. And when he was lying spent and bleeding and broken on the floor, Maximo put him out of his misery by slitting his throat. But it still wasn’t enough for the pain they caused her.

“I’ll take care of that mess,” Maximo says as we walk along the hallway.

“Thanks, compagno. And finding Leo Evanson just became our primary focus. You got that?”

“I’ll get on it.”

“How you feeling, brother?” Lorenzo asks as he puts an arm around my shoulder.

“Like it wasn’t enough,” I say with a sigh.

“It was. They will never hurt her again and you will help her heal whatever they broke. Now go wash their stench off you and take care of your woman.”

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