Daddy’s Orders (Silver Fox Daddies)

Chapter 7

What the hell just happened?

I laid on the bed for a time, Emily curled up next to me, her eyes closed and a small, pleased smile on her face. Hell, I was having a hard time not smiling like an idiot after what we’d just done.

There was no doubt in my mind that Emily had spoken the truth about her virginity.

I listened to the engines of the plane, letting the fact settle in my mind that my plan was coming to fruition. The next step could wait… for the moment I was simply pleased to have a gorgeous young woman lying naked in bed next to me.

It wasn’t long before she opened her eyes, that sexy little smile still on her lips.

“Hey,” she said, her voice soft.


With a slow, fluid movement, she sat up and stretched her willowy, olive-toned limbs. I couldn’t do anything but stare at her perfect body as she did.

“That was something else.

“It most certainly was. How do you feel?”

Emily pursed her lips, giving the matter some serious consideration.

“I feel… different. I don’t know; maybe I’m just being silly. But I don’t feel like the same person I was half an hour ago.”

“You’re fully a woman now. You know how a man and a woman can truly connect.”

“I do,” she said, smiling at me.

And that was my cue to get up. I didn’t want to deflower Emily then toss her aside. All the same, I didn’t want to risk her growing attached to me. She needed to know that, while this was a meaningful occasion for her, I wasn’t going to become her boyfriend. An entanglement such as that had no place in my life.

I took her arm and lifted it from my chest, sitting up. Emily sat up along with me, the smile fading into a wary expression, uncertain at what was happening.

“This has been lovely, Emily,” I said. “However, we’ve got a long flight ahead of us and I have quite a bit of work to do while we’re in the air.”

More confusion took hold. I could sense that, while she hadn’t been sure of what would happen after the sex, being unceremoniously dismissed wasn’t one of the options.

“There’s a bathroom just across the hall. There’s a shower and even a bath if you’d like to relax. Go ahead and wash up. Take your time. I’ll grab one of your bags from the cargo area. Which one has your clothes in it?”

She regarded me with a stunned look. Finally, after several seconds, she shook her head and came back to the moment.

“Uh, the one with pink trim.

With a nod, I stepped over to the closet and plucked out a towel, handing it over to her.

“Come on, I’ll show you to the bathroom.”

She got off the bed as if in a daze, joining my side without a word as we left the bedroom. There were two doors—one that led to a private office area where I could take calls and work in peace, the other leading into the bathroom. I opened the door and gestured inside.

“Fancy,” she said, her voice soft.

The space was just as nice as the rest of the plane, with gold and white décor, a shower on one side and a corner tub on the other.

“The plane carries plenty of water, so don’t worry about taking too long,” I said. “Is there anything else I can get for you?”

Still in a daze, she spoke. “Just my bag.”

“Of course. I’ll get it and place it just outside the door.”


With one more nod, I left the bathroom and shut the door behind me. A moment later, a strange noise came from the other side. The door was thick so I couldn’t quite make out exactly what it was, but it sounded like a groan or moan, or perhaps a sob. Whatever it was, it was a noise that suggested Emily wasn’t happy with how things had gone down.

So be it. She needed to know that what we’d done was a one-off thing, that she shouldn’t expect anything else from it. It might’ve hurt her to know that the man who’d taken her virginity wanted nothing to do with her in a romantic sense, but that was life. Really, I was doing her a favor.

As I left the hallway and returned to the main area of the plane, I considered that the sex hadn’t at all been me merely doing her a favor—there had been much in it for me, too. Not only had I slept with a beautiful young woman but I’d done the deed of sticking it to her asshole, idiot father. With a simple few minutes of fun, I’d ruined his precious daughter’s innocence for any man who might have her. On top of that, I was certain that once Emily had time to get over whatever rejection she was feeling, she’d be pleased to realize that she’d had such a chance to stick it to her dad.

I couldn’t take the smile off my face as I opened the hatch to the belly of the plane and descended the ladder. I was a man used to getting what I wanted, but rarely did it happen so quickly.

I spotted Emily’s bag with the pink trim in the luggage area. Once it was in hand, I returned to the main cabin and to the back hall, preparing to place the bag against the door. A bit of turbulence hit at that moment, however, causing the handle of the bag to thump hard against the door. The shaking only lasted for a couple seconds, thankfully.

“Are you OK in there?” I asked.

“Fine.” A few beats of silence followed. “Hey. Can you open my bag and take out my little kit? It has my shower stuff in it.”

“Of course.”

I took the bag into the bedroom and set it onto the bed, unzipping it and taking a look inside. What caught my eye first was the zipper pouch on the inner flap of the bag that contained Emily’s underwear. My eyes settled on a black, lacy thong. I couldn’t help but imagine her wearing nothing but the skimpy pair of underwear, a sly smile on her face, her hands cupping her full, round tits.

Just like that, I was hard again. Part of me wanted to march right over to the bathroom and throw the door open, strip down and climb into the shower with Emily, and ravish her once again. As enticing as the idea was, I put it out of my head as quickly as I could. Sleeping with her again might send the wrong message. I needed to play things smart.

I spotted her bathroom kit, taking it out of the bag. I zipped the luggage back up and stepped over to the bathroom. The hush of running shower water sounded on the other side, and I gave the door a firm knock so she could hear me.

“Emily? I have your kit.”

“Can you bring it in? I just jumped in the shower.”

I opened the door, a blast of steam greeting me as I stepped into the bathroom. Just as I’d anticipated, the shower screen was closed, Emily’s slender, curvy figure blurry on the other side. The erection that I’d finally managed to get down was returning with a vengeance.

“Got it here,” I said, starting toward the sink. “I’ll set it—”

I didn’t get a chance to finish before the shower door opened, another burst of steam coming from inside. I turned, and as the cloud dissipated, Emily’s figure became more visible. The steam cleared away, leaving me with a perfect view of her standing beneath the shower, water cascading down her glistening, wet body as she ran her hands over her head. Her hair was soaked, clinging to her neck and drawing attention to her stunning face. Her long legs were firmly planted, one hip cocked to the side.

The way she looked in that moment reminded me of some sort of classical statue, as if the most skilled sculptor in history had tried to capture Aphrodite in marble. I couldn’t help but stare like an idiot, my cock pulsing to life.

Finally, Emily stuck out her hand toward me. I wanted to take it, to pull myself into the shower, push her up against the wall, and give her the screwing of a lifetime.

“Hey.” Her voice over the sound of the shower brought me back into the moment. “Can you just hand me that? I don’t want to have to get out.”

“Yeah. Sure.”

As I stepped closer to hand over the bag, a thought occurred to me. Emily might’ve been new to the world of sex and seduction, but there wasn’t a chance in hell she was clueless to the effect the a gorgeous, soaking wet, naked woman had on a man. I wanted her like mad, and it took all the restraint I could muster to simply step over and hand her the bag.

Surprise flashed over her face when I did. Clearly she had expected me to not be able to resist her. “Thanks,” she said.

“I’ll be out there if you need anything else.”

With that, I pulled my eyes from her body, hurrying out of the bathroom and shutting the door behind me. I breathed a sigh of relief once I was out, the temptation at least out of sight. I hurried into the main room, finding my glass of red wine where I’d left it and taking a sip as I eased into the seat.

This was already shaping up to be a bit of a mess, I realized. The plan had been to take her virginity and be done with it. But already I was finding Emily hard to resist. Her subtle way of trying to seduce me left me quite certain I could go back into the bathroom and give her what we both wanted.

Thankfully, the door to the front of the plane opened. Estella, the copilot and a Virgin Islands native, stepped out.

“Hey, jefe,” she said, shutting the door behind her. “Sorry about the shakiness a bit ago. Hit a little patch, you know?

I waved my hand through the air, dismissing the idea. “Don’t worry about it.”

She smiled slightly, bowing her head. “John’s got the flight under control, so I figured I’d come back here and see if there was anything I could make for you or our guest.”

I grinned. I’d hired Estella not just for her piloting skills, but for the fact that she was an excellent chef.

“Yeah, some food sounds great. Something simple, maybe?”

“Simple.” She leaned to the side, giving the matter some thought. “Picked up some flank steak that I’ve been meaning to put to good use. How about that with a little chimichurri? Beans and rice and tortillas to round it out.”

“Sounds perfect. And make a little extra for our guest.”

Estella winked. “You got it, jefe.”

She marched past me, disappearing into the back of the plane. I finished my wine, the matter of Emily still weighing on my mind and pushing me to pour another glass. I did, sipping as I stood by one of the plane’s larger windows, the clouds rolling down below, the brilliant blue sky above.

I felt a little like an ass. There was no doubt in my mind that Emily had been hurt by what had happened. Her attempted seduction in the shower was possibly her way of trying to find out if she was anything more to me than a one-and-done piece of meat. She was a grown woman and was more than capable of making her own decisions. All the same, no one liked to feel used.

What was done was done. We’d slept together and I wasn’t about to risk making the situation between us more complicated by doing it again. My beef was with her father, and if Emily had her feelings hurt in the process of my getting revenge, then that would be regrettable collateral damage.

I felt like shit. And even more disturbing, I felt a tinge of regret.

Nothing to be done about it. I had a month ahead of me with a gorgeous woman, and I was going to have to play it smart. There would be no room for error, or desire.

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