Daddy’s Orders (Silver Fox Daddies)

Chapter 13

I was in the middle of reading the next morning when a booming knock sounded at my door, the rapping loud and sudden enough to make me nearly spill my coffee. I gasped, turning around ready to scold whoever had given me such a scare.

I didn’t have a chance. The door opened and Logan entered, a leather briefcase thrown over his shoulder.

“Morning,” he said.

I sat stunned, setting down my book and regarding him with an expression of disbelief.

“I get that you’re probably a little out of practice with these sorts of things, but you have to know that it’s not OK at all to barge into a woman’s room like that. Don’t tell me you do this with Marianne?”

He shrugged. “She’s never in her bedroom with the door shut.”

“Well, next time when you knock, wait for me to say something. What if I’d been in the middle of changing?”

As soon as I spoke the words, the idea of Logan coming into my room while I was in a state of undress occurred to me. To my surprise, it didn’t make me feel weird or uncomfortable. Quite the opposite, actually.

“Fine. I’ll wait next time.” His voice was tinged with irritation, and I could tell from his tone that Logan was in normal form. “Anyway, we don’t have time for questions of etiquette. There are important matters we need to discuss.”

“Important matters? Like what?”

He slipped off the briefcase he’d brought it, setting it down onto the bed.

“I have something for you.”

“What kind of something?”

He didn’t make me wait long. Logan opened the metal clasps of the briefcase before reaching inside and taking out another bag, this one white and plastic.

“Forgive me if I didn’t go to the trouble of giftwrapping it. Figured you wouldn’t mind.”

Logan prepared to set the bag onto my desk but saw that my book was in the way. He craned his neck, checking out the cover. A surge of embarrassment ran through me as I realized that the cover, along with the title of “Embrace of the Vampire Prince,” gave the book away as YA romance.

“What’re you reading?”

I flashed him a wry smirk as I closed the book and set it aside. “Haven’t you invaded my privacy enough for one day?”

He let out an amused sort. “Fair enough.”

Logan set the bag down and I was able to make out the word ‘Apple.’ Curious, I reached inside and grasped the box within. I pulled it out slowly, seeing that it was a laptop.

“What is this?” The words came out of my mouth dumbly.

“There’s a picture of it on the box,” he said.

I pursed my lips. “I see that. But what’s it for?

“You’re a writer, correct?”

“I am. How did you—” I stopped myself before finishing the question. No doubt he’d gotten the information from Marianne.

“A certain someone who isn’t good at keeping information to herself. I hope you’re not upset with her.”

“No, not at all. But why did you buy this?”

“I figured that it’d be a lot easier to do your work on this instead of writing by hand, assuming that’s what you do.”

“That is what I do. Not many other options when your dad doesn’t even let you have a phone, let alone a computer.”

I picked up the laptop box and looked it over. Right away I noticed that it was brand new and top of the line.

“Is this the fanciest one?” I asked.

“It’s a Pro.” He shrugged. “Figured it would be smart to just get you the best one. I’m more of a Windows guy, but those are supposed to be pretty good.” He nodded toward the box as he spoke the words.

“You’re right about that. Maybe a little overkill for writing.”

“You never know. You might want to do cover design or photo editing down the line. Better to have the power and not need it than need it and not have it.”

The gift was a lot, maybe even a little excessive. But it was a gift, nonetheless. Logan was being his usual icy self, but he’d done something nice for me.

Right away, I was suspicious.

“What’s going on here?”

Logan cocked his head to the side, seemingly confused by my question.

“I’m sorry?”

“You went out and got me one of the best laptops on the market. And since I’m guessing there’s not an Apple store anywhere around here, had it specially shipped in. And you did all of this for… what? So I could have something to write my book on? Just to be nice?”

“I thought it would be more convenient for you,” he said. “If you’re going to be here on the island for the next month, that strikes me as the perfect time to work on any projects.”

I noticed that he sidestepped the question of whether or not he’d done it to be nice, framing it in terms of pure practicality.

“If you don’t have any need for it, I can easily return it.”

“No, this is… perfect, actually.”

“Glad to hear it. But I hope that you’re not just saying that for my sake. If it’s not to your liking, let me know.”

I decided not to answer him with words. Instead, I opened the box slowly. After removing a bit of plastic, I revealed the silver laptop inside, taking it out and holding it in my hands.

“It’s… fancy. And pretty light, actually.”

I cleared the surface of my desk, placing the laptop in front of me and turning it on. As it booted up, I moved my fingertips over the keyboard, imagining what it would feel like to type my novel on it.

“This is amazing, way easier than writing everything by hand.”

“Just so you’re not surprised, internet access on the island is limited, it’s a security measure. But you should be able to access streaming.”

I turned away from the laptop as it performed its first time loading business.

“Thanks, Logan. You didn’t have to do that.”

“It was my pleasure. Anyway, I’ll leave you to it.” He began to turn but stopped himself. “I nearly forgot… the laptop wasn’t the only business I wanted to discuss with you.”

“What’s up?”

A tinge of tension formed on his face, as if he was about to share something with me that he wasn’t certain about.

“We’re going to be having a guest to the island in a short time.”

“A guest?”

“That’s right. Marta will be coming.”

I couldn’t believe what I’d heard. Shock and excitement ran through me in equal measure. My father had made it perfectly clear that Marta would not be joining me during my stay on the island.

“Marta? Marta’s coming here?”

He nodded.

“That’s amazing! When?”

“Not quite sure exactly. She said that she has to put some affairs in order around the house, be there to take care of some business for your father. I’d say in five days or so.”

I couldn’t hold back my excitement any longer. I let out a squeal, jumping from my seat and throwing my arms around Logan.

I hugged him hard enough to feel his solid body and the outlines of his muscles. The sensation of his body against mine brought to mind our lovemaking, how good he’d felt on top of me, inside of me.

Logan didn’t hug me back. Instead, he placed his hands on my shoulders and gently, but firmly, pushed me away. Rather than put total distance between us, he kept me close, looking deeply into my eyes with those icy blues of his.

His expression was grim and grave, not a trace of warmth or humor.

“I’m only going to say this once—if there’s something going on here, if this Marta woman is coming to facilitate a rescue or some other sort of backhanded bullshit, there will be consequences. And the outcome for you will be dire.”

It was a threat, and a serious one. His tone was low and deep, and there was no question whether or not he meant his words.

I should’ve been scared. Hell, I was scared. But I felt something else, too. Logan was close enough that I could feel the heat from his body. His big hands gripped my shoulders, holding me still.

I was turned on. My pussy clenched, and I was wet from the moment I’d hugged him. I wanted to respond, but I knew speaking even a single word would betray my desire. My eyes flicked down to his lips, part of me wishing that Logan would lean forward and kiss me hard and deep.

Instead, I nodded. He nodded back, taking his hands off my shoulders. Logan cast me one more hard look before turning and leaving, shutting the door behind him.

The second I was alone once again, I let out a deep breath that I didn’t even realize I’d been holding in.

Logan was sexy as hell, but he was dangerous as they came. I couldn’t forget that.

As strange as it might’ve seemed, that combination was what made the man absolutely irresistible.

And I wanted more.

I spent the rest of the evening getting to know my new laptop. It was a total thrill. Dad never let me have anything modern in the way of technology other than a basic cell phone with just about every feature disabled other than a GPS tracker so he could keep tabs on me at all times. I could only use it to call emergency services. Having a brand new MacBook at my fingertips opened up a whole new world for me.

I spent hours in Word typing up my handwritten pages and transferring them into something more legible, not to mention easier to edit. After nearly two years of sneaking around scribbling my words onto scrap sheets of paper after Dad had gone to bed, being able to sit at a desk and just type was something else, something wonderful.

After I’d done enough work for one day, I clicked over to the internet to see what I could find. Just like Logan had said, most of the internet was blocked for security reasons. I was able to check some news and a few other pages, but for the most part, the internet was on lockdown. I decided to reward myself with a little streaming, bringing my new MacBook over to the bed and curling up in the blankets with a little more Emily in Paris, watching until my eyelids grew heavy.

When it was time to go to sleep, I closed the laptop and plugged it in on the desk. I was already excited for the morning when I could wake up and get started once again on my novel. Maybe I’d even take a little walk along the beach for inspiration.

After changing into my sleeping clothes, I opened the window, allowing the sounds and smells of the sea to flow into the room. There was something about the ocean, the sea air and white noise of the water that put me to sleep as quickly and soundly as any pill.

Once under the covers, I closed my eyes, a smile on my face as I drifted off within minutes.

“How are you already having trouble with this thing?”

Logan, as usual, seemed annoyed. He stood next to my desk, one hand in his pocket, the other on his chin, his eyes on the laptop. Some warning error was on the screen, one that I couldn’t make heads or tails of.

Was it broken for good? I had no idea. What I did know was that the fancy-as-eff laptop that Logan had just bought for me was no longer working less than a day after I’d powered it up for the first time.

He let out a grumble of mild annoyance.

“Took a bit of doing to get this here, you know. Apple doesn’t ship to the Virgin Islands. I had to pay a private courier to bring it here.”

“I’m just as upset about this as you are,” I shot back. “But you don’t need to guilt me about it. Not to mention that I’m pretty sure it wasn’t my fault.”

He brought his eyes to mine, raising an eyebrow.

“Not your fault, huh?” he asked.

“What?” The word shot out of my mouth. “It’s not an excuse! I mean, there’s a really good chance this thing was just broken out of the box. I was typing on it and then bam—error screen.”

Without acknowledging my words, Logan stepped over to the computer and tapped a few keys. Nothing happened; the error screen stayed there just as surely as if he hadn’t done anything at all. He then closed the laptop and turned toward me.

“Making a mistake is one thing,” he said. “Making excuses, not owning up to it, that’s another.”

I wanted to speak up for myself and tell him that he was being out of line. But the way he looked at me, the slow steps he took in my direction, made my mouth stay shut.

“What am I going to do with you, Emily?” he asked, continuing toward me. “Ever since I took your virginity on the plane, you’ve been alternating between giving me the cold shoulder or serving up attitude.”

I gasped at the way he brought up what had happened on the plane so directly.

“You know what I think you need?” He stopped right in front of me, gazing down with his electric blue eyes.

“What?” the word came out of my mouth in a whisper.

Logan grinned. With surprising speed, he reached around me and clamped his hands onto my ass, squeezing me tightly. I gasped, my eyes going wide as he pulled me against him, letting me feel his hardness.

“You need discipline.”

His hands still on my ass, Logan leaned in and put his lips on mine, kissing me with intensity and passion, his tongue passing my lips and finding mine. I moaned through the kiss, letting Logan’s touch and scent and everything else cast its spell on me.

After several wonderful, sensual moments, he put his hand on the small of my back.

“Go over to the bed.”

“Why?” I asked with a challenging, teasing tone. “What’s going to happen over there?”

“Discipline. Now, go, unless you want your punishment to be even more severe.”

My pussy was throbbing by this point, soaking through my panties. I stepped over to the bed and prepared to sit.

“No,” he said. “Turn around.”

I did as he asked.

“Take off your pants.”

My eyes on his, I hooked my thumbs underneath the waistband of my sleeping pants and pulled them down. Although I had a simple pair of white hipster panties on underneath, Logan seemed most pleased by what he saw.

“Get onto the bed, on all fours.”

I was totally in the grips of his command, eager to give myself over to him. The smile still on my face, I turned around and climbed onto the bed, sticking my ass out toward him.

“Like this?” I asked, looking back over my shoulder.

“Like that.”

He stepped over to me, placing his hand on my rear and giving it a good squeeze before moving his touch all over my body, traveling between my legs, taking a moment to tease my pussy through my panties before returning to my ass, a gasp pulling into my lungs as he did.

“Are you ready?” he asked.

“Yes.” I was ready—ready for everything he wanted to give me.

Logan placed his hand on my right ass cheek, a tingle of anticipation running through me as he prepared to give me the spanking I apparently deserved. I grinned, feeling his hand rise and pull back. Then, with a whoosh though the air, his hand rushed toward my rear and—

The rumble of my phone on my nightstand brought me back into the world of the living. It’d been almost a week since Logan had given me the laptop, and as the real world unblurred around me I realized that I’d just awoken from yet another one of the dreams I’d been having since that encounter.

I sat up, running my hand through my hair and shaking my head. Every damn night I’d dreamed about him, each one the same theme—he was in my room upset with me for one reason or another. Eventually, every time, we ended up in bed.

Though this latest dream was a little different. The spanking, the discipline—that hadn’t been there before. I’d never been one to fantasize about such things, but there was something about Logan, something about imagining him taking control that turned me on like mad.

The phone. I pushed the dream out of my head as I remembered that a text had been what had woken me up.

Logan had given me a phone a few days ago. Like the laptop, it was Apple, top-of-the-line and limited in use. It allowed me to stay in touch with Logan, Marianne, and Pearl which meant that one of them had sent the text that’d woken me up.

My body still groggy, I reached over and grabbed the phone. Sure enough, there was a text from Logan.

Get up and get dressed. Marta is arriving at the dock in one hour.

The words on the screen filled me with such excitement that I didn’t even care that Logan was talking to me like he was my boss. I replied with a quick “OK!” before tossing my phone onto the bed and hurrying into the bathroom to shower.

With Marta there, I knew the place would feel a little more like home. I just had to deal with the matter of the man I couldn’t seem to get out of my head.

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