Daddy, don't flirt

Chapter 381: Miss It Again and Again

Except for the terrorist organization under the control of Gilbert family, which was destroyed at the beginning, there won't be
anyone else with the name or rank of Night.
Bunny suppresses his shock. “How does daddy know Night. 9?” he asks curiously.
After shock, Night.1 is in deep thought. For a period of time he hadn’t been in Country C. In addition, he’d been pursued by those
people. Therefore, he didn’t have a clue as to what had happened in the country.
Furthermore...isn’t Night. 9 already...
Wait! No, perhaps Night. 9 isn’t dead! Night. 1 finds that something is fishy, and just as he is about to prove it, Night. 7 lines up
next to his shoulder. “Night. 9 isn’t dead. He’s alive. It’s just that now he’s on the enemy’s side.”
Has Night. 9 become their enemy?
Speaking out those words, he feels like until the facts behind the situation are known, he will stay shocked and surprised. “Your
daddy knows many things. First, go back. You won’t find anything here.” Dan William says as he rubs Bunny’s hair while looking
in his soft eyes; his tone holds a touch of love. Now, father and son have the same battle to fight.
Bunny nods while at the same time noticing how cold the sea breeze is, he had not felt it just now. Going by helicopter is much
faster than going by boat. Derek William’s flying skill is excellent and within an hour they arrive at the William family manor. The
helicopter lands on the previously opened space of the manor.
The two other helicopters don’t return, but instead are sent to the sea by Dan William to look for Jamie Moore’s trace. But now
there is no team stationed at the borders of Country C, since the team Dan William had just dispatched, was supposed to have
been stationed at the borders.
As a result, they miss it again and again.
The first glimmers of dawn appear on the horizon. After the storm the previous night, the sea is calm. Near the beach, a layer of
ice has been formed and a layer of snow has fallen. Although not thick, it seems like the sea breeze itself carries a layer of ice,
the cold going up all the way into one’s bone marrow.
At one glance, it looks as if the whole world is covered in snow. Even the trees were covered with layers of snow and ice. Close
to the beach, a small figure washes up, the clothes seeming to blend in with the snow. It not for the black that stood out in the
snow, it would be difficult to spot from a distance.

The pale face, half buried in the snow, shows no signs of vitality. Her paleness matches the color of snow, and her forehead
shows obvious signs of bruising that is already turning purple. At this time, a man dressed in black with a scarf and sunglasses,
searches in the snow for a while before finally finding the black.
His eyes fix on the black as he starts walking towards it. His step is unsteady, but he does not fall. Step by step he moves
towards the black, and when he finally arrives he crouches down before picking up the person. The small face coming out of the
snow was pale, as if the temperature had left her body. With only one touch, her body feels like it is freezing.
“Sshh...” the man whispers as he, without any hesitation, walks away towards the car waiting outside the beach with Jamie
Moore who was dying.
He hadn’t known that it would snow throughout the night, leaving behind a thin layer of ice near the beach. Until the man gets to
the car, his face is only faintly visible from the scarf. He opens the door of the car, and as he bents down to put Jamie Moore, his
face that expresses kindness is shown.
Starting the car, he drives down the road, noticing how the snow and layer of ice on road is making it slippery. But that does not
matter to Ryan Jack. As he drives fast, he nearly runs into other cars several times, fortunately narrowly missing each of them.
Jamie Moore shows no signs of waking up. With her eyes closed and face pale, it seemed as if her life’s light would be cut off
any second.
The car drives up to a villa far from the city, its location relatively remote. Covered by snow, it’s original appearance is difficult to
see. When the car stops, Ryan Jack wastes no time removing the key. Instead he immediately exits the car and goes around it to
take Jamie Moore out of the car before quickly walking towards the villa. As soon as he gets to the door of the villa, it opens
revealing not only maid servants, but also two well trained men in black.
“Is everything ready?” Ryan Jack says as he walks in without stopping.
“Everything is ready in the room you often use.” A woman wearing tight black clothes and sunglasses says as she follows Ryan
Ryan Jack doesn’t reply, and quickly moves up the stairs towards the end of the second floor. Raising his foot, he kicks the door
open in one go. The room is white, and looks like a hospital ward. Lined up against the wall are several cabinets, full of bottles,
jars, needles, medicines and different kinds of instruments.
There is even an operating table, and Ryan Jack lays Jamie Moore on it. He skillfully takes a pair of white gloves from the table
beside him before putting them on, and turning on the light above his head.

At the William family Manor,
Two hours have already passed, and the search and rescue team at sea has not yet sent any useful information. In the living
room, the soft wine red sofa is full of people, but although that is the case, the atmosphere is still silent. No one speaks first for
fear of breaking the silence.
Bunny who is sitting next to Dan William watches the last video from last night on his laptop. As he watches it, Bunny feels that
something strange is going on. Not only do Hooson and Anna Pork show their faces, but there are other details that he also finds
Because he hasn’t considered it, they have taken advantage of it. Why on earth is Hooson trying to kidnap Jamie Moore again
and again? Bunny wrings his eyebrows and thinks for a while. Then he turns his eyes from the computer and looks at Dan
William who is looking for something. “Daddy, what is the relationship between Night. 9 and Hooson?”
The piece of information that Dan William is looking for, had been accidently seen on his father’s computer in the beginning.
Since it’s related to Jamie Moore, he is particularly interested in it, which is why he has secretly copied it.
At that time, he had known that Jamie Moore’s mother, Adele Gilbert, was the matriarch of the Gilbert family, and that her value
was immeasurable. But for the sake of tranquility and thinking the ways of the world had changed, a respectable woman like her
married Jack Moore, who was of a lower social status.
As a matter of fact, Dan William once crossed paths with Night. 9. The William and Moore main residences are very near to each
other. Once, after he had accidentally walked out of the room’s balcony, he’d seen him.

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