Cursed: Scarlet

Chapter 6: Fury

After nearly a month, Ian finally asked me about Gabriel. The chills ran up and down my spine, causing my face to become strained. How the hell are you meant to tell your current boyfriend about the guy you were convinced was your soul mate?

Eventually I just started at the beginning, trying to be as honest as possible, lying wouldn’t help me much.

Italy, 1522

I met Gabriel in the workshop of some artist on a hot summer’s day in Florence. He was posing for a painting or a sculpture…I forget which. But he was shirtless, and his wild black hair was obviously the artist’s focus. I had been admiring some other works, and turned to speak with the artist when I was distracted by, well, Gabriel’s…assets. The shock on my attendants’ faces still makes me laugh, but Cassy had admired him even more openly than I.

“Helena-“(I’d been going by my second name in order not to draw Hades’ attention, and the Italians could not possibly say ‘Scarlet’.) “-He is gorgeous!” we had been floating around Tuscany for the better part of a century, and I had decided to buy a rather extravagant villa a few miles out of the city itself. I still own it, and the artworks I’d been admiring were still there.

The impish smile on Gabriel’s face was enough to draw my complete attention to him. His eyes were hazel, flecked with gold, making him a werewolf, to my knowledge. A breeze confirmed him, winding its way from a window some considerate apprentice had opened, though the scent was imperceptible to the humans around us. My attention was drawn away by the artist and I requested “Every single artwork featuring that model.” The artist nearly had heart failure in that moment, and my price almost finished him off. I paid about five thousand dollars for all of them, a large amount for the time. I then commissioned a portrait of myself, to commemorate the occasion. The artist was almost kissing my feet by that point, and Gabriel had stepped down from his perch to kiss my hand.

“I am honoured, Principessa.” Oh, and I was ruling my own little country, you call it Switzerland now. But I no longer use it, Switzerland no longer wants me. That was just one of many mind-numbing titles I had to use in different situations. Being the heir to so many thrones was tiring, hence my escape to Italy. No Original would set foot there because of the overzealous religious people, other than me. Then again I was Guardian of the Mortal Realms; it was kind of my job to go the places where the most changes were happening. Mostly to keep the mortals in line and to prevent the discovery of anything to do with magic.

Or at least, that was my excuse. I was running away from my problems again, especially Hades and his minions. For once, I felt relaxed, though Morgana had sent a few guards along, Cassy being one of them. Suicide watch was, and is, a pain in the ass. Although, it was painfully easy to evade them, my guards trusted me more than my parents.

Such as the day after I bought the paintings (or sculptures, I lose track), when Gabriel and a few other apprentices showed up to put them in place. “I want those two landscapes in the small parlour. The angel in the conservatory, the water scene in the dining room and those two statues in the atrium,” I said, pointing at different guards and apprentices to go and install them. I motioned for Gabriel to follow me up the stairs to my study, opening the door as he lugged the giant portrait of himself as an angel across the landing. “Principessa, I hope you are not just making me take this up here so you can make me drag it back,” he pants.

“Well, Signor Gabriel, I may be cruel, but not to one such as you,” I’d closed the door, and locked him in with me. “Please, sit and rest for a moment,” I motioned to a chair, which he gratefully sank into.

“So, are you a werewolf or a mage?” the question seemed to shock him. I never get any credit, just because people think I’m a selfish, careless girl incapable of being observant. Gender stereotypes never cease to annoy me.

“H-how did-“ah, the refreshing shock. Although it was almost attractive on his face.

“How did I know? We both know that I spend a lot of time around your creator, the smell is as obvious to me as a distinctive perfume.” He sighs, and nods, “I am a werewolf, and my creator is Wilhelm. I am in charge of all his offspring, his second-in-command if you will.” He has started speaking in the Original tongue, as if to prove his case.

“Strange, I have not met you before, though the name is familiar.” I walked to the window, keeping an eye on the other apprentices in case they accidentally destroyed my garden.

“I am always at my work, keeping an eye on my siblings,” he shrugs. “Though the name is more of a title, every one of my successors was also known as Gabriel. We are chosen by our King for our abilities and our competence at leadership.”

“I see,” I walked to the fireplace and look to the empty space where the painting he had just carried was intended to hang. I picked it up, grabbing a few nails in the process and threw them with pin point accuracy. The painting soon rested above the mantelpiece, where it still hangs to this very day.

The other apprentices had accomplished their work by this time, aided by the guards. I’d spent a few hours marking precisely where I wanted the things to go, and the other statues would arrive the next day. Gabriel bent to kiss my hand, looking flirtatiously up at me; Cassy was distracting the other ladies while we stood in the small atrium.

As he walked away, he called out, “I should hope to see you again, Principessa.” With a small bow in my direction he ran and jumped straight onto the quickly departing cart. A narcissist if there ever were one.

I spent many weeks after that playing nice with the local nobility, usually in the company of their tedious sons, all vying for my hand in marriage. Somehow I managed to keep them all at arm’s length. As I’ve said many times before, mortals are tedious at best.

I left Florence for a few months to see the sights of the other city states, and to escape my many admirers. I made sure not to stay anywhere for very long, just to avoid any more overdramatic marriage proposals or duels for my honour.

Italians back then were a hot blooded, hot-headed lot in serious need of an ass kicking I was not allowed to give them. Ladies were not meant to be able to wield broadswords or even daggers. Though I was proficient with a bow, I found it to be a coward’s weapon, meant for those who preferred not to see their opponent’s blood.

Experience had taught me to carry four daggers, strapped to my calves and forearms, as a sword would be a tad too obvious. Highway robberies were common, and the large fairy guards helped to scare away any brave morons, just not always the stupid ones.

After many months, we finally arrived in Rome, where they had begun to build the Vatican. Pretending to be a pious princess come to pay her respects to the Holy See was so easy I started to become bored. Living in the umpteenth palace of the umpteenth city, being waited on by more nobles, I spent nearly twelve hours a day pretending to pray just so that they would leave me alone.

Needless to say, the reappearance of Gabriel was a welcome relief. This time, I made him a duke of my kingdom, my ‘betrothed’. Spending time around him became a lot easier, and many of my would-be suitors disappeared into the woodwork. We simply walked about the city, mostly just speaking of sillier topics and less silly topics.

That’s always the part I miss the most, being able to talk to someone while they listened carefully and didn’t judge me.

Every night, we dined in my gigantic dining room, drinking wine and just enjoying each other’s company. But one night, we became a little too intoxicated.

We withdrew to my rooms, exploring each other as only young people can. We didn’t let up for almost a week, our clothes never staying on long enough for us to leave the house. I loved that period in time, because the more guards you had, the less people bothered you. Being ridiculously rich never fails to gain one privacy.

I spent a lot of time sketching Gabriel, his various muscles and tendons, his face, his hands. I became intimately involved with every aspect of his body, and he with mine. The hole in my leg had already appeared (and it was almost closed), as well as the dragon scratches. But the other injury had yet to happen.

I had many other scars, but they didn’t last for long, I healed even more quickly than the oldest werewolf. Elementals naturally heal themselves, no matter their affinity, elves even more so due to their ability to sense the exact remedy they require and how much to apply.

Gabriel went on a ‘business trip’ for almost a week, leaving me alone in my palace while he dealt with his siblings. I was almost bored enough to venture into the city, but I thought better of it.

So I decided to host a ball, inviting both mortal and their predators. Vladimir had recently arrived in Rome, to ‘check-up’ on my mental well-being. Wilhelm had yet to be released from his punishment for massacring an entire town in Turkey on a dare from one of his underlings.

I found the ball a welcome distraction both to plan and to quell my longing for a certain wolf that had a way of entertaining me. It was supposedly in honour of my ‘Uncle’ Vladimir, as he would be staying with me while I prepared for my ‘wedding’.

These people were so easy to manipulate, and with their Original in the city, many of the vampires used my masquerade ball as an excuse to gorge themselves on my mortal guests. Gabriel arrived in the midst of this opulent party, extremely surprised at my social prowess.

Using that keen nose of his, he snuck up behind me in the ballroom and whisked me away from the rest of my guests. Not that I minded, I’d spent a week being sexually and physically deprived, I nearly had him in the middle of that ballroom.

We snuck into my library, with one of my guards as well as a shield between us and the other guests. Gabriel’s hands were everywhere at once, in my hair, on my back, running up my arms. We were both extremely aroused at this point, and he pushed me against the wall behind one of the largest bookshelves. My dress was no obstacle to him, and his pants were off in a matter of seconds. He kissed me so much I could barely feel anything but tingles, my skin felt as if it was on fire, a sensation I was overly familiar with.

“Scarlet, oh my Scarlet,” he whispered as we connected, finally. The world didn’t matter to me for the next few minutes, all I cared about was him and that he was there. When we moved to the floor, I couldn’t bear to let go of him.

“Gabriel, I missed you.”

“And I you, Principessa,” he says, kissing my neck. We don’t speak much until morning, when I wake up with him still on top of me, looking like the angel he posed for. I ran my hand through his curly black hair, as soft as my own. I sat up then, and finally noticed that someone was banging against the door.

“Principessa! I must speak with you immediately.” I roll my eyes and push Gabriel off me; he just rests his head on his arms and keeps sleeping. Using magic, I fix my appearance and change my dress, my hair miraculously beautifully piled up again.

I open the door, carefully moving Gabriel to the couch. “Good morning, sir, to what do I owe the pleasure?” I say carefully, looking him up and down, not a noble then, just a messenger.

“Well, spit it out, I don’t have all day,” I said and motioned for him to walk in. he paced nervously, probably trying to think of the best way to report whatever it was. His eyes kept looking over to Gabriel, where he lay on the couch. “Ignore him, that’s just one of my guests from last night,” I tapped my foot on the ground impatiently.

“Principessa, I regret to inform you that your villa has been taken over by the Lord of the Dead. He is insisting that you return immediately or he will come to find you.” My facial expression must have darkened, as he started backing away. I could also hear Gabriel moving around, though the messenger was oblivious.

“Well, then I must go and do something about that,” I say. “Guards!”

When they had all finally assembled, I informed them of the predicament, watching the amusement spread through their ranks. They received their orders and started preparations to leave the next morning; I did not care for the contents of the palace, so packing was not a problem.

The messenger was sent to the kitchen for food and wine before being sent back to Florence to inform Hades of my departure. Gabriel spent most of the day following me around like a lost puppy, planting kisses down my throat whenever we were alone.

As we lay in bed that night, I could feel my chest tighten in anticipation for the skirmish ahead, as well as worry for Gabriel. We left the next morning in a wave of thundering hooves and jangling weapons, riding for all we were worth. Travelling without a carriage went much faster and we arrived on the outskirts of the city within a few days, not having to wear a dress was pure ecstasy.

Almost immediately we headed for the villa, encountering the first of the Furies. For Hades to have such nerve made my blood boil and I motioned for one of my guards to hand me a sword. Riding at the front, I hacked at Furies, quickly depleting their ranks and becoming more enraged. Many of them dropped out of the sky as I froze their heinous wings, and they were quickly dispatched by my guards.

It was time to face my fate, and I relished the thought of stabbing Hades through the heart.

We reached the gates and I burnt the things down, thundering into the courtyard and jumping off of my horse. “Hades you vile son of a demoness! Come down here and fight me!”

More Furies appear, but Hades did not. I ran through the front doors and up the stairs, sensing his presence in my chambers. I crashed through the doors, sword in one hand and fire snaking up my arms, burning off my sleeves.

“I see you have a new lover, Scarlet,” he said, calmly turning to face me while holding one of Gabriel’s shirts, standing in the middle of my bed chamber.

“And what of it? He is none of your concern.” I circled around the table to stand in front of him, my sword pointed at his throat, dripping blood on the carpet.

“He is all of my concern, you insolent brat!” Hades flung down the shirt and pulled out a length of rope, we both knew that it was infused with my only weaknesses, blood of a murderer and soil from his realm. “And you will watch, once again, as I kill your lover.” The rope wrapped itself around my arms, draining my strength and it forced me to drop the sword.

Gabriel, run, run as far as you can and never look back. He heard me, but I’d felt him drawing closer, one of the Furies dragged him in, her claws dug into his arm.

“No! Let him go Hades!” I screamed, and tried to escape my bonds. Hades just laughed and motioned for the Fury to drop him into the chair. Tears had run down my cheeks as I’d watched Hades tying Gabriel to it himself. “Not again, please just not again,” I whispered.

“A werewolf, how interesting,” he observed. “I have not killed a werewolf of yours for a while.” I spat at him, but it failed, the Fury gripped my arm and forced my head back so I could watch.

Hades took out a silver chain and laid it against Gabriel’s collarbone, he flinched and the smell of burning flesh dug its way into my nostrils, turning my stomach. Tears forced their way to my eyes, and threatened to fall.

“What are you doing?” he asked, obviously pained. “Why are you doing this?”

“Scarlet has signed your death warrant, dear boy, by taking you for her own.” He turned Gabriel’s face, and our eyes met, for a few seconds. Hades laughed a cruel, grating sound.

“I am second-in-command to Wilhelm himself, lord,” Gabriel hissed at him. “And I will not be punished for wanting that particular girl.”

“Remind me to send him my condolences when this is over,” Hades said to the Fury holding me. Gabriel flinched away from him, causing Hades to grab his jaw, and shriek in pain. I’d sent a jolt of energy through him, but he’d thought it was Gabriel.

“If I swear to leave here, and never have intimate relations with the princess again, will you let us go?” Gabriel tried to negotiate with him, as all the others had. Hades still nursed his hand.

“You will not leave here alive boy,” he said, and picked up a silver dagger. The ropes no longer hampered me and I jumped up, Gabriel’s distraction having given me enough time to cut through them with one of the daggers on my calf, though I had barely regained my strength. The Fury, in shock, had let go of me, and I took the opportunity to fling the dagger at Hades. I hit her over the head with a chair, and had smirked over her before I turned my attention back to Hades and Gabriel.

Gabriel had ducked, and the dagger had hit Hades in the arm, causing him to disintegrate, but only for a few moments. I untied the ropes around Gabriel just as the Fury snapped her hideous jaws at me, closing on my forearm. The venom had burnt through my skin, but I’d grabbed Gabriel and flashed us out of the room and into the courtyard. He’d torn off a strip of his shirt and wrapped it around my arm after I’d frozen it to stop the poison from spreading through my body.

Hades reappeared just as we reached the main entrance, and we’d been leaning against the walls of the fountain. He was furious and brandishing one of his customary knives, with serrated blades dipped in the poison of his harpies. “You will pay for that you little harlot!” he made a grab at me but Gabriel blocked him.

“I swear on your throne and your realm, Hades, that I will not go near her for half a millennia if you let us both live,” he then took a dagger and cut his arm, then held it out for Hades to seal the blood bond. His silver mixing with Gabriel’s red, an Original and a Shifter, bound in an agreement to break my heart.

“No, don’t Gabriel!” He didn’t even look my way, just waited for Hades to make his decision. When he grabbed the dagger and made an identical incision, he put his arm to Gabriel’s.

“By the blood and by my throne, so shall it be. You have two days, and then the oath will be in effect.” He then disappeared, taking his Furies with him.

“You idiot, you stupid, stupid imbecile! He isn’t allowed to kill me, and now you’ve given him what he wants!” I yelled at him while I bashed my fists against his chest. His ribs cracked, but he stood stoically in the middle of the fountain, and watched me.

“I know.” His eyes betrayed nothing, not even a hint of what he thought or felt.

“You know? That’s all you are going to say? You know?!” I began swearing at him in the Original tongue, many of the words had fallen comfortably from my mouth. When I collapsed, completely out of adrenaline, he kneeled with me in the water, holding me against him.

“This way, we have a few days, and he won’t hurt you for a while. You can get out of this place; find a new hobby, a new lover.”

“You have no clue, do you?” I said bitterly, my eyes obviously have him taken aback with the resentment. “I love you; I would have stayed with you, died for you. But you betray me and promise Hades to stay away from me, so that love is obviously wasted.” I wrenched myself from his grasp and walked into the house, not looking at him.

I clutched my arm in agony, and called out for Cassy before fainting from the poison against a column. I’m hurt, please come quickly…

Leaning against the wall, clutching at the stones, I can barely stand with the memory of that day. The sounds still haunt my dreams, the remains of various Furies strewn all over the courtyard, and –of course- the sight of Gabriel agreeing to Hades’ demands. Nothing ever hurts as much as being betrayed by your loved ones…

“He left after a few days, after making sure that I wouldn’t die or have the strength to follow. Not that I had even wanted to, the feelings I had so long repressed were making their way through my mind at that point, and I-“

Ian walks over to me and takes my hands, looking directly into my eyes. “If it pains you to keep talking, please stop, I understand entirely.” For once, opening up to someone doesn’t make me want to burst into tears or hit something. I just nod, and he wraps an arm around my neck, pulling me away from the wall and into his arms.

We stay that way for what feels like a lifetime, but it was only a few moments. When we broke apart, I just stared at him, taking in all the aspects that make him who he is. The way his eyes crinkled at the corners when he smiled, the crease in his forehead, the curve of his mouth.

Most of my strength is being used at this moment to refrain from kissing him. I’ve complicated his life enough as it is. And to be honest, I’m not sure how much he actually wants me.

He is nothing like Gabriel, he is so much better. He is, without a doubt, Ian Grigori Seamus O’Connor. One of the greatest men I would probably ever meet. And he hasn’t even reached his full potential yet.

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