Cursed: Scarlet

Chapter 15: Happy Endings


The dawn broke ahead of us as Ian and I walked into the forest, in the direction of the lakeside. We’d left the council muttering amongst themselves with Hades completely livid, if under arrest. My parents, when I turned to look at them, seemed completely calm, holding hands.

We walked quietly through the trees, holding hands and occasionally brushing up against one another, smiling and then distancing ourselves. After a few minutes, I pull Ian against a tree and kissed him again, enjoying the freedom of being able to do so without worrying about anything.

Eventually we reach the break in the trees and stop to marvel at the beauty of it.

The lakeside is lit up in a thousand shades of gold, while the ground is covered with snow as deep as my ankles. My hand feels suddenly cold as I let go of Ian to summon a blanket from my rooms. When it lies neatly on the ground, I sit down, motioning for him to do the same.

I stretch out, exhaustion creeping over me, remembering suddenly that my heart is still frozen. Sitting up again, I unhook the gemstone from its silver chain around my neck and hold it tightly in my hand. Ian is watching, me quizzically, as if trying to understand what I’m doing.

Ignoring him, I hold the obsidian out to the light of the dawn and whisper, “In the name of her Imperial Highness, Scarlet Helena Mithra of Etherea and the Empire of Elements, I bid thee open!” The stone begins to glow and Ian gasps as the magic flows around me, crawling under my skin.

The last of my magic was bound to this stone, the same gem Sapphira had tried to steal from me a few thousand years ago. Retrieving it had been easy, but her attempts to get it to open for her had cracked it, trapping the magic for all time.

Nonetheless now it filled me with a sense of happiness I had never known, for the most part. While my powers replenished, my eyes were closed, and my hand had gone limp in Ian’s. Opening them slowly, I met his gaze and blinked.

He was surrounded by a white light, his aura was completely pure. Smiling, I fling my arms around his neck and push him over onto his back. “You are mine, Adrian,” I whisper in his ear, feeling his smile against my neck. My mouth finds his and, for a few moments, I sink into a world of bright colours and warm tingling.

Coming up for air, I roll off him, onto the red tartan blanket, sighing happily. He moves onto his side, resting those beautiful brown curls against his hand. I mirror him, matching his stare with my own. After a while, though, I feel a yawn coming on and put my hand in front of my face.

“Sleep, Scarlet, you need it,” he looks so sincere, so I nod and turn onto my back. He lifts my head onto his chest and wraps an arm around me, his right hand running through my hair.

“Happy birthday…” I whisper, listening to the sound of him chuckling through his chest. And for the first time since I met him, I sleep peacefully and dreamlessly, while he watches over me.

When I woke up, it was late afternoon and he was asleep, curled around me protectively. Instead of waking him up, I just lie there and stare at him. A breeze runs through the trees, and the forest around us is generally teeming with the everyday lives of the animals.

He suddenly blinks and opens his eyes, the colour seeming brighter than I’ve ever seen them. He looks like a toddler; his hair all messed up while he rubs his eyes sleepily. How can one person be so adorable? “…Scarlet?” I suddenly realise he’s been speaking to me while I was distracted by his wonderful stomach muscles.

“Hmmm?” I look at his face, still marvelling at his physique as he stretches. My hands run through my own hair, attempting to rid myself of a few knots. “What did you just say, I’m a bit distracted…” suddenly I’m the one yawning.

“I was just asking if you think we should go back now, they might be worried…” he looks down, pulling on the threads of the blanket. Taking his hand, I turn it over and stare at the lines, running a nail along them. “And well…we did shock them this morning…”

“I don’t care about what they think Ian, frankly, I just want them to leave and never come back,” I look up at him, and brush a strand of his hair behind his ear. “I nearly lost you, because they didn’t listen to me all those years ago. Ian, you deserve better than them, I deserve better, now that I think about it.”

The words trickle off into silence between us, and I let go of his hand, only to have him take mine and pull me close to him. He stares into my eyes and kisses me, slowly, delicate little pecks that remind me of the flames I’m so famous for.

He kisses down my face and neck, making my skin break out in little bumps. When he reaches my collar bone, I reach down and grasp his chin between my index finger and thumb, pulling his face up to mine again. “Remember when I said I would wait for you?” I ask, carefully watching his expression.

He nods eyes wide. “You’re going to wait for me now,” I whisper into his ear and kiss him on the cheek. Before he can even move, I get up and run towards the forest, looking over my shoulder to make sure he follows.



That night, we held a ‘coming of age’ party for him, no binding required. The food was organised by mother, and the stronger liquor had left my cellar almost empty. Then again, I wouldn’t need it ever again; I have Ian to forget my problems with now.

The ball room had been transformed once more into a shining room with candles dotting the walls and filling the giant chandelier. The guests were, for all intents and purposes, just close friends and family, the school children were not allowed.

Walking through the room while waiting for his grand entrance, I couldn’t help feeling nostalgic about my own party, though it was rather more…crude then. I definitely did not get a twelve tier fey-made cake covered in more than mundane icing.

I also didn’t have a room full of people trying to apologise for their behaviour through gifts either. Rolling my eyes as I pass my parents, I almost don’t notice Hecate standing next to Dmitri, an obvious smile on her face. Please don’t let them have a child…I think silently.

My parents look almost too happy to pass off as relieved, though I guess the hand-holding has made their commitment a bit obvious. Sighing, I lean against a Dorian column, downing my twelfth glass of champagne since I’d arrived.

The black silk ball gown isn’t helping matters either, or the matching black ankle boots, if I’m being perfectly honest. Sometimes, I really question my decisions with regards to clothes. Then again, if I’d forgone the dramatic look, I wouldn’t be nearly as smug when walking past my strumpet of a half-sister.

A hush falls over the room as the main double doors open, revealing Ian, who has obviously been dressed by one of our mothers, or both. The black suit would have been perfectly fine, if he hadn’t been forced into a silvery silk shirt and bright blue tie.

Smirking, I straighten up and motion for more champagne from a passing waiter, watching him kneel in front of Hecate to accept her blessing. For a boy who had no idea about anything a short year ago, he seems to have learnt fast…

When his blessing is complete, Ian gets up and looks around the room slowly, perhaps searching for me. I turn to the side, pulling my hair over one shoulder so that he won’t catch me watching him. People start talking again, so I know he’s possibly walking over to me.

For some reason, my palms are sweaty and I’m shivering, which is clearly not a result of the weather. I suddenly wish I’d chosen something less girly to wear, but when his arm wraps around my waist, I stop caring. “You look amazing, as usual,” he whispers in my ear, making me giggle nervously. I must be tipsy…I think, all too aware of the thirteenth glass clutched in my hand.

“The same could be said about you,” I whisper back, turning around to face him. “Who should I thank for your wonderful transformation?” he looks down, almost blushing, but I lift his chin and kiss him lightly on the mouth. “I never said I was complaining.”

“Hecate brought the clothes to me, all I had to do was put them on and let her man handle my hair,” he shrugs and holds out his arm. Taking it with my left hand, I lift my skirt and we walk to the alcove where our parents seem to have gathered together, judging us from afar.

I let go of him and stand a bit away, trying not to stare at my mother’s shimmering silver gown. Dressing for the occasion has never been difficult for her. Marcus seems to match her in his own suit and tie, holding a glass of champagne in one hand.

The black choker at my neck suddenly feels tight when Hecate turns to me, “Thank you for saving my son, I was wrong to doubt you.” I can barely keep my mouth from dropping open as I curtsy to her, until she takes my hand and hugs me.

“I- um…I guess you’re welcome?” I say awkwardly as she lets me go, smiling. I’m going to need more champagne…I think, just as Ian grabs two glasses from a passing waiter and hands one to me. Smiling gratefully at him, I sip on it, trying to keep myself from running out the doors screaming.

“Scarlet, would you be so kind as to come with me for a few moments?” Marcus suddenly says, holding his own arm out. As I take it, I send a thought to Ian, if I’m not back in ten minutes, send the army. Feeling his laughter in the back of my head keeps me rather calm as I walk onto the balcony with my father.

Smoothing down my skirts, I wait for him to speak. He leans against the railing, sighing loudly, “What you have done for all of us can never be repaid, you saved countless lives as well as Adrian’s, and you forced us all into action when we were helpless. Scarlet, when did you grow into this powerful young lady?” I walk over to the railing and grip it, my black nails shining in the moonlight.

“While you were too busy taking care of an empire and mother was too occupied with her own affairs,” I sigh, but he still stares at the fountain bubbling merrily in the garden. “I may not have been the easiest person to deal with, but I think we can all keep these events firmly in mind next time you lot decide to punish me.”

He smiles ruefully, chuckling slightly. Marcus pushes himself away from the balcony, and turns to me, “I know my actions towards you have not been particularly fair, especially not that night.” He sighs, but keeps going, “I will make it up to you, somehow, and I promise that I will try to be there for you.”

Dumbstruck, I stand completely still, his words running around my head, echoing. Make it up to you…be there for you…shaking my head, I look up at him. “I appreciate that, father,” I turn towards the doors but stop. “Maybe one day…we can meet as equals in a setting like this,” I keep my eyes forward and walk back through the doors, straight into Gabriel.

Groaning loudly, I step back, avoiding his gaze. He clears his throat, and I look up, “Scarlet, this is- well, my Soul Mate, Amatiel.” Looking her up and down, I blink in rapid succession. Part of me feels hurt and betrayed, but another feels glad for him, a small part, though.

“Nice to meet you, now if you’ll excuse me, I have my own Soul Mate to get back to,” nodding to them, I walk away, clutching handfuls of my dress and try not to jump for joy. She’s completely wrong for him, but it isn’t my problem anymore.

I smile at Ian as he holds out a hand to me, so he didn’t murder you then? Laughing, I shake my head, looking into his eyes and ignoring our mothers. He kisses the top of my hand before we turn back to them. To their credit, they seem to have accepted our relationship rather well.

And by ‘well’ I mean, my mother hasn’t tried to shove me into a wedding dress and Hecate hasn’t tried to turn me into a beetle. They’ve been asking me all sorts of strange questions since you left…I could barely answer any of them.

“Morgana, Hecate,” they stare at me calmly. “Don’t you think it’s time for Ian to open his presents?” they look at me, bewildered, before I nod my head towards the north side of the room, where many different bags and boxes are piled onto a table.

Dragging Ian behind me, I motion to the other guests to gather round and push him into a chair. “Honoured guests, we have gathered to celebrate the birth of Adrian, so it is only fitting that he opens all the gifts you were so kind as to bring.”

They all clap politely, and I pick up a random box to hand to him. He looks nervous as I place it onto his lap and squeeze his shoulder. The paper and bags begin to surround him, each present revealing another item of clothing, or shoes or gadgets.

When he reaches for the last, tiny box, I hold my breath. He pulls the paper off carefully, revealing a small black box. Opening it slowly, his expression widens with surprise as he picks the set of keys up. “A car, for me?” he looks straight at me, and I nod, holding out my hand to him.

He takes it and I pull him towards the front door. Letting go, I pull out a blindfold and wrap it around his head. “No peeking,” I whisper, before opening the door and leading him outside. When we reach the bright red Ferrari, I let go of him and untie it.

His gasp of surprise sets the butterflies in my stomach off, each one feeling like a bullet hitting the walls of my abdomen. “It’s an F12 Berlinetta; the sales person says its top speed is over 210 mph. Do you like it?” I look down at my nails, suddenly embarrassed.

“Who could ‘like’ a car like this? It’s meant to be loved and cherished, just like you,” he turns to me and I am suddenly thankful for my inability to blush. “It’s amazing, Scar. No, she’s amazing,” and catching me completely off-guard, he kisses me on the lips, his hands on my waist.

Soon after we return to his party, holding hands and smiling like the idiots we probably are. When the dancing starts up, I actively refuse to spin around the room with all the other guests, leaving him in the clutches of my many cousins.

Standing off to the side, I barely notice when his foster parents walk over to me, smiling sheepishly. “Scarlet?” his mother, Margaret I presume, says. When I nod she looks relieved, clutching the man’s hand beside her. “We, well, we wanted to thank you for keeping him safe and…making his life here more bearable. He told us a lot about you.”

“He told me a lot about you too, he- he really loves you both, and he appreciates the fact that you took him in so easily,” I look from Margaret to Duncan and back, realising how much they love each other, and how much they must have loved Ian. “I owe you both my thanks, for raising him to be the great man he is.” Margaret blushes, and Duncan looks embarrassed.

“If you’ll excuse me,” I nod to them, trying to ignore the prickling at the back of my eyes. For the second time in less than an hour I’m standing on the balcony, barely able to contain my emotions while Ian is inside, having more fun than he could ever have imagined.

I can feel his euphoria seeping into my own mind, but I block it out. Clutching my chest, I kneel down at the railing, trying to keep the madness from overtaking me, an aftereffect of releasing my own powers. The council never anticipated this reaction when they bound me, I hadn’t expected either. But the elation of releasing my own magic always drove me mad, especially if I was in a volatile environment shortly afterwards.

I haven’t told anyone what this feels like, being overwhelmed with my own pain from many millennia before; it’s something I can’t expect anyone to understand. Not even Ian…he doesn’t have to go through this, at least I have given him that small piece of joy.

Leaning my back against the railing, I try to take calming breaths, thinking about the things I love. My cars, my shoes, my beds, Ian, my books, my booze, Ian, my baths, my showers…wait a second…

The crushing sensation dissipates slowly, allowing me to breather freely again. I love him…I actually love him, no force or lust, I just want him. I get up again, and half-sit on the balustrade, wringing my hands. When my limbs have stopped quivering and my breath is coming out at regular intervals, I head inside.

To my surprise, everyone stops when I walk in, probably because Ian has dropped one of my cousins on her behind, or his, it’s difficult to tell because I frankly don’t care. “What is everyone-“looking down at myself, I realise that I’m glowing, resembling a young sprite on a sugar high glowing. “Holy mother of-“turning my hands over causes the glow to intensify, for some strange reason, causing me to panic even more.

“Make it stop…please just make it stop…” and for the first time in my life, I faint, somehow landing in someone’s arms before I can crack my head open on the floor.



I turned slowly when everyone else did, trying to see where the glowing was coming from. Scarlet was standing by one of the many pairs of glass doors in the ballroom, I didn’t understand why everyone was staring until the lights near her started flickering when she looked down. Her skin was glowing a faint blue, almost like this morning.

I rush to her side as the realisation hits me, whichever one of my cousins falling when I let go of her hands. I look back for a second, but keep going. Just as I reach her, she falls, and my arms instinctively wrap around her, my legs bending as we sink to the ground.

Morgana and Marcus are nearly as fast as I am, reaching us just as Scarlet whispers “Make it stop…”

With that, everyone goes into a frenzy, Morgana’s hands trailing the air above her daughter, trying to assess the damage as Marcus makes everyone back away to give us some room. I shift, letting her head rest against my shoulder just as Morgana nods to herself and looks at me. I’m going to flash us into one of the bedrooms, don’t let go of her, I nod as the air around us changes and we appear in one of the ornate rooms.

I put my arm under her knees, lifting her from the floor and laying her down as I sit on the edge. Her eyes flutter open and closed while Morgana paces the room, obviously waiting for Marcus. He appears about five minutes after we do, and immediately starts pulling the energy from Scarlet. But the glow doesn’t fade, and I start to panic.

Marcus frowns, and Morgana joins in, the energy flowing to them slowly, like it’s attached to their daughter. I kiss the top of her head, still holding her as they work.



“…Scarlet? Scarlet, wake up!” the voice calling to me grates on my nerves, pulling me out of my wonderful unconsciousness. Mumbling, I try to turn over, but the gust of cold air stops me, forcing my eyes open.

“Wha- What happened?” I sit up slowly, realising that Ian has his arm around my shoulders, half-cradling me. “Why did I-“it’s only then that I realise I’m still glowing, swearing loudly in my head, I rest my head on Ian again. His voice resonates in my mind, Try not to do that, you’re rather unstable right now. Groaning, I open my eyes, turning towards the unnatural sight of my parents being worried about me.

“Scarlet, are you alright?” Morgana starts towards me, but stops herself, her hands twisting around each other nervously. “Do you have any idea why you’re suddenly glowing and unable to control your powers? We can’t do anything more until we know what caused this.”

Remembering the now useless obsidian gem, I pull it out of the front of my dress and hold it out to her. ”I opened this earlier today, my powers were depleted, so I thought it was as good a time as any to make use of my own magic,” I shrug, and close my eyes for a few seconds while she takes it away.

“You’re lucky to even have your own mind left, this jewel was too damaged for safe use,” Marcus says, grating on my rather raw feeling nerves. Suppressing the urge to roll my eyes, I swing my legs over the edge of the bed, rather surprised to see my own Persian rug.

“Well, it’s not exactly my fault that your psychotic daughter stole and broke it,” I counter, ignoring the sudden dizziness. “I was barely able to walk after that battle; I couldn’t siphon enough energy to replenish myself, so I used the gem. It’s not as if I was stealing from anyone, it’s my energy.”

They both look ashamed now; Ian hasn’t spoken once, which is surprising for him. “Those gems were meant to appear when I was ready for them; the one I used appeared last night, before I knew Adrian was missing. So obviously, I’m meant to be ready for it.”

I yank off my boots quickly before getting up and nearly falling back onto the bed. “Also, why did none of you think to take the damn shoes off? I mean, they could have been hiding a snake bite,” walking calmly into my closet, I pull down the zip of my dress and snap my fingers. The dress hangs itself neatly while a black shirt and jeans materialise over me.

When I walk back out, I mentally take the excess energy and shove it into a small box in my head. The glowing finally stops and I collapse back onto the bed. Please can I sleep now? I mentally broadcast, clutching Ian’s hand to keep him from leaving with them.

When my parents have both flashed out of my room, I turn to Ian, noticing for the first time that his tie and jacket are on the floor. “How long was I out for?” he doesn’t answer, making me even more worried. “Ian, please just tell me.”

“Three hours,” he mumbles it, not looking at me. “Three hours of watching them siphon magic from you that just seemed to fly back. Three hours of you nearly blinding me, but I held you through all of it, trying to get you to wake up.”

Staring at him in shock is about the only thing I’m capable of in that moment. “I- I- I’m sorry, Ian, I really didn’t know this would happen if I did that. I mean, the last time I just felt like a hormonal idiot, now I glow, it’s kind of new to me too.” I lie down on my side, suddenly exhausted, and he lies next to me.

We stare at each other for what feels like hours until I drop off, and he’s left staring at me. I can feel him keeping track of my thoughts while I sleep, but I don’t stop, he may as well find out how messed up I am sooner rather than later.


A few days later, it’s time for Ian to write his last school exams. I have no need, because I wrote most of the textbooks and been a source for the rest. So I’m enjoying my short respite from the Council before they decided to ruin my life again.

The council left about two days after Ian’s rather failed party. Hecate had been the last to leave, not being able to leave her darling son again. When she’d hugged him for the twelfth time, though, I’d personally pushed her into the portal back to Yggdrasil.

We went for a drive in his new car shortly afterwards, Ian enjoying every minute of swerving through country roads and figuring what the different buttons did. The car, being a Ferrari, had been perfectly fitted to him; magic takes the best measurements after all.

For the entire drive, though, I was in the back of his mind, showing him how to drive the car. When he got hungry, we turned and headed back to the school.

After his last exam, Astronomy, we began to pack to attend the weddings of my oldest friends, and my siblings.

We reach the clearing before the actual gate of Etherea a little after noon, and take our bags from the Ferrari slowly as the guards begin coming out of the trees. With a final wave of my hand, Ian’s Ferrari is sent back to the villa near Blacktower, safe from thieves and other such nuisances.

The guards take our bags and we make our way through the forest slowly, holding hands and not talking. All too soon, we reach the gate, and I have to let go of him to open it. Slowly raising my hand, I utter the words of enchantment and it opens slowly.

Taking his hand again, I lead the whole group through and shut the gate with both hands, sealing it properly for safety reasons. The streets are lit up with flowers and laughter, the fey love weddings almost as much as humans, but I still think the fey do them better.

Sadly, we reach the palace, and I’m forced to walk away from Ian as he is shown to the suite farthest from mine. A rather useless venture on my mother’s part, but it is traditional for the maid of honour to stay with the bride, and the bride is allowed no male company. The same goes for the groom, and the fey love to adhere to traditions.

Sighing, I push open the door, only to be greeted by the rather excited screeching of every elf girl Cassy has ever met. Unfortunately for me, Cassy and Serena are sitting next to each other on the white settee, while a few girls seem to be testing out hairstyles on them.

They both seem happy to be used as guinea pigs for their enthusiastic hairdressers, though Serena seems to have pulled the short straw with the most imaginative one. Smiling, I hold out my arms to Cassy, and she jumps up to hug me.

“Thank the stars you’re here! I don’t know how I’m going to survive this lot if you aren’t with me. Serena is nice and all, but I need someone to calm them, Niall has more cousins and sisters than I have fingers and toes.” She lets go of me, and we share a knowing glance before bursting into laughter.

“Scarlet, how nice to see you again,” Serena says, not bothering to get up. I roll my eyes and turn around, plastering my biggest smile on my face. Her head looks like it’s been attacked by birds, making it easier for me to keep the grin in place.

“Serena, you look positively artistic with all those braids, someone has really done a fine job,” Cassy pulls me away before I can insult her, knowing exactly what I was going to say next.

“You have to see my dress! Your mother spared no expense,” she gushes, panic in her eyes, as she pulls me into one of the bedrooms. She slams the door shut and collapses on the bed heavily before saying, “I was just about ready to kill them all. And Niall’s mother is driving me berserk.”

Sitting next to her, I take her hand, sending soothing thoughts to her, “Well, I’m here now, I’ll irritate her for you.” she looks up and smiles mischievously, and I can’t help but hug her again. “Anyway, where is this dress, I want to know what my mother has deemed appropriate for you.”

She gets up and walks into the closet, the candles in the chandelier lighting with her presence. In the centre of the room stands one of the most beautiful creations I’ve ever laid my eyes upon. The entire dress is covered in sparkling crystals sewn into a lace overlay, with a creamy white silk skirt and bodice underneath.

“She really knows how to outdo herself,” Cassy says softly, as tears come to my eyes. Just looking at his reminds me of the dress my mother put in a secluded room of the palace after I killed Tristan. She’d locked the room with magic, preserving the dress.

“She really does,” I clear my throat and hug Cassy. “So, where are the shoes, the veil? I have to see everything.” She seems relieved as she laughs, pulling everything out of small cubby holes and explaining where she got what. The day in Dublin, it seems, had been spent fetching the extensive silvery veil.

After she’s stopped talking, I feel the need to ask her “Is Seph coming to the wedding?”

Her pained expression gives me my answer and I sigh before I get up and pull at my shirt.

When we walk back out, the young female relatives had disappeared, leaving us with the task of planning the finer details of the wedding. Like the flowers and the tables, the food was Morgana’s department. After a few hours, the fun is over, as the mothers-in-law have arrived.

Cassandra’s parents had died many years ago, when she and Declan were very young, at the hands of some cruel humans for sport. Since then, they have both been adopted by Morgana and cared for as if they were also young royals. The people lovingly called them ‘Morgana’s Chosen’, as they were the only children to hold such an honour.


The day they moved into the palace has been forever etched into my memory. I remember walking slowly down the stairs as Morgana led them across the entrance hall. They were about my age, nearly seven years old in human estimation, with the pale blond hair they’ve never grown out of.

“Scarlet, this is Cassandra and her brother Declan,” Morgana had said carefully, always wary of my habit of overreacting. “Their parents have died in a tragic accident, so I’ve taken them in. and in a few days, they’re going to be recognised as your new brother and sister.”

At the sound of gaining new siblings, I’d been too shocked to speak. As an only child, I grew very lonely when I was forced to take care of my entertainment myself. Cassy had also been shocked, as was evident in her dropping the elf-made doll she’d been cradling in her arms since she’d walked through the doors.

Instead of reaching for it, I’d created a pillow of air to cradle the doll and bring it up to her hand. Her wide-eyed admiration was enough to make me accept her. Declan had held back the entire time, drawn inside of himself, obviously grieving, so I made him a metal knight in my closed hands.

Morgana hadn’t been very impressed with me showing off, but when she saw how much it cheered them up, she resigned herself to her fate and instructed a few servants to escort them to the suites adjacent to mine.

Without a moment’s hesitation, I took Cassandra’s hand in my own and led her up the stairs, Declan following not far behind with the servants trailing bemused behind us.

I now realise that Morgana must have foreseen their connection to me, as well as the benefit of giving me playmates. In the end, they were like a brother and sister to me, as was I to them. They even hold titles of the realm, making them her true children, if not in blood. Then again, I’m not even sure that I’m actually a royal either, I have no control at all and all the people avoid me.


Niall’s mother was notorious for her foul temper and even less attractive facial expressions. I had never met Serena’s, but she was also famed, in the manner of her charm and beauty. Light fey didn’t have much else going for them, to be frank.

I would honestly have preferred to fight off a starving mermaid than deal with either of them, but it was essential for the lot of them to get along. Or, at least pretend to. For the first time, I was glad to see my mother walk through the doors, stunning the both of them into silence.

“I’m so glad you’re all here,” she says, floating over to the couch and sitting down gracefully. “I wanted to give Cassandra and Serena their betrothal gifts.” She claps her hands and two silver boxes appear in Cassy and Serena’s laps.

With gasps of awe, they open the boxes, oohing and aahing over the contents. I roll my eyes as I sip on my jasmine tea, feigning indifference. They each pull out a diadem, covered in small diamonds set into silver filigree, obviously elf work.

“They are splendid,” Petunia says, awestruck. For once, she isn’t scowling, or making rude comments about everyone in earshot. I do not envy Niall or Cassy in their fate. Serena is almost glowing with happiness as she admires her tiara, turning it over in her hands.

“Thank you, your Majesty,” Cassy says, holding my mother’s hand in her own. “It is one of the most beautiful things I’ve ever had the fortune to gaze upon.” Morgana smiles, and nods to her adopted daughter. Serena mumbles her thanks as well, while I just sit and drink some of the most disgusting tea ever.

Once they have all had their fill of the sparkly tiaras and tea, Serena and the others leave. Morgana sighs quietly, and gets up, motioning for me to follow her. “I must speak with you alone, Scarlet, Cassandra, why don’t you go and put that with your dress?”

When Cassy nods and goes to her room, Morgana leads me out the doors and onto the balcony overlooking the lake. Below us, people are working, building a gazebo and tending to the other details of the wedding site. The feast will be held in the throne room, with Morgana presiding.

“Cassandra has asked that you officiate her wedding ceremony, and Serena has consented. Will you be able to grant her this wish?” Morgana looks rather worried as she searches my face for any emotion. I lean against the railing and think about it for a few minutes.

“I would be honoured, Mother,” I say finally, looking up at her. Pushing off from the railing, I lean against the door frame and cross my arms. “Is there anything else I can help with, for the wedding?” I ask carefully, wondering if she would stop me in case I tried to ruin it.

“No, just that,” she says, and walks back through the doors gracefully. Sighing, I follow her, tempted to ask if she’s happy to finally have a wedding in her dear palace. Instead, I lie down on the settee and put my arm over my eyes. This is going to be a long week…

The day of the ceremony dawns bright and clear, with fluffy white clouds dancing across the sky. Inside, there is no dancing whatsoever. The couches have all been moved away for the low platforms which Cassy and Serena will be dressed on.

Both of them are still in their rooms, doing their hair and whatnot. The many female relatives of Serena and Niall are running around, taking things to and from the rooms, and generally being helpful. With each arrival and departure, the items surrounding the daises growing in number.

Sighing, I straighten the boxes with the tiaras, the stands holding the veils and the other ceremonious items. When the bell chimes noon, Serena and Cassy emerge from their respective rooms, glowing as only fey can. Serena’s hair has been piled up on her head, small blond tendrils framing her face.

Cassy’s hair is loose around her shoulders, the small natural waves dancing as she walks. They both reach the daises and step up, waiting for their dresses. Standing between them, I wave my hands, and their dresses materialise in a shower of glittery nonsense around their bodies.

Serena has gone for a gold tiered dress, making her resemble a human wedding cake. Cassy is glowing as I take the tiara and veil to place them on her head as gracefully as I am able. Serena’s sister, Arianna, does the same.

When they are completely dressed, I signal my mother and she creates the magic staircase from the balcony. The various flower girls and bridesmaids walk down slowly, meeting up with the groomsmen at the base of the stairs. All of them look like spring flowers, and not in a good way.

When it is Serena’s turn, she shakes her hands nervously and walks to the door. As she slowly walks down, I take Cassy’s hand and squeeze it before descending myself. The blue folds of the dress move uneasily around my hips as I attempt to navigate the glass staircase.

When I reach the base, I turn to watch as Cassy half-floats down, looking like the fairy princess she is. Smiling, I walk down the aisle, trying not to trip over my own feet. The sight of Ian keeps me from running in the other direction, as he stands next to Declan.

Reaching the gazebo, I lift the dress and walk to the centre, where Declan and Niall are already waiting. Serena has her hand resting on Declan’s arm as he watches his baby sister walk towards her fiancé. Clapping my hands, I call the attention of the guests to me to begin the ceremony.

“As is tradition of our race, we are gathered in the light at the end of this day to bind these young people together, so that when the sun rises on the morrow, they will begin their lives anew.” The guests are watching my every move now, as I place the white ribbons over the hands of my friends, to symbolise their purity.

“The purity of their hearts will bind them for as long as they are faithful,” I take the ends and slowly wrap them over Cassy and Niall, then Declan and Serena. Taking the silver ribbons I say loudly, “The blood of in their veins will hold them true, and they will go about their destinies bound by the oldest of magic.” I wrap them around again, and take the gold.

“And now, I bind them with the golden light of their eternal youth, so that they may always be reminded of their vow to love one another and honour their Soul Mates.” The ribbons break in half and wrap around the left fingers, causing the audience to gasp in awe (another tradition).

I then wave my hands over both couples and the veils disappear, leaving them to make out with each other while their nearest and dearest watch. Ian holds out his hand to me and I take, pulling him towards the lake to escape the well-wishers.

“Have you ever done that before?” he asks, stopping as we reach the edge. I shake my head and lean into him, suddenly overwhelmed with emotions I didn’t even know I was capable of. He kisses the top of my head and waits for me to be able to speak again.

“I never thought I’d be asked,” I mumble as my head rests on his shoulder. “No one really wants the princess who murdered her intended to bind their hands in matrimony. I mean, that’s just asking for bad luck, right?” he just laughs at me and kisses my forehead.

“It’s their loss, I thought you were amazing,” he says, and holds me close. “And you even got the order right-“he says, before I punch him in the arm. The guests are heading towards the palace now, the sun set always signals the beginning of the wedding feast.

Instead of going with them, I lift my head up and kiss him, my hand resting on either side of his neck. When I pull away, he’s smiling from ear to ear, his hands over mine. “We should probably head inside,” he says, but I don’t move an inch.

“We should, but we won’t,” I say, and kiss him again before going on. “We aren’t the guests of honour, and we actually only have to be there for the speeches, which won’t start for another hour.” He smiles, and I kiss him on each beautiful dimple.

“Scarlet?” his eyes are closed as I pull away. I don’t answer; I just stand frozen there, waiting for him to speak. “Would you ever want to try again? The whole wedding thing, I mean?” he opens them, staring straight into my own eyes.

I just stand there, incapable of movement or thought, trying to process what he’s saying. Eventually, my hands drop to my sides and I stare at my feet, my hair covering my face. “No…I can’t go through that,” I say softly. “At least, not now. Ian-“I look up at him, my hands taking his.

“I want you to have a life first, to travel and experience things. I want you to have a life, a good one, before you can tie yourself to me for eternity, because I won’t let go of you then,” I kiss both of his palms and look down again.

“As long as you are there with me,” he says, gently tipping my head back and staring at me. “I won’t let go of you for a second either.” He smiles and I fling my arms around him, pulling him close and laughing.

We turn toward the castle, taking our time to reach the doors of the main hall. I pull him aside more than once, savouring our time together in the fading light of dusk, kissing him for as long as I can.

His hands run down my back as I turn away, resigning myself to the frivolity of the night’s proceedings. The doors open, light and singing spilling through, a feeling of apprehension growing in my stomach as I walk next to Ian gripping his hand in my own. We cross the entrance hall too quickly, winding up directly in front of the giant oak doors.

“It’s now or never,” he whispers in my ear. Smiling, I nod, and push the door open, the sounds and smells washing over us. This time, Ian pulls me through the door and into the warmth of the throne room.

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