Chapter 9 THE AISLE

“About what? Everything is on track. Your groom seems to be very excited about becoming a Cooper. Your grandmother is hanging on and your mother has a constant smile on her face.” she nudged her with her shoulder, “And SJ is excited about walking you down the aisle.”

“He is? That’s great.”

“What are you worried about.”

“My grandmother, she wasn’t looking too good today. The doctor thinks she should sit out the wedding but she’s determined to be involved as much as possible.”

“She’ll be fine for tomorrow. She just needs to rest as much as possible.”

“Tomorrow I become Mrs. Gomez. It’s not how I planned it but it’s better.”

“It’s going to be fun having your family around.”

“I guess so.” Kayla shrugged, “I’m just interested in the happiness of two people at the moment.”

“Solara is excited.”

Kayla looked into the house, he could see Stephan and Solara fooling around and when their eyes met she knew it was meant to be. “Who would think the man I once felt like beheading would be my husband in ten hours.”

“From the day you met in the garage, I knew you were meant to be.” Scarlet thought back to the hostility that sparked between them the day they met. It was the first day she met Stephan, officially. The tension between Kayla and Solara soon turned into passion and love they were one of life’s little miracles.

“Yeah right. But I’m glad it all happened. Everything that we have been through, all four of us, has made us stronger.” Kayla admired the perfect face of her husband to be.

“What are you two talking about?” Stephan, Solara, and SJ joined them out on the porch.

“Solara’s terrible attitude the day he met Kayla.”

“Oh, did I ever apologize for that?”

“No, not really.” Kayla grinned up at him.

“Oh! Well then let me make amends.” Solara leaned towards her and hungrily took her lips with his own.

“Where is my kiss?” Scarlet reached out to Stephan.

“I’ve got it right here.” He pulled her in his arms and slowly kissed her.

“That’s my cue.” SJ groaned then shuffled back into the house. “Goodnight.”

They burst out laughing. Soon SJ’s distaste of public display of affection would be behind him. He was growing into a teenager fast and part of Scarlet was glad that they were going to skip the phase of the rebellious adolescent.

“He needs to get out more.”

“I was thinking about that. Maybe when he finally stops growing we can enrol him in school or something.” Stephan suggested.

“I think you mean if he stops growing. In the three days he’s been here he has grown five inches. My mother noticed it and asked me about it this morning.” Kayla put in.

“What did you say?” Scarlet was worried. This was the reason why she kept SJ at home. She didn’t want anyone noticing how different he was and now Iris had.

“I just told her it’s in the Jeraldi genes; I used Stephan as a reference. She didn’t ask anything else after that.”

“It’s going to be fine Scarlet. After the wedding, Solara and I will take him home. We know the both of you want to hang back with Nana for a while.”

“How did you-, I forget at times I’m engaged to a mind reader. Thanks, babe.” Kayla rose on her tiptoes and gave Solara a quick peck on the cheek.

“So how long do you think you’ll stay?” it wasn’t the way he wanted to spend his honeymoon, miles away from his wife. But Solara understood it was because of him that she stayed away from her family.

“Until the end.” Kayla stared into the space in front of her. The thought of their being in a world where her Nana didn’t exist was excruciating.

“Are you ready for that?” It took Scarlet a year to come to terms with her parents’ death and to this day she still couldn’t handle it.

“I’ll never be ready for my Nana’s death,” she sighed, “But I am ready to be married. What about you?” She slapped her palm on Solara’s chest.

“I admit I am nervous, but I’m ready. In a few hours, I will officially be off the market.”

“What do you mean? As far as I am concerned you have been officially off the market for the past three and a half years.” Kayla looked up at him with black suspicion.

“I mean married. Marked, labelled, that kind of thing.”

“Wise guy.”

“I know the rest of you got the better end of this immortality deal, but I didn’t. I still need my beauty rest. Goodnight people.” She hugged Kayla and walked away with Stephan following closely behind.

“Do you mind if I come with you?”

Scarlet stopped and waited for the feeling of his rock-hard body up against her. And when he made contact with her body, Scarlet could feel herself shudder in delight.

“Not at all but you will have to settle for holding me through the night. I have to wake up early and finish setting up.”

“That is all I need. Having you in my arms is more valuable than oxygen.”

“Says the man who doesn’t need oxygen. Thanks that makes me feel very special.” Scarlet teased.

“If you have never noticed, the only thing that I depend on for my survival in this world is you, and our son.”

“Nice save. But seriously, I love you, babe. Now let’s go tuck me into bed.” She led them upstairs to Kayla’s old bedroom.

Scarlet fell asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow. Stephan held her close to his chest and listened to the beautiful sound and rhythm of her light breathing.

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