Solara wrapped his arm around Kayla’s waist holding her straight up. “In two days Mrs. Cooper we will get married in your backyard.”

Kayla shook her head, she couldn’t take it. She needed to get out of the room and fast.

Solara could feel the pain she was going through and it tormented her. He signalled Scarlet and she whisked Kayla out of the room her mother in tow.

He remained behind; he wanted to get to know the woman who had greatly impacted Kayla’s life. She was the reason the woman he loved was the way she was. Solara and Stephan knelt by each of her sides and held on to her hands.

Once they were in the kitchen all the strength in Kayla’s leg gave out and she sank to the floor. She was trembling, her pain visible in her bulging scared eyes and her trembling hands.

“Why didn’t you call me earlier?”

“How could we call you? Kayla you have disappeared for almost three years. Your phone is disconnected, you moved away and you don’t even respond to your emails.”

“I know. I know and I am sorry. How long does she have.” Her fingers dug into her frizzy hair.

“Not long. The doctor is surprised that she has even held on as long as she has. The pressure on her heart keeps building up. He is afraid to operate because it may do more harm than good.”

“So the only alternative is to let her die?” Kayla said in disbelief.

“She is too weak to undergo any major surgery. She decided to live as long as she could be opposed to dying on the operating table.”

“So the only alternative is to let her die slowly?” Kayla repeated.

“Kayla you don’t need to think about that now. Think about making her happy and you getting married is what she wants. So let’s plan a wedding.” Scarlet was determined to get her friend back on track. They couldn’t afford to have her break down at this moment.

“Let’s plan a wedding.” Kayla leaned back on the wall.


It was Tuesday and the wedding plans were falling in place. Everything seemed to be sorted, all except one.

“Momma, does Mr. Cooper intend on attending my wedding, or even come by and see his dying mother.” Kayla sat on the kitchen counter. She was going over the menu with her mother.

“I called him when your grandmother took a turn for the worse. He said he is on his way, and that was two weeks ago.”

“Let me guess, his flight is stuck somewhere in the sky.” Her father had moved down to Los Angeles. His new wife was more interested in the warm weather and the idea of living next to a celebrity than his family.

“You should give him a call. I’m sure he will get here at the speed of lighting after a call from you.”

“You know what I might just do that.”

“He’s number is in the notepad by the phone.”

Kayla used the phone mounted on the kitchen wall, after scrolling through the note pad she found her father’s number. Unlike the countless times, she tried calling him before, she didn’t hesitate this time. Her grandmother needed to see her son, abandoning her was one thing but ignoring his dying mother was another.

She tapped her foot impatiently against the flower tiles as it rang. Immediately she heard a voice on the other end, she rapped out her instructions. Without waiting for a confirmation from the bewildered man she hung up.

“Done. If he doesn’t come to see his mother it will be his loss.”

Iris giggled; she wasn’t surprised about the tone she had used with her father. Kayla had stopped surprising her ever since she was in fifth grade and challenged her principal to a public debate about the cafeteria food.

“You didn’t give him much of a choice honey.” The phone rang and she turned towards it. “How much do you want to bet that that’s him right now?”

“You talk to him, I already my quota conversation with him for the next three years.” She unhooked the phone and handed it to her mother.

“Hello- yes Dick that was Kayla. She just wants you to come and see your mother.” Iris went silent for a while, but whatever Dick said angered her. “She is your mother the woman who gave birth to you. I don’t care what your bimbo wants to do. Get here before your mother dies or I swear we are going to bury her without informing you.” She replaced the receiver on the hook.

“How was that?”

“Very good Momma. I’m proud of you.” Kayla beamed her mother had always taken a back seat when it came to her father.

Scarlet walked into the kitchen and found the two ladies giggling. “Nana wants to know what’s going on in here. She can hear your voices from the living room.”

“She still won’t go to her room?” Iris asked distraughtly. Nana didn’t have the strength to socialize at that time. In a day it would be Kayla’s wedding and the house would be full, she needed to save her strength for Thursday.

“She insists on hanging out with the boys. Get to know the men we married.” Scarlet didn’t mind, she didn’t have a grandmother of her own who would have that kind of conversation with Stephan.

“We were talking to my father.” Kayla used her fingers and quoted when she said the father. “We were just informing him that he needs to be here on Thursday.”

“Is he coming for your wedding?”

“No, we didn’t tell him about my wedding, only about Nana.” She didn’t see a reason to; it wasn’t like he was going to walk her down the aisle or anything.

“Iris I think it’s wonderful how you take care of your mother-in-law. Some women would have just left after the divorce.”

“She has always been there for me and my daughter. It is the least I can do.” After the divorce Iris was left without any options. No home and no work, she was at the end of her line. Nana Cooper helped her get back on her feet by letting them stay with her.

“Too much happier news, who wants to come with me dress hunting?” Kayla needed a wedding dress.

“I think we will both come with you.” Scarlet put her arm around Iris’s shoulder, “What do you think Momma?”

“Definitely. I think we should leave right away if we hope to find a dress by the end of the day. Do you think the boys will be alright watching Nana or should I call up one of your cousins?”

“They will handle it.” Kayla didn’t want Solara’s bonding time with her grandmother to be interrupted.

“I’ll get the keys to the Jeep.” The Cooper’s didn’t have a car; she was glad that Stephan had decided to drive the rental car there.

“Let me grab my purse and I will meet you both outside.” Iris dumped her apron on the kitchen counter and hurried to her room.

“It is going to be a great day Kayla.”

“I know. I’m just worried about my grandmother. I think I will stay with her for a while just until she- I don’t want to leave her right now.” Kayla was trying to push the thought of her grandmother dying aside but she couldn’t.

“I’ll stay with you. We’ll send the boys back home.”

“Thank you.” She sighed. “Let’s go dress hunting.”

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