Stephan pulled on the trousers Solara had left for him at the edge of the forest. He needed to get himself a couple more especially now with Scarlet sick, his runs would be frequent.

He decided to mention Marquis only to Solara but he would have to wait until they were alone.

“How is my girl doing?”

Scarlet was in the kitchen, he thought about taking her back to bed but being around everyone seemed to be doing her some good.

“Just fine.” She lifted her cheek for his kiss. “How was your run?”

“Just fine. I’m glad to see you eating and smiling.” He sat on the stool closest to her.

“I loathe that room so I decided to come down here, call it a change of scenery.” She cupped her palm at the bottom of his chin.

“That’s fine but as soon as you start feeling weak, you are back to bed. Agreed?” he held her gaze not letting her puppy dog eyes sway him.

“Agreed.” Scarlet huffed in defeat.

“Solara could I talk to you for a sec.” He tried to sound very calm, he didn’t want to alert anyone especially Kayla.


Solara followed him into the garage and to his Jaguar.

“Let’s go for a drive.” Stephan got into his car.

“This isn’t good news, is it? I knew two full years without any incidences was too good to be true.”

Once they were halfway to town Solara spoke up, “Lay it on me.”

“When I went for my run I think I caught Marquis’s scent. I can’t be sure though.”

“What would she want around here?”

Stephan gave him a look that said ‘me’. He was the only thing that she would risk everything to get.

“Some people call that true love.”

“Normal people call it insanity. She is delusional and obsessed.”

“Love is insane. How else do you explain giving up everything, facing anything for that one person? To want to need to even kill for just that one person.”

“So what are you saying that I should be considerate just because she killed for me? May I remind you that one of the people she killed was your sister?”

“Well then what are we waiting for. Let’s hunt down the bitch and kill her.” That was all the motivation he needed.

“I would love to do that, but I can’t leave Scarlet alone not when she is like this.” His grip tightened around the steering wheel.

“I understand that. You better take it easy on that thing. We do need it to steer this car.” Solara said when he heard the metal crunch.

“Oh, sorry. I’m just pissed. I do not need any distractions right now.”

“I can do it.” Solara volunteered, “Nothing would give me more pleasure than to kill that witch.”

“No, I can’t let you do that.”

“I know that you and my sister were in love but she was my sister. I need to do this.”

“I understand that. But she has help, and, if you die Kayla is going to kill me and both our wives will be widowed and our children fatherless.”

“Are you serious?”

“As much as the idea of Marquis scares me your wife scares me more. So we will wait until the baby is born then we will hunt her down.” He took a u-turn he had been away from Scarlet long enough and his soul ached to be near her.

“Fine but the second Scarlet drops that baby we are looking for that witch and killing her.”

“That’s fine with me.”

Stephan found Scarlet asleep on the sofa her head resting on SJ’s lap. SJ put his finger on his lips signaling him to be quiet, then on his chest asking him where his shirt was.

Stephan hadn’t noticed that he had spent the whole day half-dressed, he was glad that he didn’t go into town as he had planned originally. He went into the kitchen to get the shirt he had left in there before his run.

“How is she?” he whispered into Kayla’s ear.

“As well as can be expected, considering. And how are you?” she directed the question back to him.

“What do you mean?”

“You take my husband out for some secret talk and now he is blocking me out of his mind.” She raised a suspicious brow at him.

“You need to stop being so paranoid. No one is keeping anything from you. Most of the people in this house are lucky to get anything by you.”

“Not most just you and your spawn. I’m hoping the new baby isn’t as secretive as the both of you.”

“It’s not being secretive. It’s the way things should be. You need to stop being nosy.”

“Nosy he says. Do you know how many heart-aches this telepathic thing could have saved me? I’m glad my husband bit me I’m just not jazzed about the fact that he can tune me out.” She pouted.

“You’ll find out soon.” They would all find out soon enough. Marquis was bound to show herself sooner or later.

“Like right now if you didn’t have that brick wall I would have known what was worrying you. But I am sure you are going to make up some crockpot story to throw me off.” She poked her index finger onto his temple.

“I am going to tell you what is worrying me. Nikki and Susanna will be here in the morning.” He was sure that would throw the hound in her off his trail of worry.

“If I were you I would be forming ulcers right now. Scarlet is going to lose it.” Kayla laughed.

“That’s why I thought we could tell her it was your idea.”

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