Chapter 31 DEATH NOTE

“She is better, bigger actually.” The sound of optimism in his voice was fake and all he could do was hope that he didn’t realize it.

“Bigger, I’d like to see that. She’ll be fine you just wait and see.”

Positive thinking, that’s was all they had in their corner at the moment. Other than that they were screwed. He hoped that the beasts would come through for him one more time. He didn’t exactly know what they could do for Scarlet but he was sure it would be more than what they were doing for her at the moment.

“You remember Nikki and Susanna?” Stephan asked.

SJ stopped chewing on his pizza sandwich and looked up at his father, “I want it to be known that whatever you did or planned was not of my knowledge. I was asleep when you were planning this disaster. Mom is going to kill you, I hope you know that.”

“She’s not going to kill me. She is going to thank me.”

“The hopeful words of a dead man.” He teased. “Think of that when she sinks her teeth into your neck and taps out your blood.”

“Your mother isn’t that kind of person. She doesn’t have a violent bone in her body.”

“She could grow one. So when is this catastrophe going to happen?”

“I just talked to Xavier, he said he would get back to me.”

“I’m going into town,” SJ said once he had gobbled down the rest of his sandwich. He stretched his palm to Stephan.

Stephan dipped his hand in his pocket and got out a few hundred dollars. He stared at SJ pal puzzled as he still held it out.

“That should be enough to buy food for the three of you for a month.”


“To what?”

“The jag.”

“No way take your mother’s BMW.” Stephan turned away.

“She is already going to be a widow when she discovers you called Nikki. I would have to be around to support her and if I scratched her precious child she is going to kill me too.”

“No way, take Solara’s car.”

“I’m beginning to get the vibe that you value your car more than your son. I must say that my feelings are hurt.” SJ pouted.

“Ok fine, on one condition.”

“Name it.”

“You take a shower I don’t want that smell stuck on my leather seats.”

“Hey!” SJ sniffed his armpit. “I don’t smell that bad.”

“Trust me, I have an accurate nose and it hasn’t let me down yet. And if you scratch my car I’ll have your hide.”

“Idle threats.” He grabbed the car keys from his father before he changed his mind.

Stephan’s phone buzzed, it was Xavier.

“What did they say?”

“Nikki doesn’t want to step foot back in the states and Susanna is intrigued at witnessing the development and birth of an immortal child.”

“That’s great for them but can they help Scarlet.” Everything that Xavier had said so far was irrelevant. He didn’t care about how they felt only for what they could do to help.

“Susanna has heard a couple of stories about immortal children but they were always about beasts but never vampires.”

“So they can’t help.” The dwindling light of hope had just been extinguished, they would have to look for another option.

“Not exactly, she has some theories. You’d just have to tell her what is going on with Scarlet, Her symptoms, and all that stuff.”

Now we are getting somewhere, “That’s great any information right now is helpful. Do you think we could do this over the phone?”

“Let me guess Scarlet isn’t on board with this.” Xavier chuckled.

“Not exactly.”

“Susanna thinks it will be best if she is there with her.”

“She just wants to satisfy her curiosity. Fine but she can not annoy Scarlet any more than she already has.” Stephan gave in.

“Is tomorrow good?”

“Yesterday was better. I’ll get Eric to pick them up from the airport. Thank you, you know how to come through for me.”

“No worries.”

“Who is being picked up from the airport?” Solara walked in with Kayla on his arm.

“Nikki and Susanna.”

“Wow, you want Scarlet to kill you.” Solara laughed.

“Can you all stop saying that? She will realize that I’m doing this for her and our baby.” Stephan could only hope.

“I suggest that you don’t tell her of their arrival until they get here. She might just send them back.” Kayla put in.

“I wasn’t planning to. Is she still asleep?”

Kayla turned lifted her head towards the ceiling listening to the thought that was coming from above them in Scarlet’s room. “Yes, but she’ll be up soon. She’s hungry.”

“SJ just went to get some groceries. Let’s hope he’ll get back before she wakes up.” Stephan exhaled.

“You look exhausted which is very worrying considering fatigue is impossible when it comes to you.”

“Not anymore. I need a run. Keep an eye on Scarlet.” He pulled his shirt over his head and took off through the kitchen door, leaping off the porch and phasing into the black cat, turning his trousers into shreds.

“I wish I could do that,” Solara mumbled.

“Don’t we all.”


Marquis could sense him coming towards her. She wasn’t sure if he had noticed that she was there and she hoped that he hadn’t. She didn’t want her cover to be blown. She thought of running away before he came across her scent but the desire to see him was greater than the urge to live.

“Stephan.” She sank her nails into the rough tree bark, restraining herself from running to him. “Even as a beast you are the most beautiful man I know.”

She drooled at how his muscles moved beneath the black fur with every stride that he took. How his shiny coat glimmered as the peeping sunlight streamed through the forest leaves. He was magnificent and glorious and she wanted him for herself.

Marquis took a few steps away as he got closer. She was close enough to see him, to feel him but she was close enough to see him, to feel him but yet far enough for him not to detect her. She wished that she could have just a second to roam in his mind.

Stephan stopped when he caught a familiar scent. He raised his snout into the air and followed the trail of the smell. He was sure it was Marquis but he didn’t want to admit it. He broke into a run following, chasing after the scent that would soon lead him to the vampire who owned it.

The trail ended at the stream, there was no way to trace her through the water. He stepped into the stream and took his human form. Stephan looked around hoping to catch a glance at the one threat to his happiness.

As much as he wanted to he didn’t call out her name. He wanted her before him, he wanted to kill her but having her there would only awake the threat.

Marquis watched as he rose from all fours to standing on his chiseled legs. She ogled at his tanned muscled bare features. She bit down on her lip taking a step forward then quickly turning back. She broke out in a run, running away from her one weakness as hard and as far as she could.

She stopped when she crossed the border into Canada. Marquis dropped to her knees the pain that she felt into the depth of her soul rising to her throat. Tearless sobs escaped her chest, she wanted to be with him and it tore her apart knowing that he was with someone else.

Plans of how to kill Scarlet jogged in her mind. She wanted to kill her in so many ways, to taste her blood on her tongue and to hold her heart in her palm.

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