Scarlet and the rest looked at them as they spoke, their words cold and chilled. She knew it had to be Kayla’s father. She had never met him before but only heard stories about him. None of them were good.

Solara rushed everyone out of the room, he knew very well who it was but wasn’t about to introduce himself.

“What’s going on here?” Dick asked.

“Now you are interested in what takes place in this house?” Iris smirked.

“Iris I don’t want to fight. I just came to see my mother and my daughter. As soon as I do that I will be gone.” Dick retorted his voice strained with annoyance.

“Well, you can’t do that now. Go to the back and sit and wait like everyone else.”

“Is Momma alright? Why are all these people here?”

“It’s not a funeral Dick.” She used his name as an insult.

Scarlet started to answer but a look from Iris hushed her. “I think I’ll go upstairs.”

She walked away leaving them arguing. As much as Dick tried, he couldn’t get a straight answer from Iris.

“So your dad is here,” Scarlet announced once she walked into Nana’s room.

“I can’t believe he showed.” Kayla pretended to be surprised for the sake of her grandmother.

I hear him, smelt him more likely. My mother’s giving him hell, isn’t she? Kayla smiled.

Yes, she is. She won’t tell him it’s your wedding.

Good for her.

Don’t you think we should do something before blood is spilled?

Why? Afraid you’ll end up drinking it.

It’s not funny Kayla

Speak for yourself.

“Kayla do you want your father to walk you down the aisle?” Nana asked, interrupting their mental conversation.

“No Nana. You will do it and this handsome boy is going to help you.” She ruffled SJ’s hair, making him scowl.

“He is more handsome than your father.” Nana joked.

Iris walked into the room, pacing back and forth as angry incomprehensible words bubbled out of her mouth. “The nerve he has telling me I shouldn’t boss him in his mother’s house.”

“Momma. Momma, you need to calm down before you melt your makeup off your face.” Kayla bit into her cheek to stop herself from smiling.

“I swear-,”

“Iris, don’t swear, not on this day you’re not.” Nana put in. “I know how infuriating my son can be. But today we are going to focus all our emotion and passion on Kayla.”

“That reminds me. Everyone is ready for you honey.” Iris took in a couple of deep breaths to calm herself down.

“Ok let’s do this. Does Eric know when he should start playing the music?”

“As soon as he sees your mother he will press play,” Scarlet reassured her.

“I’m ready, let’s go.” Kayla gave herself one final look in the mirror.

They walked down the stairs; SJ helped Kayla carry her dress down the steep steps. Iris handed them their flower arrangements, and in between the lilies and roses were little forget me not and yesterday today tomorrow flowers. Kayla thought it was appropriate for them to be included. They were symbolic of what had happened in their lives and everything that had got them to that day.

‘Heaven’ lyrics and beat blew out of the speakers and Iris knew it was time she started the march. As she walked down the aisle she caught a glimpse of Dick’s surprised face, and it made her laugh.

As soon as Iris was at the front of the aisle Scarlet marched down, her eyes focused on her husband more than anything else. He waited for her just as he did countless times before. Scarlet knew that Stephan would always be there, waiting for her.

Scarlet stood across from her husband and turned her attention to her best friend.

Kayla pulled the floor-length veil over her face and started the march down the aisle, her grandmother slot in between her and SJ. She looked up and noticed how her grandmother’s bare yard had been transformed into a garden of beauty. Each table was adorned with a crystal vase centerpiece, with flowers sticking out of them.

Roses and lilies were strung up with white ribbons on the umbrellas that stuck up from the tables. The arch at of altar was covered with flowers and crystal rocks hanging from them, reflecting the sun’s light. The boys had done a great job.

With every step, she took down the aisle her mind filled with memories from the day they met. She looked up and Solara and together they relived the moments that had brought them to that day.

Kayla eased her grandmother into a seat at the empty table, where they would all seat after the ceremony. She turned and faced Solara then took his hand and together they took a step forward. They turned to face the pastor as he began the ceremony.

Solara couldn’t pay attention to what he kept on saying; he was too distracted admiring Kayla. She looked beautiful under the lace veil, and all he wanted to do was kiss her.

They exchanged wedding rings; Solara’s was a simple platinum band, while Kayla’s was a diamond-studded ring, complementing the rock on her engagement ring.

“I do.” Kayla’s voice rang in the air.

Solara was too excited to let the pastor usher him into his vows. He shouted ‘I do’ midst the pastor’s sentence. The crowd giggled.

Solara could hear every word even before he spoke them.

“You may-,” the pastor abandoned his thought when Solara reached for Kayla’s veil. Yanking it over her head and exposing her immaculate face. Kayla looked up at him smiling as he lowered his head to kiss her.

“I have never seen a man so eager to get married as you are.” The pastor commented.

When Solara finally released Kayla’s lips they turned towards the crowd.

“May I present Mr. and Mrs. Solara Gomez.” The pastor announced to the roaring crowd.

The crowd rose to their feet as they walked back down the aisle into the house.

“We did it.” Kayla chimed.

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