Curse of the Moon Goddess

Chapter Vampires

Sage’s POV

It felt nice finally getting everything off my chest. Lizzy and I had gone outside where no one else was and talked. I told her most of what had happened with my aunt and uncle, editing out the werewolf parts. I told her how my grandma had passed away causing both of us to cry more tears. I even told her what I had been going through the last few years, just with fewer details than what I’d shared with Jace.

Jace. That man is a mystery to me. He’s got the looks of a player, but he’s far from one. He’s mature but has the most amazing laugh that brightens his eyes to freshly made caramel. I’d given him plenty of opportunities to take advantage of me. Unintentionally of course. And yet, he never hesitates in his commitment to stay a gentleman. He was sweet, thoughtful, a great listener, brave, smart, and overall, the best man I’d ever met. As my relationship with my wolf grew, I did start feeling the bond with Lukas. Yet, for some reason, I found myself more and more drawn to Jace. I know it isn’t fair to Lukas or Venessa, but I couldn’t resist the strange pull I felt towards him. I keep trying to convince myself my feelings are like that of a younger sister looking up to an older brother. If only I was better at lying to myself.

We sat in silence for a while after we both had finished shedding our tears and had run out of words to say. It had to be close to midnight as the moon was shining brightly high in the sky.

“Hello ladies.”

We both turned around to find Adam sauntering his way towards us.

“Adam. What are you doing out here?” Lizzy asked.

He shrugged before replying, “You girls had been gone for a while, so I decided to check on you.”

“That’s sweet, but we’re ok,” I said a little curtly. I didn’t like the gleam he held in his eyes.

He continued to walk forward. Both Lizzy and I stood up, our defenses on high alert.

“What do you say the three of us take a walk?”

“What?” Lizzy and I asked at the same time startled.

“The others are having some kind of group huddle. It looked like it was starting to get nasty. If you really want to stay here Sage, then I think we should learn more about this place.”

I didn’t feel good about this. All of my instincts were screaming this was a bad idea. Before I could speak up though, Lizzy turned to me and said, “He’s right. We should learn more about this place before leaving you here. And, no offense, but your new friends don’t seem too eager to allow us the grand tour.”

I felt backed into a corner. I could see their point. But what if something bad happens and they find out about who they are? Who I am? But then again, they’ll probably sneak out without me. It was safer if I went with them. There was no talking them out of it.

“All right. Fine. But I don’t like it. These are the woods after all, so it is crucial we be careful. Especially since it’s dark. If anything feels the least bit off, we come right back here. Please?” I begged.

Adam and Lizzy both gave half nods as if to say, ‘as long as you agree we’ll say anything.’

The three of us then sauntered off into the village. As we walked through, I could feel relief flood me as all we saw was a girl our age walking home, a hunched over man dragging himself through town, and a couple of kids sneaking out of their house. We wandered through the entire village without seeing a single thing out of place. I did notice the eyes watching us from the windows, but I already knew it was the wolves looking out for their families.

“See? Everything seems normal,” I stated, feeling triumphant and relieved that nothing had happened.

Unfortunately, I spoke too soon.

Adam halted in his tracks; his eyes focused on something in the woods.

“What is that?” he asked, his voice shaking just slightly.

I looked in the same direction and shivered as panic filled me. There were eyes glowing dimly in the forest looking right at us.

“Lizzy, Adam, run. And don’t look back.”

“But…” Lizzy started before I gave the two a harsh nudge to get their butts moving.

I walked towards the eyes, trying to draw their attention away from my friends.

“Sage!” Lizzy yelled.

That idiot. “Go get help. Now!” I shouted as the figures started moving.

Oh snap.

I quickly chased after the figures, foregoing the thought of shifting. I was still new at it, and I couldn’t risk Adam or Lizzy finding out.

In horror, I noticed one, then two of the figures emerge from the trees, racing rapidly after my friends.

I put more power in my leaps. Soon, I was rolling on the ground with both figures as I tackled one and used our momentum as a bowling ball to take out the other figure. Thankfully, Adam and Lizzy kept running like I’d instructed. Pulling myself to my feet, I found myself face to face with four poisonous snake like creatures. Their moves were quiet and precise. Their eyes piercing. But the most concerning was the fangs shining dangerously under the moonlight.

One of the creatures stepped forward, grinning like one of those creepy pythons in horror films.

“Well, aren’t you a pretty thing. No wonder the Blood Alpha has taken a fancy to you,” his voice sickly sweet. He was the walking reason why you don’t take candy from strangers. His words too sweet and his smile fake and luring.

I tilted my head, faking innocence, “Who?”

This guy’s smile widened in an unreal way as he spat out, “You know exactly who I’m talking about. You’ve seen his fur. Now, my dear, do you believe in reincarnation?”

What in the world is this guy spewing? Reincarnation? Impossible.

“You see, I came across a wolf centuries ago with the coat of blood. He killed my sister and my brother-in-law. I only found out about it after the wolf had killed himself. Supposedly from sorrow, but who can say for sure. Maybe it was guilt. I’ve been chasing after every one of those bloody alphas since then to no avail.”

He paused, giving me a nasty smile, “Until now. And I have surrounded his kryptonite.”

I smirked, satisfied to see his smile falter.

“You talk too much,” I replied.

The sound shook the ground as a deep growl rumbled around us.

I’m in deep trouble when all this is over, but I was ecstatic that Jace and the others had made their presence when they did.

“Wow. Easy now pup. Down boy,” the vampire stated, his hands in the air as he slowly backed away.

“You know, I’m very grateful you showed up,” he continued, “but I unfortunately must run. We’ll have to catch up some other time.”

And just like that, the mysterious vampire disappeared into the forest with his pose.

I glanced at Jace, giving him the biggest smile to show how happy I was to see him. I was earned with the deadliest glare, and I knew I would be lucky to survive the night.

We walked back to the house, everyone else in wolf form while I remained as a human. One by one we snuck in the back door, they threw on some clothes, and made our way to the living room.

My eyes immediately were drawn to Lizzy, wrapped tightly in a blanket, shaking as terribly as a leaf in the autumn wind.


I rushed to her as she stood. We embraced as I felt tears falling gently onto my shoulder.

“You’re ok,” she whispered over and over.

I nodded as I couldn’t force my voice to work.

After some time had passed, we pulled slightly apart. She glanced nervously around as she asked in a trembling voice, “Can we, uh, go somewhere to talk? Somewhere private?”

I gave her a small smile and nodded. “Let’s go outside.”

“No,” two voices growled behind me.

I glared at Jace and Lukas as I spat out, “We’re going outside. Watch from a window if you’re so concerned.”

I could tell Jace was trying not to look amused while Lukas looked like he was about to bury someone alive. I didn’t care. I had to explain things to my friend.

I guided her out the back door to the same place this night’s fiasco had all started. We sat on the same stone bench, Lizzy in my arms, as we rocked back and forth to the night’s song.



“I’m glad you’re ok.”

I smiled softly. She hadn’t seen anything. She was still innocent to what was really going on around her.

I tucked her in closer, “Me too. I’m glad you’re safe.”

Shortly after, I heard her soft breathing and knew she had fallen asleep. I stayed still in the comfortable silence, staring up at the nearly full moon.


I gently turned to see Lukas approaching. I could barely see him out of the corner of my eye, but I knew Jace was with him. I could smell both their scents calling to me.

“She’s asleep,” I whispered, knowing they would be able to hear me clearly.

“I’ll take her inside so the two of you can talk,” Jace spoke, his voice emotionless.

He gently pulled her from me, his fingers accidentally brushing against my collarbone. My heart skipped a beat at the contact. I glanced at his face, but he refused to look at me. He must be furious at us for what we did. I couldn’t blame him. We all almost became a snack for a bunch of vampires.

As Jace walked back inside, Lukas replaced Lizzy, sitting awfully close to me.

I looked up into his golden-brown eyes. I could almost see Jace in them. My heart ached at the thought. I turned my attention back to the moon. I could feel disappointment rolling off Lukas in waves.

“Is it that hard to look me in the eyes?”

The pain in his voice caused me to look back at him. Our gaze met once again, this time his eyes glittered gold, full of sadness and longing.

I couldn’t keep looking into those sorrowful eyes, knowing I was the root of his pain.

“Right now, yes,” I admitted.

“Why?” his voice quiet and thick.

“Because,” I paused, taking a deep breath, “I know I’m the reason for the pain in your eyes. And there’s nothing I can do about it.”

He gingerly took my left hand in his, stroking the top of my knuckles as he replied, “There is something you can do.”

My eyes raced to his face. He continued to look down at my hand for a moment.

“You could accept me as your mate.”

I froze. I couldn’t speak. My mind couldn’t form a coherent thought. My heart flashed a thousand different emotions. The one thing that stuck out above the rest though was a single thought. What about Jace?

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