Curse of the Moon Goddess

Chapter Half-Moon Scar

In came tumbling Venessa, Ian, and Lukas in a tangle of arms and legs.

“What the…?” I exclaimed.

Sage also seemed pleasantly surprised as she let out a giggle. It was so cute I felt my anger dissipate a bit.

“What were you guys…?” I started. Then remembered what we had been discussing. I might as well have had Adam suck the blood from my body as I felt it all drain from me. “How much did you all hear?”

By this point, they had all unscrambled themselves and were now standing in the doorway looking away sheepishly.

“Basically everything,” Ian replied.


I couldn’t help myself. I felt my legs give out. She’s dead. For sure she’s dead now.

All three of them dropped by my side. I felt hands patting my back in reassurance.

“We’re sorry,” Venessa started, “We didn’t mean to. We came to check up on Sage and heard the two of you talking. We were happy to finally get some answers that we didn’t know the price you would have to pay.”

“We’re really sorry,” Lukas added in.

I lifted my head and gave them all a sad smile.

“Nothing we can do about it now. I’m sorry I couldn’t tell you sooner. I’ve wanted to explain things so many times.”

“It’s not your fault. Bloody Moon Goddess. How could she do that to you? How could she do that to us?” Ian chimed rather heatedly.

I gave a small shrug. I agreed but had no fight left in me.

“Is there a way we can know if, uhm, Sage is Aleina?” Lukas asked. He couldn’t look me in the eyes.

“Lukas,” he wouldn’t look, “We don’t have to find out if you don’t want to.”

He looked at me startled. “Dude, this is a chick you’ve been waiting quite literally forever for. How could I keep you from her if she really is Aleina? What kind of friend would I be?”

“Thanks, man. But it’s really neither of our decision, is it?”

We all looked at Sage.

She turned bright red from all the attention.

“L-let me get dressed first. Then we can talk. I don’t want Lizzy to overhear, so I’ll be quick. Has she woken up yet?” Sage asked.

“No,” Venessa replied, “she’s still sleeping. I think yesterday took a toll on her. She’ll probably be asleep for a while.”

We all nodded and left the room. Venessa stayed behind to help Sage get dressed. I could hear the two talking and it sounded like they were having a really good conversation.

At last, we were given the go-ahead to go back inside.

Sage was sitting upright and looking immensely better than she did the night before.

“I don’t want to drag this out longer than it needs to be, so I’ll get right to it. Lukas,” she turned to him, “you’re a great guy. But I don’t feel the mate bond the way Venessa describes it. I’m sorry.”

He nodded, then added, “I figured as much. I’m not offended. However, if you’re not Aleina, could you give me a chance?”

Sage looked away sadly, “I can’t. I’m sorry Lukas, but I don’t think I could ever love you that way.”

He nodded. He seemed sad but acted as if he knew that would be the case.

“Jace,” Ian spoke up, “How will you know if Sage is Aleina?”

I took a deep breath in and let it out slowly. This is really happening. I’m finally going to find out if Sage is Aleina. Why do I feel so nervous?

“Before I tell you. Sage, I want to ask you something.”

“Go ahead.”

“If you are Aleina, will you feel obligated to love me?”

I needed to know. I don’t want her to feel like she must be with me after all this time. I want her to be with me because she wants to.

She shook her head. “No. I won’t feel obligated.”

My brows furrowed, “How can you be so sure?”

“Because,” she turned away a little embarrassed, “after talking with Lukas and after everything that’s happened I’m ready to admit I’ve started having feelings for you.”

I felt my face heat up at her little confession. My gaze wandered to Lukas. He didn’t seem surprised at all. In fact, I could have sworn I saw a small smile and a nod that said, ‘go ahead.’

“What about you Jace?” Sage suddenly asked.

Startled, I looked at her in confusion.

“If you find out I am Aleina, would you feel obligated to love me?”

I thought about it for a moment. I thought back to everything we’ve experienced and the small moments I tried to ignore.

“No,” I stated with confidence, “I wouldn’t. My feelings have been a whirlpool since you and Venessa got here. Now that I’m not tied to Venessa I know, without a doubt, that even if you are not Aleina, I would like to move forward with you. I will always hold Aleina in my heart. But if you are not her, then I can only assume that she’s moved on and it’s my turn to do the same.”

She smiled. I felt sorry for Lukas, but my heart is already becoming tied to Sage. She is too much like Aleina that if she’s not her I can only assume she’s a descendant of hers and she moved on. It’s time I finally move on.

“I, Lukas Silverpaw, reject you, Sage Anderson, as my mate.”

“I, Sage Anderson, reject you, Lukas Silverpaw, as my mate.”

Surprised, I turned to look at Lukas. He shot me a smile and said, “You inspired me. I’m not going to hold onto someone who can’t love me back. I know what I’ve said about rejecting mates, however, hearing your story I understand now. Sometimes, it is what’s best for everyone.”

I looked between him and Sage. Neither seemed to be in pain.

“Are you both ok?” I asked incredulously.

“Surprisingly yes,” Lukas stated, patting himself down as if checking for injuries.

“Same,” Sage announced, “I feel a tiny ache in my heart, but that’s all.”

Ian, Venessa, and I all looked at one another, remembering my complete collapse earlier.

“All right. No more dragging this out. I need to know. How do we know if Sage is Aleina?” Venessa asked, breaking us from our thoughts.

Slowly, I removed my shirt.

“Wow, man! If you both have to strip I’m outta here!” Ian exclaimed.

I chuckled at my Beta’s ridiculous assumption.

“I’m just showing you all. See right below my neck, between my shoulder blades? That half-moon scar. I have it and so does Aleina. I don’t know where it would be on Sage’s body if she were to have it. But because both of our looks change each time, we are reborn the Moon Goddess put a scar on us so we would know one another. She didn’t believe we would find one another. Each time we did, Aleina would die. Her memories would return as she breathed her final breath,” I stopped, unable to continue for a moment. After gaining a little composure, I finished, “I would find her scar once she passed on.”

The room was quiet for a moment.

It was broken by a small whisper, “Jace.”

I turned to look at Sage. Tears rolling down her face.

I froze as she moved her shirt away from her shoulder just a bit to reveal a half-moon scar next to her collarbone.

“Jake,” she whispered as tears threatened to choke her.

“Aleina,” I breathed out as I rushed to embrace her.

Chapter 34 Moon Goddess Returns

I held her tight for some time. Eventually, I pulled away just enough to move some of her hair from her face and caress her cheeks in the palms of my hands.

“Jake, I’ve missed you,” she whispered through tears.

“I’ve missed you too, Aleina.”

I moved in to kiss her after so long; when a strong wind started blowing inside the room. I held firmly onto Aleina, refusing to let her go now that I have her.

“Not so fast you two,” a booming voice shook the entire building.

As the wind died down, in the center of the room appeared to be the moon itself. Only, instead of a sphere, there was the figure of a beautiful woman with the head of a wolf.

I couldn’t hold back the growl in my throat as I spoke the name of the being I’d been hating for centuries, “Moon Goddess.”

I clung to Aleina afraid of what the Moon Goddess would do this time. Last time she cursed us and then killed Aleina, so could you really blame me?

“I see your hatred for me as grown over time. How long has it been? A couple of years?” her voice nonchalant as if she were having a conversation over tea about the latest book she read.

I growled.

“Right. I guess time doesn’t always heal wounds. I guess some grow deeper.”

“You are not taking her from me again. I’ve seen her die too many times. I’ve rejected and hurt too many women. I’m done playing your games. We’ve found one another, we still want each other, is it so bad for us to finally get to be together?!” I practically screamed at the Moon Goddess. I was not going to keep playing her games.

“Hmmm. You certainly have hurt a lot of my children. And many more have hurt others because of your selfishness. I think I should take her from you again. Maybe you’ll finally learn your lesson and be with the one I send to you!” she screamed at me, her hands glowing with her magic.

I waited, looking into Aleina’s tear-filled eyes as we waited for our fate. But nothing happened.

Slowly we turned to see a wall blocking us from the Moon Goddess. Lukas, Venessa, and Ian stood in front of us, blocking the Moon Goddess from our view.

“Enough Moon Goddess,” Lukas said, his voice commanding.

The Moon Goddess scoffed, “You think you can tell me what to do?”

“No, but I certainly can ask. Leave these two be. Aren’t you tired of hearing the cries of your children as you sacrifice them to a loveless bond?” Lukas continued.

“You are one to speak Lukas Silverpaw. Aren’t you the one who hated these two more than anything else? Aren’t you the one who wished Aleina would stop looking in the direction of another? Aren’t you the one standing all alone in this room? Why would you stand up for the two who have made your life unfair?” the Moon Goddess spat out, using Lukas’ own thoughts against him.

“You’re right. I am alone. But not really. Jace has been a dear friend of mine since the beginning. He’s put up with me when so many others left or used me. He’s been loyal and a true friend. He never approached Sage in an attempt to take her from me. That’s just the way their hearts led them. I will never hate either of them nor be jealous,” he glanced at us, “Those two have a love I hope I can find in a single life. There’s have lasted far longer than that. It’s time they got to enjoy that love.”

“I agree,” Venessa voiced, “Jace was kind to me. He didn’t lead me on to believe he would accept me. In fact, he made sure I had someone to turn to before letting me go so it didn’t hurt so much. To be honest, I wanted an alpha as my mate. And I did. Beta Ian is the alpha in my life. He has already given me so much love and care, if I hadn’t been so concerned with titles, I would have chosen him over Jace immediately. No offense Jace.”

“None taken,” I replied.

This time Ian piped in, “Moon Goddess. It’s time these two were given a life to live together. Jace is the greatest alpha. Not only that, but I’ve grown up hearing stories of the blood alphas. If he really was each and every one of them, then there’s no doubt that he’s paid his dues. The blood alphas have looked after your children, cherished, and protected their packs better than any other alpha. They opened a doorway where those that are mated to abusive mates can find an escape. We grew up believing a mate was a precious thing you should hold onto. What about those who don’t hold that bond so dearly? Are their mates expected to still accept them and live miserable lives? I don’t think so. In everything, there is good and bad. It may seem bad to you what they’ve done and yes, some bad has come of it. But you should acknowledge some good has come of it as well. Let the two of them have some good after they’ve experienced so much bad.”

There was a deafening silence after everyone’s speeches. No one dared to breathe as we waited for the Goddess’ verdict.

After some time, she finally said, “Jake, Aleina. Come forward.”

We glanced at one another, then moved as one past our friends to stand in front of the Moon Goddess.

Her piercing eyes surveyed us. Eventually, she let out a sigh.

“I did make a promise,” she spoke hesitantly, “You did find one another on multiple occasions and have admitted you still love one another. In addition, you’ve somehow convinced your mates to side with you in supporting this ridiculous match. As much as I hate this, I bless your relationship and you are now bonded to one another in an inseverable bond. If either of you try to break this bond, I will bestow an even worse curse upon you. And I’ll make sure to do it when the moon is new, so it will indeed be horrendous. Understood?”

“Yes,” we spoke in unison, “Thank you Moon Goddess. Thank you so much.”

For the first time ever, the Moon Goddess smiled.

“You two truly are a strange couple. I should really be blaming those twins for not winning either of you over. They were quite a handful, weren’t they?”

We both shuddered thinking back to our first mates.

“It is time for me to go. But before I do, Lukas,” she stopped to address him directly.

“Yes, Moon Goddess?” he responded in surprise.

“Open your bloody eyes. Seriously. You’ve been blind to your actual mate since you were a kid. I literally put her under your nose. That’s why I gave Aleina to you. You were so stupid blind to see what was in front of you!” she retorted, clearly irritated with Lukas.

We all stifled our laughs at the look on Lukas’ face.

“I-I will do my best Moon Goddess,” he stammered out.

“Good. So long. May all of you stop getting on my nerves.”

With that, there was another whirlwind in the room. Then, she was gone.

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