“Stephan?” Leo walked up beside him.

Stephan swiftly turned towards him. He caught him by the neck lifting him off the ground. “What exactly was your plan?”

“It wasn’t my plan.” His fingers tried to loosen the grip Stephan had around his neck. “Put me down and I’ll explain.”

Stephan opened his hand and he fell to the ground, “Be quick about it.”

“It was Salvatore’s plan.”

“What was your cut in it?” Stephan stared at him, his eyes black with suspicion. “You had to be getting something from it, to risk your life like that.”

“Power.” Leo looked down, and for the first time since he desired it, he felt ashamed. “I wanted to have all the power.”

“Well, you are a Counsel member.” Stephan wasn’t shocked at all. All the vampires that resided in the fortress were always looking for a quick way up the ladder of power.

“But then I changed my mind. I thought that we could take Salvatore down together and-,”

“And you could take over his position.” He shook his head in amazement, “You wanted to take down the man, by using his army. With the beasts with you, you were going to be unstoppable.”

“We can still do that. Take over the ruling of vampires, change the system.”

“I’m not a politician. You are on your own in this.” Stephan started to walk away.

“They will come after your son again.”

Stephan had him in a chokehold again, “Excuse me?”

“Salvatore will want your son. He already knows you can father children so it’s obvious that your son can too.” He chocked out the words.

“You tell Salvatore if he comes anywhere near my home, I will kill him.” he released him from his hold.

“Or you could do that,” he was setting up his pitch, “Bring him down, destroy him. Make sure that your family is safe once and for all.”

Stephan mused over the suggestion. It was a good idea and even better if he could tell Scarlet that he was done with his past once and for all.

“With what army?”

“With this army. They will follow you where you lead them. Right?” Leo turned to the legion of confused vampires. “Right?”

They quickly granted him the answer he was looking for.

“I have no interest in leading anyone or anything. So they can be your army.”

“We can take over the fort easily. There aren’t many soldiers left behind, besides they will join us.”

“You are like a cockroach, Leo. You will try and survive at all costs.” Stephan didn’t have a good reason to turn him down and had a better one to take him up on his offer.

“Wait here, I’ll be back.”

Stephan ran across the border into the beast colony. When he got there the beasts watched him in awe. It was the first time, besides SJ that they had seen someone of his kind.

Xavier met with him and escorted him to his house. There he found everyone he thought was dead, gathered in the living room.

“Where is SJ?” he directed his question at Scarlet but Kayla answered when she didn’t.

“He’s outside playing with the other children. Should I call for him?”

“No, leave him there. I need to talk to all of you about something. Get your opinions and thoughts. I know I have been doing a lot of things on my own that end up affects you. So this time you also get to pitch in.” His eyes were focused on Scarlet, hoping to find some positive reaction from her.

“My wife has called to my attention the danger I keep leading you into, so this is entirely your call Scarlet.”

She only looked up when he called her name and not when he referred to her as his wife. “We’ve already been through this.”

“Scarlet listen to him, it’s important.” Kayla put in.

“Fine.” She muttered, “What is this about?”

“Leo thinks that the only way to stop Salvatore from coming after SJ is to kill him.”

“I’m with that.” Solara held.

“But I would need to go back to Rio.” His tone sank the idea not as exciting as killing Salvatore.

“And you want my permission as your wife,” Scarlet posed, “Are you serious?”

“I just need to know how you feel about me leaving again. Especially because of SJ.” Stephan knew he was doing the right thing asking for her opinion. He knew what he had to do but wanted Scarlet to be in it.

“As his mother, I say kill the sucker.” Scarlet stood up and went to him, “About going back to Rio, that’s up to you. One thing is for sure if that vampire comes after my son again you and I are going to be having a different conversation.” She walked away and ducked into the bedroom.

“The last time I told you I was leaving for Rio, you were so against it, now I feel like you can’t wait to get rid of me.” He followed her into the room.

“I know what I said back there, I didn’t mean to hurt you but I was angry, scared and I am exhausted.” Scarlet struggled against the emotion threatening to pour out of her.

“I know your life has been difficult ever since you met me, but I am trying to make up for that. Getting rid of Salvatore and Marquis will bring it all to an end.” Stephan held on to her arms.

“I know and you do that.” Scarlet was betrayed by her own body as she edged closer to him, his scent drawing her in.

When she was snuggled in his arms, the dam in her eyes broke out. She stained his t-shirt with her salty tears.

“Stephan I can’t keep living this way.”

“And you won’t have to after today.” He made her that promise and sealed it with a kiss. He slipped his wedding ring off his finger and put it in her hand.

He left her in the bedroom and went back out. Stephan went to his son, he embraced him before whispering a promise of his return to him. He was heading back to the falls when he realized he was being followed.

“Where do you think you are going?” he turned back to meet his faction.

“With you.” Solara, Vincent, and Victor stopped.

“No you are not, and let me tell you why. You...” he pointed at Solara, “Kayla will kill me if something happens to you and you two...” he turned back to the twins, “Salvatore wants you too much. And this is too dangerous.”

“Look at it this way, if we all die Kayla won’t get you.” Solara grinned at him. “We are not going to go back to the states without knowing if you are ever coming back. This is our way to make sure of it.”

“Yeah, Scarlet especially needs this. When you left she turned into some kind of zombie, so we are looking out for her.” Vincent put in.

Stephan could tell that there was no way he could shake them off or convince them to go back, so he let them accompany him. “Ok fine but nothing rash.”

They ran back to the clearing where Leo and the army waited. Leo noticed Stephan’s entourage and was beside himself. It wasn’t a good idea to bring outsiders.

“Stephan?” he asked as he looked past him to the other three vampires.

“They come with me. That is what friends do, have each other’s back. Not that you would know anything about it.” Stephan stalked past him.

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