Chapter 65- FIGHT

Stephan walked past Scarlet and stood in the little triangle with Marquis. “Victor and Vincent could find my son and I could kill you right now.”

“Marquis.” The twins said in unison.

“Oh yes, the other traitors. Zen told me you had joined in with Stephan. We hoped to get you back once he came back home.” Marquis smiled at Scarlet when she pulled out the last word.

“Stephan I thought we were killing her?” Kayla asked irritated.

“We are.” Stephan signaled the twins to go find SJ. He wanted to kill her but couldn’t, not until their son was found.

“Scarlet don’t worry they will find him.” His voice was a tone lower, he could see how scared she was and only wanted to comfort her.

Scarlet knew that his words, his presence should have settled her shot nerves and reassured her of her son’s safety but it didn’t. She couldn’t help but think that it was his fault. The reason she was now in a Brazilian forest and that her son was nowhere to be found.

She gave him a cold stare, not interested in his words of comfort neither acknowledging the love radiating from his eyes.

“Ungrateful creature!” Marquis sprung at her but Stephan caught her. She clawed in the air struggling against Stephan’s tight hold.

Scarlet watched as she struggled to get to her. She could see the murder in her eyes but didn’t care.

“Do you know what I would give to have him look at me like that, for him to use that gentle loving tone with me?” She shrieked, “My life!”

“Get in line,” Nikki muttered under her breath.

“That’s why we are here isn’t it?” he turned her to face him, he shook her. “You killed her in my mind. You knew I was going to want to kill the person who did it. You and Salvatore planned this, kill two birds with one stone.”

“He wanted to kill you. I just wanted you to love me again.”

“Again? I never loved you in the first place and neither did you. You used me for your pleasure. You don’t know what love is.” He tossed her into the bushes, away from him. He couldn’t bear to be close to her any longer. “I always knew Salvatore wanted me dead. That’s not news to me.”

Scarlet stood there, unresponsive and not reacting to the debacle going on in front of her.

“Why did you want their son? Did you think you could be a mother to him? You don’t look like the maternal type.” Kayla referred to the intent she had read in her mind before she took SJ.

“Hardly. I’m not interested in children but having him would compel Stephan to stay with me. Salvatore wanted him.”

She jumped back when Stephan turned towards her. She raised her hands to defend herself. “I had no part in that plan. It was Leo and Salvatore’s plan. Mostly, Salvatore, Leo didn’t want your son to play a part in this.”

“A part in what?”

“They wanted to breed an army like you, like him. Leo said that you could do it, but Salvatore thought your son would be much easier to deal with.”

“You wanted to use my son as a baby factory?” Scarlet snapped.

“If Zen finds him before dumb and dumber-,”

“Zen is dead.” Stephan put in.

“Zen is here?” Scarlet yelled. It took her a minute for her brain to absorb the last part of his statement. He was dead. She breathed a sigh of relief. The one time she came face to face with Zen was enough for her.

“Oh?” Marquis realized that she was alone. There was no way that Leo would come to her aid, not after she tried to turn Stephan against him.

Kayla laughed. “She just realized that no one is coming to help her out.”


They all turned towards Vincent’s voice, the hint of panic lining his tone evident.

Scarlet stood still as she watched him carry her unconscious son towards them. Everyone but her flocked to where he stood.

Marquis realized that they had all forgotten about her. She used that time to sneak away from them, sprinting deeper into the thick cover of the forest.

Stephan took SJ from Vincent and cradled him tightly to his chest. “Kayla?” he hopefully asked.

Kayla sighed after a second, a serene smile spreading across his face, “She seems to have put him to sleep, but he’s fine. Try and wake him.”

Stephan jostled his son, desperately trying to wake him.

Scarlet didn’t move, she had heard what Kayla had said but she still wasn’t convinced. She wanted to see her son’s swirling silver eyes, to hear his high-pitched laugh, and to see him run around on his short steady legs.

“SJ wake up.” Stephan shook him gently over and over again.

The small frown that formed on his face made Stephan laugh. SJ’s fingers formed little fists as he rubbed his eyes and then flattered them open.

“Daddy!” he shrieked excitedly. He wrapped his arms around Stephan’s thick neck.

Scarlet defrosted when she heard his distinct voice. She released the breath she was holding and let in fresh air to fill her deprived lungs.

Stephan loosed his grip around his neck and took him to where his mother stood. “He’s fine.”

Scarlet didn’t take him from his father. Instead, she brushed back the hair that had fallen around his face. She wanted to look at him, just to see him. She checked the rest of his body for any injuries but he had survived the frightening ordeal unscathed.

She ran her fingers through her long thick hair then squatted on the ground. Scarlet sobbed letting all the fear and anxiety with every teardrop.

SJ leaped out of his father’s arms to his mother’s side. He gently lifted her head with both his hands so that he could see her face. He wiped the tears that were streaming down her face with his soft fingers. He cupped her face between his palms and stared at her face.

Scarlet pulled him into her arms and held on to him as tightly as she could. She sat on the smooth grass cradling her son and never wanting to let him go.

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