“Yeah right, this shirt looks like it’s going to burst.” Scarlet frowned at her reflection.

“I’ll hit the shops as soon as I get you back into bed.”

“Oh no, you don’t. I’m coming with and don’t argue with me.” Scarlet leaned on Kayla as they went back into the room. she knew that she would have to lean on her even as they went shopping, but she knew she wouldn’t mind. Besides she was unbelievably strong enough to carry her.

Regardless of all the oppositions she faced from the rest, to go with Kayla to do the shopping, she was determined to go and they didn’t have any other choice but to let her. Solara and Stephan went with them, they were more interested in making sure she was fine than the shopping part of it.

They smiled and nodded at everything the girls showed them, they didn’t have much of an opinion on any of the tiny clothes displayed to them. Scarlet bought everything she found in an adorable blue, in the baby store and only picked two shirts for herself in the maternity section.

Stephan watched how happy this simple act made her. He couldn’t help but be in awe of her as she placed some of the tiny clothes against her belly. At times she twirled around the room with the stuffed bear held against her chest. Kayla had to pry them out of her hands so that they could pay for them.

Solara thought that they had spent enough time in the baby shop, he pushed Kayla to hurry up. He felt out of place in the store and didn’t think it was doing her any good, considering she couldn’t have any children of her own.

When Scarlet pulled Stephan’s attention to a baby pram, Solara went there till and stood with her as she paid for the items they got. He wrapped his arms around her and leaned towards her neck. Planting little feathery kisses along her ebony skin.

I’m sorry for taking this away from you

Don’t think about that, besides we have Scarlet’s kid to take care of. And I’m sure he’s going to be a hand full.

But still, I’m sorry.

She turned to face him then kissed him. when she turned back, she could see that they had made the young teller feel embarrassed. Her face was flushed as she tried not to look at them, neatly packing the baby clothes in a bag.

“We are taking this too,” Scarlet called out from behind them, her voice giddy and chirping.

“We already bought half the store Scar.” Kayla didn’t turn to look at her, she assumed it was another stuffed animal.

“But we need this. Where is he going to sleep.” Scarlet pushed the pram to the counter.

Kayla looked up at the teller and lifted her eyebrow, once she got the price she gave her, a credit card she was all out of cash.


“Sure. Look around this is the last chance to get something because once we leave here we aren’t coming back.” Kayla was already halfway to the door. She put the bags in the pram and had Solara push them.


Nikki could hear their voices as they came up the stairs, Scarlet’s was the loudest of them all. She sat on the bed with her hands on her knees smiling sheepishly at the guests.

Kayla was the first to come through the door, she froze when she saw the two men in blue with two other men in the small apartment. She held the door open for Solara as he pushed the pram in, and Stephan who had carried Scarlet up the stairs.

“Doctor Shee, how are you?” a lump had risen in Scarlet’s throat as she tried to sound as normal as possible. She knew why they were there and at that moment she didn’t know what she feared most, that they would find her out or that she would lose control of her will to the baby.

Nikki turned the bed down as Stephan walked to the bed and laid Scarlet gently on it. He covered her feet first before turning to face their guests.

“I’m fine. Are you alright?” he looked worried and moved to the bed and stood at her side.

Scarlet looked up at him and plastered her best fake smile on her face, “I’m ok. He just doesn’t want me walking around.” She took Stephan’s hand, “Stephan this is Doctor Shee, he was my supervisor at the hospital. Doctor Shee this is Stephan Jeraldi, the father of my baby.”

Stephan stretched out his hand to him, which he took and shook a glint of suspicion in his eyes.

Scarlet ignored it and introduced the rest of the people in the room. she made sure she introduced Nikki as her nurse just in case something happened and they needed to get them out of the room fast.

“Kayla isn’t it? That’s why you took such a special interest in the little girl.” Shee smiled and looked across the room at Kayla. “She’s very beautiful.”

Nikki stared straight at Kayla, who fed off the information he gave to her. Kayla and Solara dint react to his compliment they were busy reading Nikki’s mind.

“When should I expect you back at work?”

Scarlet was surprised, she always thought that she had been withdrawn from the fellowship. Although she hadn’t officially resigned, she had been absent for a while.

“As soon as my womb is vacant. Thank you Doctor Shee.”

Solara’s body stiffened for a second and turned to look at Kayla. He shifted his gaze to Stephan and subtly dipped his head. Once she got access, Kayla quickly and briefly informed them of what was going on. But unlike Stephan, Scarlet already knew why they were there.

Scarlet’s attention turned to the little voice inside her head.

Relax, it will be fine.

Scarlet shot her friend a look of disbelief. Nothing was fine and it could never be.

“This is detective Monroe, he and the officers are looking into the missing report that I filed.” He sat on the bed and looked at her.

Scarlet knew that he was trying to break the news to her as gently as possible, but she already knew what he wanted to know.

Look shocked, but don’t overdo it. Kayla was in her head again, and she was grateful. She needed the guidance now more than ever.

He has been missing for almost two days. We can’t find him anywhere.”

Oh my. I hope he is ok.” Scarlet downplayed the panic she was feeling but she hoped that her concern had come across as sincere as possible.

“The night he went missing he said he was coming to see you that’s why the detective is here. He wants to ask you a few questions.” He was still analyzing her face for any signs of distress.

“The doctor here told us that you are having some distress with your pregnancy, so we won’t stay for long.” The detective stepped forward.

“Thank you.” Scarlet’s hold on Stephan’s hand tightened. She didn’t trust herself to come up with the right answers. She was never a good liar and Kayla had reminded her of that time and time again.

Don’t worry I got you

I don’t think I can pull this off. Her gaze remained on the policemen as the detectives flipped open his notebook.

That’s why I’m here. I’ll feed you everything, just tell them what I tell you.

Like a puppet?

Exactly. I’ll get the questions from him and give you the answer he expects even before he asks it.

Like cheating off him.

Correct, but don’t be quick to answer them and don’t leave out the emotion.

I have plenty of that, guilt being the main one. I did kill the guy.

Don’t think like that. That wasn’t you.

It was the baby huh?

Technically. Forget about that because now you are the concerned friend, which you are.

Scarlet nodded, there was no point in arguing this now, besides who would believe that she overpowered a man who towered over her, and killed him with her teeth. She held Stephan’s hand with both of her and stared at them.

When he asks you the questions make sure you look up but don’t stare straight at him.

Scarlet nodded once, her eyes still fixed on their hands.

The questioning wasn’t so bad so far. Every answer that Kayla had given her seemed to be the right one. He didn’t look like he suspected her of anything.

Scarlet felt a slight pressure in her side, followed by a nudge. Her eyes shot up and met Stephan’s. He looked just as worried as she was and she was sure he felt it. It had been a small movement and if it were just them she wouldn’t have thought much about it.

Stephan pulled his hand from her hold and gently rubbed the side of her belly.

How much longer Kayla.

We have a small problem, Stephan.


I can get anything in or out of Scarlet’s head.

I think the baby just realized we have some human company.

She will have to do this on her own because he still has a couple more questions.

His eyes fell back on scarlet’s belly when he felt the baby kick.

Scarlet slightly bent over as her breath caught in her throat. She joined Stephan in rubbing her belly.

“Are you alright?” the tension didn’t escape Shee’s attention. “Are you feeling any discomfort?”

“He’s just kicking, really hard.” She smiled up at him, trying to hide the anxiety building up in her.

The second kick made her gasp out in pain, Nikki and Kayla were immediately at her side. Scarlet tried to keep her composure, but the pain made it difficult.

Solara pulled the doctor aside and suggested to him that the police should leave, which he immediately agreed to.

Stephan leaned closer to Scarlet and whispered in her ear. “Close your eyes.”

Scarlet didn’t have to ask why, she squeezed her eyes tight and bent over her head. She was counting down from ten, trying to keep her mind occupied and straining to keep hold of her mental strength.

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