Cunning Vows: Enemies to Lovers Dark Romance (Lethal Vows Book 3)

Chapter 4

She has sass, that one. More sass than any other woman I have ever fucking met.

I want to strangle it out of her and watch her gasp for air.

Yet, I’m also amused. If I wanted, I could use brute force, but I find myself rather enjoying the show that is Anya Ivanov. A diamond amongst the day-to-day grind of business dealings in the underworld. She’s as captivating as she is hard, and I can’t help but find myself intrigued.

The first week, she outright avoided any contact from my men, and especially from me. Anya is a slimy creature to get ahold of. If not for the fact she attends her auctions almost every time, she’s a hard woman to keep track of.

This week, I was ever so lucky to receive only one text, returning my multiple calls and messages. I stare at it again, almost in disbelief that she has the balls for such a forward reply.

Anya: I’ll reach out when I’m ready and can tolerate your presence. Wait patiently like a good boy. It will most likely be forever.

There was no query about how I obtained her number or email address. No mention of the money she’d taken from me. Nothing. And calling me a “good boy” really pisses me off.

Anya Ivanov is fucking bold and has bigger balls than most of the men I’ve met to leave me hanging on a thread like this.

I smile as Michael walks into my office.

“Not sure what you’re smiling about since it looks like you lost a million dollars. It’s been over two weeks, and she hasn’t returned any of your calls or agreed to meet up with you,” he states.

Being too rash will create problems in unknown territory, but I also have plenty of other business to take care of while in town, which doesn’t solely depend on a she-devil giving me the time of day.

I ignore Michael. He might work for me, but he always oversteps the mark to think we’re anything closer than boss and employee.

He pops open the latches to the case he brought in, and opens it. I take a swig of my scotch as I admire the new gun model in the red, velvet-lined case.

“How many?” I ask him.

“They can make as many as you need, like usual. Depending on your client demand, of course.”

I smirk. This beautiful little baby will make me a fortune. Because my clients always want what I have to offer. And who doesn’t like shiny new toys?

My phone rings, and I expect to see “Redhead Devil” appear on the screen. It’s not, though. It’s an old associate I haven’t seen or heard from in a long time.

Despite my disappointment that it’s not a certain Ivanov spawn, I answer. I’m in a good mood from my recent acquisitions.

“Will. You’re still alive,” I say in greeting.

“River. You know, most would say ‘it’s good to know you’re still alive.’ Or at the very least ‘it’s good to hear from you,’” he says with a thick English accent.

“Semantics. Why are you calling? An issue with your latest shipment?”

That’s doubtful because there have never been issues with my shipments. Everything arrives on time like clockwork. The only time anything would go amiss is if there’s even one dollar short in payment. And there is no coming back from that. For them. I’m known for my cutthroat nature for a reason.

Which is why I find Anya peculiar. She doesn’t fear how quickly I could attack her empire. Doesn’t understand the magnitude of how she should be catering to my every whim and begging to please me. Yet I find myself playing into her hand, curious as to how she’ll play her next card.

One truth is obvious—the absence of her brother is an issue.

“No issue with the guns you sent through. Just felt neglected since I haven’t seen you personally on the West Coast for a while. That, and I heard through the grapevine you’re in New York. Was curious if you were surviving out there, especially with the Ivanov twins.”

“You listen to too much gossip,” I chastise with a lazy smile.

“It’s why assholes like you hire me, isn’t it?” he replies.

Will is one of the few people I do like. I’m certain Will isn’t even his real name, but I’ve enjoyed our dealings over the years. I wouldn’t go as far as to claim him as a friend, but he is one of a few who I answer calls from.

“Yeah, about that. You called at the perfect time.” I pause, considering. Derrick had already exhausted his intel on the Ivanov siblings. He’s served me well in the past, but something about these siblings makes it very difficult to dig up their history. And tracking Alek has been nearly impossible. If he’s not dead, the fucker is clever in covering his tracks. But why leave his sister behind? I wonder if I can use her for ransom. But even then, how would I do that if I don’t know where to send the ransom note?

“I need you to find the brother,” I order.

Will laughs, and I feel my temple pulse. “You know that a few feelers are already out there, right? Rumors are that his sister has been hiring a multitude of people to find her brother and coming up short. To be honest, I was just calling to see if you’d survived her alone, considering her ruthless nature. I heard that some dickhead double-crossed her on a piece of jewelry, and she put her stiletto through his temple. The thought kind of turns me on.”

My jaw grinds. “I can put a stiletto through your skull if you’d like.”

Will laughs. “Whoa there, I don’t think you would look very good in heels. And it sounds like someone might be falling under the little witch’s spell already, huh? Tell me, is she as beautiful as they say? I’ve seen photos, but surely, she has a fault.”

The only fault Anya has is her untamable personality, but lucky for her, I like to break things in.

She is by every definition beautiful. “Whatever photos you have of her, burn them. They don’t do her justice.”

He lets out a whistle. “Are you sure you want the brother back? I’ve heard they’re very protective of one another. Sounds like you might have a little infatuation?”

“I’m here for business, Will.” I cut off that topic of conversation, exhausted by his insinuations. He always pokes for a reaction.

He laughs, and I can’t help the smile that spreads over my own face as I bring the scotch to my lips. This dickhead has too much free time.

“Whatever you say, lover boy. In that case, my fee to find him will be double. Multiple people are already looking for him. Information like this is expensive and hard to come by.”

“You’re the best, are you not, Will?”

“Yes, I am. I’ll find him.”

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