Cunning Vows: Enemies to Lovers Dark Romance (Lethal Vows Book 3)

Chapter 2

Lethal. That’s one word I would use to describe her.

Breathtaking would be another. Porcelain skin, bright red hair, and plush red lips.

I can tell she’s cunning. The glint in her gaze insinuates nothing is missed as she calculates her next move.

I don’t fall easily for pretty women, though, and I have a feeling Anya Ivanov is used to getting what she wants when she wants it, and I have no doubt her looks help in many ways.

“Did you think it was smart to trick me?” She waves a perfectly manicured hand toward the end of the table where my men sit. When I want to get an idea of who someone is, and I know they don’t know what I look like, I position myself where I think they will sit. Not for one second did I think she would move to sit next to Michael.

One of her men standing behind her leans down and whispers something in her ear. She lifts a red nail and shakes it at whatever he says before her dark-green eyes focus back on me.

“I want to make it very clear, River.” She draws my name out, and my gaze can’t help but dip to her lips. “I don’t take kindly to threats.”

“So I hear.” I nod, considering she’s already sent someone to try to kill me. That didn’t work out so well for them. But I did blow up one of her favorite shops, so I don’t take it personally.

“If you do such things again, I will have no problem retaliating. And it won’t be as simple as a shop getting blown up.” Her lips morph into a perfect smile. Deadly. “I’m not sure what you know of me, but I tend to like to crush the body parts of those who betray me.” She leans in closer to me and adds, “With my heels.”

I have heard many things about her.

She is just as lethal, or maybe even more so, as her brother.

Perhaps that’s because it’s unexpected from such a beautiful and bewitching woman.

“Noted,” I say, to which her mouth twitches, not satisfied with my answer.

“It’s best you do.” Her hands press against the top of the table as she goes to stand. I reach for her hand but don’t touch it, sliding my own along so our fingers almost brush. I imagine touching this woman right now would end up with a lot of guns pointing in this room, specifically at my head.

“Stay. We still have business to discuss.” I offer her a bewitching smile, much like the one she offered me only moments ago.

“Have you paid your cut?” she asks with her nose pointed high in the air.

“My cut?” I ask her, confused.

“To talk to me, you shall pay me.”

Oh, now we’re getting somewhere.

“And what would be the price?” I ask, playing into her demand.

“One million dollars. All cash.”

“Done. Now, sit.” I watch as her tongue moves across her teeth, and she stands, pulling her hands away. Now she seems pissed for another reason entirely. This woman is unsatisfiable.

“No man tells me to sit. Actually, no man tells me to do anything. You also seemed confused that by agreeing to purchase my time, it’s on your terms. If you require a meeting, get your people to send payment, and we can talk. For now, you have taken way too much of my time already.”

I’m not so much shocked as I am impressed. I’d heard rumors of the captivating redhead, but witnessing it personally is an entirely different experience. I’d come to town to solidify previous business dealings with her brother, Alek, who seems to have gone missing. But now, I’m intrigued by the change of siblings. Fascinated even.

Most people I wouldn’t simply let walk out without giving me what I came for, but instead, I find myself saying, “Goodnight, Anya Ivanov.” Her name leaves my lips as she turns and saunters away. She doesn’t so much as look back as her two men flank her, a little closer than necessary, in my opinion.

“Wow, she’s more than what they described,” Michael says, still standing behind me. I often use him as a decoy to pretend to be me in meetings such as these.

“A Russian beauty, that one,” Derrick adds. He’s another one of my men, seated beside me. I don’t voice my opinion on her one way or another, even though I wholeheartedly agree with Derrick.

The rest of the table is filled with clients. I prefer to manage them all at once so I don’t have to go out of my way for any particular person.

The energy in the room shifts as soon as she’s gone, and everyone enjoys their meals and drinks. Michael pulls out the chair and sits where Anya was only moments before.

“Will you actually pay for her time? Considering why we’re here, don’t the Ivanov siblings owe you?”

Picking up my glass of scotch, I hold it in my hand before I swish the dark liquid around contemplatively. It’s true. But by Anya’s response, I’m under the firm belief her brother might’ve left her in the dark about our dealings. Although a debt is to be paid, I can’t help but be intrigued by how Anya manages her own business. I wonder how she’ll squirm under pressure. I can’t really imagine it at all.

The Ivanovs are known in New York, and are deadly by themselves but also in who they’re associated with. I was given fair warning to tread lightly before stepping into town, especially around the siblings.

“We shall see. We aren’t in our territory right now, so until we know whose ground we are stomping on, we play nice.”

“If you say so.” Michael seems unsatisfied by my dismissal, but I don’t give a fuck. He has no say.

“I do, and what I say, goes,” I finish, ending the conversation.

He averts his gaze, and I lean toward Derrick. “Find out everything I need to know about Anya Ivanov.”

“I gave you quite a thorough portfolio of the siblings. Is there anything specific you’d like to know?” he asks. Derrick is my go-to man, and he excels in finding secrets and profiling individuals.

“Everything. Even down to how she likes her coffee made.”

Derrick seems surprised but nods. “I’ll work on it immediately.”

Good. Because, as of tonight, anything and everything to do with Anya Ivanov is now my business.

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