
Chapter Fly With Me

Keegan was stood at the Sanctuary airship port, by a desk that had 'Atlas Shipping' signposted above. He was wearing an olive coloured boiler suit, with the 'Atlas shipping' logo sewn in.

"Got another package for you and your crew to deliver" Atlas waved over from across the airship port atrium. Keegan stood up straight and smiled.

"About time, I was getting bored" Keegan joked.

"It's a piece of equipment, for Aquala University, expensive too" Atlas winked. "Lotte and the others are loading it on now, it's not a time sensitive delivery, so there's no need to rush" Atlas explained.

"I think 'The Wild Rose III' is fast enough anyway" Keegan shrugged.

"That being said, your sister wants you to do a flyby of Raryst, to see how everyone is holding up there. Then when you get to Inchaya, Ashe and Ariel are visiting, so you should pop in to see them, as well as Roisin and Syl" Atlas explained.

"Am I being ordered to spend time with my family?" Keegan teased.

"No, but also yes" Atlas smirked. "Don't worry about taking a few days off, we're quiet at the moment, and have plenty of other ships" Atlas smiled. "Also, you and your crew have been working non-stop recently, so some shore leave for you all wouldn't go amiss" He added.

"Thanks, Dad" Keegan smiled at Atlas. Atlas grinned and hugged Keegan.

"Stay safe on your journey" Atlas said warmly.

"I will, and I'll call when we arrive" Keegan nodded, before heading to the departure lounge. Atlas waved him off, before sitting behind the desk, he stretched, before getting to work on the logistical spreadsheets.

Just as he settled into his work, Wes and Anya walked in.

"Hey Atlas" Wes waved, Atlas looked up, surprised to see familiar faces peering over the top of the computer that sat on the desk.

"Oh... how are you two doing? Need something delivered?" Atlas asked.

"Not quite" Anya smiled. "The opposite in fact" She grinned as she held up an envelope.

"Hmm, what's that?" Atlas shrugged.

"It's an invite" She smiled as she passed it over. Atlas cut open the envelope and looked at the invite inside, his eyes widened as he read it.

"Roisin and Dex are having their bonding ceremony?!" He gasped. Anya and Wes smiled and nodded.

"We're invited too, and we kind of need a lift" Wes shrugged. Atlas nodded as he tapped at his phone, before it slipped from his hands and smashed on the floor below.

"Dammit, the comm devices never did that" Atlas groaned, he looked at Wes and Anya, before looking over to a fellow employee.

"Andrea, you're in charge!" He yelled over to them, before grabbing Anya and Wes' hands and running off through the airship port, towards the departure lounge.

They barged their way through crowds of people, before making it out onto the correct landing pad, they had made it just in time, as Lotte was about to sign Keegan out.

"WAIT!" Atlas yelled. Keegan and Lotte turned around in surprise.

"What are you doing here? Who is minding the desk?" Lotte frowned.

"Andrea apparently" Anya shrugged.

"Change of plans, we're all coming with you, Lotte included" Atlas fumbled over his words.

"Excuse me?" Lotte asked, with her hands on her hips.

"ROISIN IS HAVING HER BONDING CEREMONY!" Atlas yelled, before running aboard the ship. Lotte and Keegan looked at Anya and Wes, who shrugged.

"It's true" Wes smiled.

"Then what are we waiting for? Get aboard!" Lotte hurried Anya and Wes up into the flight deck, leaving Keegan stood alone, with dozens watching from inside the terminal. He looked at the crowd and shrugged, before getting aboard The Wild Rose III, the newest ship in the Atlas Shipping fleet.

The airship soon took flight, and departed from the Sanctuary Airship Port.

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