
Chapter Drifting Apart

Syl and Elyss were in the ruins of Wynd Academy, just outside Ishtall. In the years since the floating island had fallen, the Academy had become overgrown.

"They're really going to raise this back into the sky?" Elyss asked, as she pushed an old broken door open.

"Yeah, they're going to rename it Wynd University, at least that is what Keegan said" Syl shrugged. "Honestly it'd be much easier to just build a new one on the ground, but I guess they want it to be a symbol of the past... or something" He explained.

"I guess it will remind people of how things once were" Elyss nodded. They walked into the broken down great hall, the ceiling had begun to collapse, and many of the walls had caved in.

"It's sad to see this place in such a state" Syl frowned.

"It's still doing better than Una Academy" Elyss joked.

"I mean, Una Academy is now the town of Haven, so... it kinda is doing better?" Syl chuckled. Elyss smiled, as she looked around.

"You never came here, did you?" She asked.

"No, this was Roisin's Academy of choice, she complained to Uncle Atlas that she didn't want to be hundreds of miles away" Syl laughed.

"Whereas you couldn't wait to flee the nest?" Elyss asked.

"Something like that, I guess" Syl smiled, remembering the past. Elyss sat on a nearby bench, which still held up all these years later.

"When was the last time you spoke to Roisin?" She asked.

"Huh? I guess the last time was Anya and Wes' bonding ceremony" Syl shrugged as he examined an old poster.

"That was two years ago..." Elyss frowned. "Does she even know that we had a bonding ceremony?" She asked.

"I doubt she'd care" Syl shook his head. "Always busy with the University these days" He added. Elyss stood up and walked over to Syl.

"What's wrong, Syl?" She asked.

"Nothing" Syl replied.

"Syl..." Elyss sighed. Syl grunted and rolled his eyes as he turned to his wife.

"She just seems... different than she used to be, more distant. We used to be so close, Elyss. But now I talk to Keegan more than I talk to her... it hurts" Syl vented, as he slumped against the wall.

"I'm sure she doesn't mean anything by it, Syl..." Elyss comforted Syl as she knelt down to him.

"It's not just her though, even Seb doesn't really talk to me now. He's off in Babel University" Syl grunted. "Everyone has moved on, but I'm still just here, wandering the world, doing grunt work" He frowned. The door nearby creaked open and Elyss and Syl turned to see Roisin stood by entryway, it seems she had heard everything, as she had a sad look on her face.

"Roisin?" Syl gasped. "What are you doing here? Business, I guess?" He added, with a hint of spite.

"I'm here to remember those who died" Roisin shook her head. "I come here on this day every year. To leave flowers, and recall the days I spent here" She sighed. Syl stood up, feeling guilty he ran over to Roisin and threw his arms around her.

"I'm sorry Roisin" He sobbed. Roisin hugged her brother back.

"You're right, Syl" She shook her head. "I have been distant. I focused so much on righting the wrongs of the past, that I let myself forget about everything else" She explained.

"I... no, I understand" Syl sighed. "I'm just being selfish... I let my jealousy eat away at me, so much that I didn't even invite you to mine and Elyss' bonding ceremony last year" He continued.

"I..." Roisin frowned. "I would have come, I'd have loved to have come to see... I can't deny that it hurts that you didn't invite me" Roisin nodded. "But that is the past. I don't like that we have grown apart..." She smiled, as Syl smiled back.

"I'll try and keep in touch, and visit, when I'm not being sent across the world" Syl nodded.

"Alternatively, you could come and teach at Aquala" Roisin grinned.

"I..." Syl gasped, as he turned to Elyss, who smiled at him supportively.

"Inchaya as a permanent home? I'd be up for that, if it's what you want, Syl" Elyss nodded, Roisin turned to Elyss and smiled.

"We can offer you a position as support staff too, with an opportunity for it to lead to a full time teaching position" Roisin offered.

"We'll take it" Syl shouted happily, as he hugged Roisin once more.

"Damn right we will" Elyss nodded, and joined in on the hug,

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