
Chapter Apathy

Infernus walked out into the vast empty wastes that surrounded the fallen city, the silence was deafening as all the sound in the world had been drowned out, replaced only by the odd sound of an explosion. His smirked as he approached Roisin, Dex, Ashe and Ariel.

"Finally, we meet in the flesh" Infernus smirked.

"Why are you helping these monsters?" Ariel asked. Infernus turned to face Ariel and shrugged.

"I have no interest in living in this world" He replied.

"You do know they're using you, right?" Dex asked.

"I am one of them now, no longer of this world" Infernus frowned.

"This isn't the truth though, is it? You will always be of this world" Ashe yelled.

"Enough" Infernus shook his head, as he grabbed a broadsword from thin air. "I will end you and your rebellion here, and the world will finally end" He stated. Roisin shook her head.

"No" Roisin growled. "You won't" She yelled as she ran toward Infernus shooting a barrage of celestial swords toward him. Infernus swiped the swords and kicked Roisin backward, sending her rolling across the ground.

"That all you got?" Infernus taunted. Roisin looked up at him with a smile, Infernus backed away as he felt a strange blade pierce his chest, he turned his head slightly to see a large glyph behind him.

"What... what is this?" He asked, the blade seeped energy from Infernus, weakening him significantly, as he shrunk to the size of a regular person.

"How about a fair fight, this time?" Roisin smirked.

"You think that will stop me?" Infernus laughed as he charged at Roisin, who quickly summoned as Celestial Shield and parried his attack, sending him rolling towards Ariel.

Ariel summoned a Celestial Katana and swung it at Infernus, shattering his silver armour. Infernus withdrew to a safe distance.

"Impossible..." Infernus frowned.

"You may have had the power, but you lack the conviction" Roisin shrugged.

"I have the power of a god!" Infernus roared.

"Don't you see, Infernus?" Roisin asked, as she walked toward him with a Celestial Blade in her hand. "Tartarus sent you out here to slow us down" She explained.

"Do you think I am stupid? Of course he did!" Infernus frowned.

"I really don't think you understand" Roisin sighed. "You have slowed us down, he sent you out here knowing you would likely lose. You're nothing but a tool to him" She continued.

"That's a lie! He uplifted me!" Infernus shouted, his voice shaking.

"Infernus, it's not too late..." Roisin pleaded. "It doesn't have to be this way" She added.

"You don't understand, Roisin" Apathera sighed. "This world is cursed. It's an endless cycle of death. Think back, how many people have you had to fight to get here? How many people put their own greed or ego before the fate of the world?" He asked.

"Lumina..." Roisin sighed.

"Varla" Ariel nodded.

"Rychard" Dex added.

"Treleva" Ashe shook her head.

"You think saving this world will change any of that? That evil will ever truly end? That the fight will ever be over?" Apathera cried, as he returned to his original Tolman form.

"Apathera..." Roisin frowned. He struggled to his feet and looked at Roisin.

"Just let it end, Roisin. Stop fighting the end, embrace nothingness and let this endless cycle of pain end... please!" Apathera begged.

"I can't do that" Roisin shook her head. Apathera nodded.

"I know" He sighed, as he slumped against a rock and looked at the red sky. "I wish I could see the stars" He said weakly.

"We'll bring them back" Dex nodded, Apathera turned to Dex and frowned.

"You know that if you seal the rift, it will forever close this world off, right?" Apathera asked.

"Yeah, that's the plan" Roisin nodded.

"I don't think you understand" Apathera replied. "This world will stand separate, no crossing realms, nothing" He explained.

"What does that mean?" Ashe asked.

"These celestial powers... I don't know what will happen, it is possible that all those, who have the Crystalla power will... fade away" Apathera explained.

"I'd rather that, than the whole world fade away" Roisin replied. "It's a risk that I am willing to take" She added.

"As am I" Dex nodded. Apathera nodded, as he stared at the sky.

"End this" He said, before the life faded from his eyes, silence rang out as the four looked at each other, before carrying on toward the

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