
Chapter Age of Unity

A few months after Roisin accepted the position of Principal of Aquala University, Logan, Arwyn and Seb arrived in the city of Babel, in the centre of Farenai. The island hadn't suffered from the attacks as the bubble that protected the island had kept the Chimera out.

"I guess this island was to be reality's final bastion" Seb pondered.

"Yes, from what Brannam told me, the island was the final work of the Tolmen. It was to be the final bubble of life in the event of life being wiped out across the universe. However, it also proved to be their undoing, as Celestia argued that no man should have the power to control fate" Arwyn explained, as he gazed up at the tower at the centre of the city.

"What happened to the Crystalla of Fate?" Logan asked.

"Apparently, that power is now mine... though I know better than to use it" Arwyn explained.

"Anyway, enough about all that" Seb said as he waved his hand. "We're here to propose the idea of a Babel University to the Provisional Government, we should focus on that" He added.

"Yeah" Arwyn nodded. "Quite a task..." He chuckled.

"Syl's sister sure is a taskmaster" Seb laughed.

"Don't forget, I'm a friend of hers" Logan laughed.

"Friends with the boss, hey? I bet she gives you all the easy tasks" Arwyn smiled.

"Ha, yeah, that's why I'm here with Captain Elf and the sundance kid" Logan winked.

"Captain... Elf?" Seb scratched his head.

"It's Elvman, not even close to and Elf" Arwyn laughed. The three of them talked away until they reached the meeting room in the Babel Tower. As they walked in, Arwyn stepped forward, as he had been assigned to be the speaker.

"Greetings, outsiders. We have convened this meeting of the provision government, on the behest of Principal Roisin Luna of Aquala Academy" The main councilwoman spoke.

"Um, University" Seb corrected.

"Is there a difference?" The councilwoman asked.

"There is indeed, Ma'am" Arwyn smiled. "The Academies were geared towards teaching the students how to fight, first and foremost. The University however is geared towards learning, knowledge and defence" He explained.

"I see, proceed" The councilwoman smiled.

"I have been asked to come here today, to propose a University on the island of Farenai, we propose building a University in the city of Babel, due to its central location, however, this is an option that we would leave up to you" Arwyn began. "Our goal is to open Universities across the world, and have them work not only with each other, but with the cities in which they reside. The past decade has been filled with warfare and loss, and we believe the building of the Universities would bring Crystalla together" He continued.

"Farenai has always sat apart from the rest of the world, but now finds itself exposed to the wider world. The people of Inchaya very much appreciate the work you did for them, and I'm assured those in Jorvik are equally pleased" Arwyn smiled. "This University would be Inchaya's gift to Farenai, and we would aid you, if you wish, in the implementation of modern technologies into your nation" He finished, the councilwoman remained silent for a second before looking around at the other members of the council.

She stood up, from her seat and walked down to Arwyn.

"For millennia, the people of Farenai have lived in absolute peace, granted to us from the race of people we now know as the Tolmen" She began. "We reaped the many fruits that this unique deal gave us, while those who laid in the lands beyond suffered from warfare and death" She sighed.

"I believe it is time for us to aid the rest of Crystalla, and this idea of the University is a great first step, the exchange of knowledge and ideals will benefit both sides greatly. We accept" She smiled, before chuckling slightly.

"In reality, we were always going to accept whatever offer was put on the table, within reason. Especially when delivered by actual Saviours of Crystalla" The councilwoman chuckled.

"Thank you, Councillors of Farenai" Arwyn smiled, as a new age of unity began.

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