Cruel World

Chapter 68: Epilogue

(Six months Later)
The Miami House
The cool wind touch her face....her hair was flying...she closed her eyes and felt a sense of calmness of the beach...she made
the best decision to settle down in was good for her and Ava.
She touches her round big stomach.She was almost 8 months pregnant and can't wait to for her son to be out. She wished how
bad Theo is also with them, she wants him to enjoy this peaceful moment with her but he is gone.
She felt so emotional at this stage of her pregnancy and when she thinks about Theo it made her hard to stop the tears
But she has to be strong and she is.
She then heard Elva calling her name.
Elva, a mother figure who helped Sarah in this time, she knows everything about Sarah and Theo
'my child you are still standing ....look your feet are swollen....come sit...and here's your phone it kept on ringing...god why you
even took the leave from the office when they can't stop calling you' she scolded her
And Sarah laughed..she just loves this woman...
'It's my personal assistant must be something important' Sarah picked the call
Elva told her she will bring her some juice
'Hello ma'am I'm sorry to call you at your leave' Jenna sound worried
Sarah smiled 'its ok..tell me what it is'
Jenna replied 'ma'am... I just can't find the stockbroker files. After Mr theo is gone (she pause) you are handling his work but I
forget the combination of his office lock...again' she sounds apologetic

Sarah kindly told her 'its problem just wrote down the combination...theo always had a habit to put difficult
combination...even after him it was difficult for me to remember them..but you are in luck. I stored them in m phone... I will text
Jenna sighs 'thank you, ma'am, you are life saver'
After the goodbye ...Sarah felt her son was kicking her ..oh he is awake which means she can't sit in the room when he does
that, she needs fresh air.
She found her favorite spot in the balcony the swinging chair...she awkwardly sit there...and see Ava was running and all the staff
of the house of running after her ...her daughter also love the water.
She smiled at Ava.....Ava was the only saving grace after Theo...she never feel alone when Ava is around.
She was so lost in her thoughts that she falls asleep.
After a few minutes, she felt like she was in her dreamland, where theo was also there...he touches her stomach and kissed
it...he told her she looked so beautiful in a green sundress.
She felt his lips on her neck.Where he sucked her lightly....she closes her eyes and enjoys the sensation 'hey open your eyes'
theo in her dream said her
She smiled and hugged him back...'theo'
I'm here baby..just open these beautiful golden eyes.' theo said
And when she did....she saw the deep blue color of his husband eyes...he smiled to her 'hi sleepy head' and he kissed her
And then Sarah realized he was really here...he came back ..'you came back...but'
Theo warm her arms..'yeah I know but I wanted to surprise you...'
Sarah beamed with happiness and she tightly hugged him 'oh god, I missed you so much...theo..I love you'
Theo touch her breast and squeezed them and Sarah softly moans 'i love you too... miss so you so so bad..that those last few
weeks in new york was torture'

Sarah asked him 'so it is done'
Theo nodes 'yup ...the mansion has been sold immediately...and you were right ..that was never home where we can take a
fresh start ... the memories were slapped on my face when I go there...'
Sarah took a relief breath 'im happy you are are you' she touched his arm...she knew it was still a sore topic for him to
discuss..but they start accepting it soon...
She almost lost theo six months ago...he was choking and out of breath that made her also believe theo is gone.
But luckily his heartbeat was found and his blood starts circulating.....he was in the hospital for weeks and then came back home
for another recovery like physical therapy for his arm....they both get more close...he shares his time with her in the rehab and
Sarah was amazed how he survived those two months
Recently the doctor told Theo to use some medicines and exercise that might bring some sensation in his arm
Theo shrugs 'if you are asking about my arm then I can move my hand slightly ...can feel some sensation but very slight...other
than that I'm thrilled to be with you'
Sarah excitedly said 'oh my god...theo that's big...i know its little slow processes but one day it will be more recovered'
Theo smiled too' forget it just tell me how's my son' he touches her tummy
She laughed 'restless like always....but i think he is sleeping now'
Theo smirked 'then we should be very quiet about the things I have in my mind'
Then he caresses Sarah breast which was very big...he kissed her and touches Sarah in those places that made her blush and
she moaned
'Oh god you are so beautiful so damn beautiful' theo kissed her neck
But they both stop when they heard Ava loud giggling ' are back'
She enters the room..and theo stand..and run to his overexcited daughter 'hey hey princess slow down..' he hugged her
Sarah straighten her dress and try to control her breathing

Theo kissed Ava forehead 'so did you took care of your mama and little brother'
Ava nodes seriously 'yes did.. I let mama eat the food and medi...medicine '
Theo encouraged 'wow you are so big girl...proud of you baby'
Ava put her hands on Theo face 'you got something for me' she cutely asked
Theo laughed and Sarah shakes her head 'yes how can I forget that... I got all the things you have asked'
Ava hugged him tight 'i love you daddy'
Theo also replied to her 'love you too go and wear your bathing suit we will have a picnic on the beach'
Ava excitedly said yayy and ran to her room.
Theo walks to Sarah and hold her by waist 'sorry I will make it up to you in a night'
Sarah seriously looked him 'you better mister'
Theo kissed her 'the pleasure will be all the way, dad has told me that you are still handling office stuff 'he scolded her
Sarah replied 'not was a sudden move from New York office to Miami many of our clients are there so I was
just handling some leftover things...and your clients are also handled by me...since you have taken a big hot shot position in the
Theo touch her nose 'but you still the boss of the company so don't take stress especially nowadays...promise me'
Sarah rolled her eyes 'ok I promise'
He kissed her cheeks 'now come on the mama...our daughter is waiting for us otherwise she will shout out loud all the house'
Sarah holds theo hands 'well your fault you spoiled are too much'
They walked outside the house 'well you discipline her enough' he winked her
And then they took a slow and peaceful walk to the beach.

Sarah sit down in the sand and enjoy the moment where Theo and Ava were playing with the water...and then making sand
house.Which AVa break it once again
But Theo was patient with her...teaching her all the things very gently without losing the anger
Sarah was amazed at this Theo he was calm..he makes her happy..he never get angry ..even when she wrong...and how caring
he is toward this pregnancy..he massage her body...never let her do any of the household work ..even she wants to he simply
told her that he was not a good husband and father before but this time he will cherish every moment and they both are.
Theo filled the palter with fruits and sandwiched 'Here you have to eat this all' he demanded
Ava runs to her mama and took the juice...Sarah lovingly graces her head...
Theo took the fruit and start giving it to Ava and then to Sarah
Sarah raised her hand 'im full..why don't you eat something'
Theo shook his head 'no when my family is feed...then I will'
Sarah giggled 'God theo so old fashioned...I'm literally busting up.Now you will eat too open your mouth 'she put the apple in his
Ava then said 'what we are going to name the baby'
Sarah pulled the hair from Ava's face 'hmm you tell us...any idea'
Ava thought a little 'I like to call him Mr Bob'
Theo and Sarah laughed at her suggestion...Mr Bob was the 70-year-old gardener of the house.
Sarah smiled 'ok baby nice idea..but mama like the name Jackson...what you say theo'
Theo nodes and said 'it's really good but how about we call him...Jackson Simon grey'
Sarah turned her head in shocked 'what? want our son name to be Simon'
Theo touches her hands 'yeah...cause one way another ... I would have never found you if I don't know him... I was so wrong
about I wronged you too..its the only good thing i can do in his honor to name our son after him'

Sarah eyes filled with tears and so much love 'its perfect....i love you 'then she kissed him deeply to tell him how much he means
to her
Ava made a sound ' kissing'
Theo laughed 'yeah Ava no kissing until you are 40 but I can kiss your mama...cause I love her'
Sarah blushed and slapped his chest 'god you are such a hypocrite..... You guys go and let me enjoy my book' she smiled
Theo winked 'and you love it...come, Ava let make another sand house'
Ava took Theo hand and Sarah lovingly saw them
Almost six years ago when Sarah lose all hope from ever getting happiness and the life she wanted especially from Theo and
now she got it all back
The cruel world she lives in,taught her a lot of things...even give her love too...she will never hate this cruel world like she used to
do...she just know now how to make this cruel world beautiful with the help of her family....she touch her tummy and smiled to
theo who pass her a flying kiss.
'Sarah yes you can do it..just take a deep breath' Doctor try to calm down Sarah.
Sarah hold theo hand tight was a point when theo can't feel his right hand, but he does not say anything....cause today his
love of the life is giving birth to his son
She looked theo, and she cried 'theo I cant..'
Theo wiped her forehead 'shh baby you are so strong....I'm sorry I can't help you but one more push and you will give
us the biggest happiness of our life once again' he kissed her
Sarah screamed at top of her lungs and then they heard the baby crying sound.Sarah was exhausted and falls on the pillow.
A doctor called theo 'come on daddy hold your son '
Theo hands were shaking...he never hold a child especially in this condition....he never did that in Avas he is super

He took the small bundle ...oh god what if he falls Theo felt the protective feeling for his son immediately...he made
some internal promises with his son..he will make him a better gentleman not like him...he will make sure that he learns how to
respect women and treat everyone with justice and kindness..things Theo failed to do
He saw his son got Sarah hair color....he laughed
Then he put the baby in Sarah's chest ' meet your son Jackson Simon Grey'
Sarah tiredly open her eyes and get emotional 'oh god he is so beautiful......he looks like you'
Theo shook his head 'no baby he got your hair and I'm hopeful his eyes were also like you.'
Sarah smiled 'well his eyes are blue just like yours.' then Theo look his son has opened his eyes...they were deep blue
He kissed Sarah and Jackson 'thank you so so much. I love you both'
Sarah also replied 'me too'
Then they finally lived happily ever after.... just like in Ava stories books.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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