Cruel World

Chapter 5: chap4

'so here goes my horse and you are covered sweetheart' Theo's Father, MR Theodore Grey, said in a teasing voice to Sarah
He has recently come from Los angels to the mansion to take a few weeks to break from the business trip, Mr grey make himself
extremely busy after his daughter Tina death , Sarah think sadly what a loss a parent has to go through when they lost a child,
she remembers her parents how their heart was broke and become so distant when Simon died.
She just shakes those feelings and focused on the chess game. It becomes a routine in the past weeks for Sarah to come in the
evening and play chess with Theo's father, Mr grey truly liked Sarah and respect her a lot, these are the time She felt little alive
and happy
Sarah picked the Queen and make her move 'well this is my move and this is check and mate' Sarah exclaimed proudly
Mr. Grey looked shocked and laughed 'How, No, no way how you even made this move, this is impossible, you made the old
man lose for the fourth time in a row and you said you don't play well'
Sarah laughed too, which sound so unfamiliar to Sarah's ears that she stopped her for a moment and put a soft smile 'I don't
know the game before but we have been playing for two weeks so I learned very quickly'
Mr grey gives her fatherly smile and said 'You are very smart girl Sarah, not only you beat me in this difficult chess game but also
give good business ideas too, you remember you told me once to do something on food chains, well it's quite profitable to the
Sarah gives him shy smile ' it was nothing, you asked my opinion I just made a guess'
'A very good guess Sarah, sometimes I wonder why don't you work for us, I mean you are very intelligent and educated women
then why not like Lisa you worked for us' Mr. Grey said in a tone that Sarah can't picked
How can she tell him that she is not allowed to do even normal stuff and job is way out of reach, how his son make his mission to
ruin her life and forbid her to do even small things...he is the in charge of her life....Sarah wanted to tell him everything about
Treo and his treatment...for a moment she thought no one is in home, Tom and Lisa are gone to London, Roma is out with her
friends , Theo is in office so if she tell her father in law everything he might help her maybe let her run away from this life and
lived a life she always wanted , she now thinks he treated her like his daughter and always encouraged her to act as a family
member, since he is unaware of Sarah position in the mansion everyone are little civil with her even Theo...she made her mind
and then open her mouth to say the words when she heard

'Dad, how are you and Sarah what you are doing here' Theo said with a smile but his eyes held the anger and hate only she can
see and shiver with the thought what will happen next with her..
I'm very good son but your beautiful wife beat me again in the chess... I must say she is very good at this... I mean I always
thought no one can beat me in chess especially in my family but she is something, just like Tina' he said Tina name with the sad
Sarah watched Theo flinched when he heard Tina name and glared suddenly at Sarah..which is not good...
Theo forced smiled and said 'yes dad she is something'
'Theo as I was asking Sarah why she doesn't work for us, you know the investment I did in food chain brand become so
successful but you know it was Sarah's idea to invest in...why don't you tell her to work... I'm sure she will be lucky for us' Mr.
Theodore give Sarah an encouraging smile but she can't show any reaction of joy, she was scared to death what will Theo
do...He has been sort of civil to her and ignored her for his father sake but she knows tonight will be the different story...
'Dad seriously I don't know, it's her choice if she wants to work she can, so Sarah do you want to' he said to her in mocked tone
Sarah makes a fist in her hand to stop her body to not react in a way that looked suspicious to her father in law 'N. NO is good, I
actually want to enjoy my married life, for now, maybe in the future' she said in a soft and composed voice
Mr grey can sense the tension between his son and daughter in law but he does not say anything he just smiled at Sarah.
After spending half an hour with her husband n father in law in the same room she was trying very hard to stay calm but she has
a feeling something will happen because she was not in their wing when Theo came from office n then his father compliment her
which made Theo angry more...She was internally counting backward to hold her emotions then she heard 'Come on Sarah let
dad take a rest he might be tired and dad your flight for Dubai has been booked for tomorrow night although I wished you can
make your visit longer, we really missed having you here'
Mr grey gave a smile' yeah me too but you know since we are expanding our business in UAE I can't take too many days off...
thanks for the ticket'
Sarah become stilled and incredibly sad, Mr. Grey is also going his only source of happiness in the past few weeks will be gone
tomorrow and then she will be that Sarah who will live in constant fear and pain, at least theo was not hitting her during his father
stay, then out of no where she said 'Don't go'

Both Theo and Mr grey become shocked ... Theo was shocked at Sarah sudden words and Mr grey was shocked because he
can see the sadness and fear in Sarah's eyes but he smiled 'Oh my beautiful daughter I don't want too but you know I have to
use your ideas to earn money but you can come to meet me anytime you want ' he made a joke to lighten the mood but he was
little disturb of Sarah's emotional state.
Theo and Sarah left Mr grey wings and take a long and terribly silent walk towards their wing... it was so quiet and dark when
they reached the floor of their room.. Theo has not touched Sarah after that night when he cruelly tear down her v part which
made her flinched in pain even when she took a tiny step for days, she don't know it was Theo remorse or Sarah good for
nothing luck that made her father in law to come to mansion after the week of her bedroom accident...but now she knows he will
abuse her and punished her and she is also know that Theo is very well aware that she is not so sore down there so he can use
and mark her body in whatever way he like....when theo opened the door of the room. Sarah do not follow him but stopped at the
place and closed her eyes , she can't go there, no , he will hit her and say cruel stuff to her and she don't have the power in her
to tolerate that ... Theo loudly sighs and said 'Sarah get inside the room now! don't test my temper'
Like always tears came into her eyes and she take small steps and enter the room... theo closed the door and said ' looks like
you and dad are friends now 'he sarcastically smiled
'The,.. i mean sir .. I'm sorry i wasn't in our wing but your father called me and wanted to play chess so I can't say no to him ... I'm
so sorry' she looked down and softly said.
Theo stand in the wall with both legs crossed and arms fold , for a moment he looks like a model of any brand but she know his
inner ugliness is more than enough to kill her... she was breathing heavily and then she felt theo hands on her face ' you know i
don't fucking like it when you spend the time with my father and feel free to talk about our business world and give suggestion to
impressed him because we both now what a crack headed and good for nothing brain you have ( he tapped sarah head) so don't
underestimate my father kindness for something else , if you think he will save you from me than you are wrong my ugly wife ,
look at you, i can't stand you and you were there and acting like you were so sad that dad is going tomorrow... (he grabbed her
chin roughly) if you have said something else or if i know you have said something else to him already behind my back then I will
starve you to death slut, i will break your tiny body and let my dogs eat you...and you have seen my dogs how huge they are and
sometime so hungry' he softly asked her
Sarah was shaking terribly and she imagined those big fury giant creatures that scared her to death when she saw them for the
first time ... she was sobbing by now I'm sorry, sorry so sorry, I promise I didn't say anything, I promised on my dead brother
Simon' she stumbles in fear

When she mentioned her death brother name something triggered in Theo and he attacked her with a slap that made Sarah fell
down on the floor, Sarah cheek was burning with pain then theo said in deadly voice 'don't you ever dare to say his name' then
he went to the balcony and she saw he was smoking and breathing loudly...
what the hell was that why he gets so much angry by Simon name.
Then he came back in the room looked Sarah, she was still there, he sits on the couch, with one hand he removed his tie and
other hands still have that half smoked cigarette
'come here' he said darkly
sarah knows that he wants him to remove his shoes and socks , stupid her she should have done this before, after removing his
shoes and socks, she stand to placed them in there place when Theo said 'did I give you permission to move ,stay there'
Sarah automatically sit down and looked down
'On your knees, yeah like that, now open the zipper of my pants' he said in a lusty voice
sarah become still for a moment but she do what he told her , after opening the zipper he open legs and said to take his
manhood out
With shaky hand she did that then looked some where else
Theo moaned when he felt her cold hands n said 'you know what you have to do, dumb bitch get started now' ... he removed
sarah zip from the back of her dress and start massaging her back, sarah also felt something that he was relaxing her and she
did become relax but the she felt something burning in her back and she screamed of it's inflammation , she saw Theo used his
cigarette on her back and made different burning holes on her back..she struggle begged him to stop and cries loudly 'ahhhhh
plz plz sir stop Im begging you, ahhhhhhhh it's so much hurting' she screamed because of the intense pain and she knew these
are the permanent scars that she has to bear forever, but he was not satisfied when his whole cigarette was finished he leave
her back and grabbed her hair and forced her face ... he abuse Sarah mouth, don't how long but then sarah felt him choking her
and then he release he pushed sarah on floor and went to the bathroom n left sarah scared n burning back on floor. Sarah was
crying silently and now she wanted to get out from here in any way and she hates him so much that Sarah never hated someone
that much. She prayed to god to let this monster to die and feel the same pain she felt tonight.

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