Cruel World

Chapter 17: chap16

Looking at her daughter big golden eyes...just like her..sarah can't help it and cry in happiness, doctor say its a miracle she is
alive but she has to be.
She can't leave her child here in this cruel world alone..she needs to make her daughter stronger..make her happy and save
from these people...laying in this cold hospital bed alone...and feeding her daughter gives her so much calmness and
contentment that she never felt in her almost 25 years of her life.
She can love someone so much she realized now. Her daughter is a miracle to her and she will cherish her.
She saw the hospital room open and found out it was his father in law ...he looked worried like a father should be..he walked
toward her and kissed her forehead 'oh Sarah you scared us all'
Sarah can't be sure who was scared or happy but knows Mr grey was telling the truth... she smiled 'im ok..I'm happy my
daughter is healthy and fine '
Mr grey looks at the little bundle who was attached to her mother side and was looking with her doe eyes 'can I hold her' Mr.
Grey said in an emotional voice
Sarah gladly gives her daughter to her grandfather. Mr. Grey looked at her daughter with such love and affection and then she
saw tears were falling from his eyes 'thank you Sarah..she is so beautiful... I can't imagine being a grandfather of this beautiful
girl..she looks like tina... oh god you give back my tina' now he was crying properly
sarah also cry the pain and love she saw in Mr grey eyes make her more emotional. Then he said he wants a photograph of this
angel ..he takes out his expensive phone and took their snap...Mr. Grey said 'this is perfect..this picture will be with me
forever'...Then there was knock on a door and nurse came to take her daughter but Mr grey stop the nurse and said 'i don't know
what you even name her'
Sarah smiled 'i want you to name her..i will be honoured'
Mr Grey looked so overwhelmed and grateful 'I love to name her 'Ava Grey'
Sarah softly repeat the name ''s beautiful

After the nurse took their little Ava, Mr Grey then said 'you are getting the discharge and I can image you already spend your 3
weeks in the hospital must be excited to go home.'
Sarah sighs 'yeah hospital makes me tenser than ever...where are everyone'
Mr grey look uncomfortable 'Theo is in the office. I know you must be angry and I try to stop him but that idiot was hell bound to
attend the conference but he convinces me he will be back at the time of your discharge.'
Sarah just nodes after she opens her eyes she first saw him ..he was looking deeply into her eyes...Sarah realized it was his
voice that motivates her to awake ..but she also realized suddenly he doesn't want her to die because he is still not ready to take
care of their daughter.
After some hour...she was discharged and Mr grey was holding her little Ava ..who was sleeping peacefully...They were waiting
for Theo..then Mr grey cellphone ring 'hello...where are you Theo we are waiting for you..what..seriously Theo. I get it but your
presence is more important here...ok see you at home'
Mr grey looked at Sarah in guilt..but Sarah gives him a small smile..she doesn't want Mr. Grey to feel bad for her..she was
expecting that.
Mr grey explains to Sarah Theo was busy in some work as foreign delegates are coming to the office. Sarah gives him an
understanding node..but deep down she knew he was ignoring any moment to be with her and Ava...she was hurt and angry that
how her daughter is going to face hatred from her father, grandmother and all other people who think Sarah is responsible for
Tina death, she kissed her daughter pink fat cheeks and hold her protectively.
When they reached the mansion...She saw no one to receive them. Mr grey was also confused where are everyone...Mrs.
Brickson come with a smiling face and said 'Welcome home my child. And look this bundle of joy welcome home sweetie'
Mr. Grey said 'Where is Roma and Lisa'
'Mrs. Brickson hesitate but then said 'Mrs grey is gone outside with Lisa I don't know where'
Mr. Grey gives a stun expression 'Gone out? Didn't they know a new member of our family is coming first time in the house and
there is no one to welcome them properly..Everyone is acting it's nothing and busy with their daily's ridiculous. I don't
know what's happening here'

Sarah calms down Mr grey and said 'It's ok Mr grey. I think everyone wants to finish their work on time so that they can properly
spend time with Ava and Ava and I is also tired so I will take a nap..why don't you take a rest too. You have been in the hospital
with me for 3 weeks must be tiring just go and take a good sleep so that at dinner time we both are fresh'
Mr. Grey knows something else is behind this...why not anyone is happy with Ava birth..even Theo doesn't look excited as a
young father should. He knew it's was something big which is everyone is hiding from him. He looked at Sarah tried the face and
innocent eyes and wished all the happiness for this poor girl who has been nothing but softhearted and loving girl but with sad
eyes. He smiled at Sarah and kissed his granddaughter and went to his room, to call his wife and son and to know what the hell
they are doing to poor Sarah.
When Sarah enters her room with Mrs. Brickson she said 'Sarah the things you have told me about Ava stuff. I have carefully put
in the bedside drawer of your side and also I put the crib in the tv sitting area and you were right it was quite bared so I put Ava
stuff there'
TV sitting area was joined to Sarah and Theo bedroom...She went there and saw a cute wooden crib.
She gently put her angel and kissed her and looked at her properly..she has been in so much misery and pain all of her married
life but if she has to bear all of this to have Ava then she will happily tolerate again..she grace her fingers on Ava small chest and
smiled at her...Mrs. Brickson told Sarah to take a bath then she can sleep..sarah did exactly like that and she felt very fresh and

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