Cruel Paradise (Oryolov Bratva Book 1)

: Chapter 56

I have an off-site meeting in the evening, so Emma’s already at the penthouse when I walk in.

The amended contract is sitting open on the dining room table and she is pacing barefoot between the windows and the bar. The first thing I notice is how beautiful she looks with her hair down. The second thing I notice is the pen sitting next to the open contract.

So she hasn’t actually signed it yet.

She stops short when she sees me. “You don’t have to do this.”

“Some context would be nice,” I reply, even though I have a pretty good idea I know what she’s talking about.

She points at the open page of the contract. “I read through the amended section. You do not have to take care of all my legal bills. What you already offered is enough.”

“I know that. I want to.”

She stares at me, her eyes wide and disbelieving. “But… it’s not your fight, Ruslan. It has nothing to do with you.”

“If you sign that contract, you will be carrying my child soon, Emma,” I remind her. “And from then on, if anything affects you, directly or indirectly, it does have something to do with me.”

She swallows, her eyes flitting from me to the contract, then back to me. “It’s too much.”

It’s not nearly as much as you deserve.

“I’ll be the judge of that.”

Her bottom lip trembles before she bites down on it. “I… I don’t know what to say.”

“You don’t have to say anything. You just have to sign on the dotted line—if this is really what you want.”

She walks over to the table and picks up the pen. Her eyes hover on me for a moment. Is that hesitation in her eyes? Fear? Doubt?

“This is a big deal, isn’t it?” she whispers.

I nod. “You have to be sure.”

She exhales and closes her eyes. I resist the urge to touch her. But all I can think is, She has to sign. I fucking need her to sign.

Because if I don’t put a baby in this woman tonight, I’m going to go fucking insane.

When she opens her eyes again, she looks calm. “I am sure.” She proves it by scribbling her signature confidently at the bottom of the page. “There. It’s done.”

“It’s done.”

She blushes. “So… now what?”

“Now, I need your purse.”

“My what?”

I hold out my hand. After a few moments of hemming and hawing, she passes it over and I promptly start rooting around in it. I catch her perplexed expression from my periphery.

“Didn’t anyone ever tell you that you never go through a lady’s bag?” I ignore her. “Ruslan, what are you looking for?”

I finally manage to find what I’m after in the excess of random junk she’s got stuffed in her purse. I pull it up for her to see.

“My birth control pills,” she breathes, staring at the small pink case. “Wow. We’re really doing this?”

I head into the bathroom just off the living room and start popping each pill into the toilet while Emma lingers to the side, watching me give each dose its own send-off.

“Dramatic, much?”

Dramatic? Yes.

Turned-on? Very fucking much so.

“You did promise me drama. I’m just returning the favor.” I step aside to let her come closer. “Care to do the honors?”

She takes a deep breath and reaches out. Her fingers tremble as they come to rest on the silver lever. She takes one more breath for good measure, then, holding the exhale, she pushes down on the flush. We watch the pills disappear into the whirlpool and despite her tease earlier, it really does feel necessarily dramatic. We are officially “trying.”

How the fuck this came to be, I’m still not entirely certain.

I grab hold of her and pull her against my chest. “You’re deep in thought.”

Emma nods distractedly, her cheek rustling against my shirt. “I was just thinking…”

“I’ve warned you not to do that.”

She pokes me in the ribs. “I was just thinking how that flush signified the end of one part of my life and the beginning of another.” We’re so close that I can see the flecks of gray in those blue eyes of hers when she looks up at me. “It’s the—I mean, the—shit, it’s really hard to concentrate when you’re looking at me like that.”

“Like what?”

“Like you want to take a bite out of me.”

I smile. “Funnily enough, that’s exactly what I was thinking.” I grip her chin with my fingers. “You’re mine now, Emma Carson.”

“I was already yours,” she whispers.

Those words rush straight down to my cock. She yelps as I scoop her up into my arms and carry her into the master bedroom. I throw her onto the bed and she bounces on the mattress until I steady her with one hand on her hip and another lightly banded across her throat. My lips find her neck first, then her chest, and she shudders when I use my teeth to rip off the buttons of her blouse.

At this rate, I’m gonna have to buy her a whole new wardrobe.

I don’t mind. It’s the perfect fucking excuse to spoil her rotten.

There are so many things I want to do for her. So many things I want to give her. Her pride would have said “no” before now. But once she’s carrying my child, it’ll be a whole different ball game.

My tongue lashes out over her breasts, circling her juicy nipples until they’re hard and pert. I suck on them as she bucks against me, nails digging into my back, then I kiss my way down her stomach while she writhes and whimpers. I peel her clothes off and lick her pussy until she’s dripping all over the sheets and then I haul myself back up, ready to fill her.

“You ready for me, kiska?”

She bites her lip. “Mhmm.”

“You want me to fuck a baby into you?” She nods, her eyes wide, all the blood gushing through her cheeks. I fist a handful of her hair. “Let me hear you say it.”

“I-I want your baby,” she moans as I rub the head of my cock along her drenched slit. “Fuck me, Ruslan. Please… I want your baby.”

I slip two fingers between those luscious lips and, while she’s sucking on them, I thrust myself inside her.


I pump hard from the get-go, silencing her moans with my fingers until she’s biting down on them. “Hm, my vicious little kiska. I’m gonna fill you up. I’m gonna cover you in my cum. You’d like that, wouldn’t you?”

Her breasts bounce with the strength of my thrusts. “Y-yes,” she gasps. “Fuck yes. Fill me up. Fuck me good… yes, yes, YES!”

I fuck her harder, deeper, faster. Every moan out of her mouth makes my cock hungrier and greedier for more. Even when my lungs feel like they’re about to cave in on themselves, I keep pumping, spurred on by that sound of flesh on flesh. The thunder of my pelvis as it bears down against her slick pussy.

And the whole time, all I can see in my mind’s eye is her growing belly. The child that will come into existence because of this night, or tomorrow night, or a night like this one. I can’t wait to fuck her when she’s pregnant. Her breasts will be so much bigger, her stomach ripe with our baby. I have to grit my teeth to stop myself from coming.

Not yet, not yet…

“Fuck, Ruslan!” she screams. “I can’t take it anymore… fuck!”

“Oh, you can take it. That tight pussy of yours was made for me. Can you feel it?”

“Yes,” she moans. “Yes.”

“You want me to come inside you?”

“Yes, please… please…”

I bend down and swipe my tongue inside her ear. She bucks, her hips thrusting upwards into me.

“You’re mine now,” I growl. “All. Fucking. Mine.”

Even when she falls apart in my arms, I don’t stop fucking her. All I can think about is the child we’re going to make together. Once she’s pregnant, it’ll change everything. I can take care of her the way I was meant to. I can protect her. I can give her the life she deserves.

Once my baby’s in her belly, she’ll be tied to me forever. It’s the only excuse I’ll need to do this again and again.

Until then—I’m gonna savor every fucking moment of trying.

Ruslan!” she gasps, jerking forward. “Please!”

“What are the magic words?” I snarl.

My hips feel like they’re going to give out at any second. Mind over matter. I will fuck her for as long as it takes.

“I’m yours!” she cries out. “All fucking yours!”

That’s all it takes for me to erupt.

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