Cruel King: A Dark New Adult Romance (Royal Elite)

Cruel King: Chapter 54

It isn’t over until it’s over.

The sound of the spectators is deafening.

We’re on our way to the championship.

Coach Larson looks at me like a hawk and points at his watch. Five. We only have five minutes left.

I motion at Ronan and Cole to push back to defence. I know they want to go out with a bang, but it’s been a bitch to defend our two to one against Manchester even though we’re playing on our ground.

I scored the first goal and Aiden scored the second.

The prick’s Daniel’s words from the other time stayed with me. For the last few games, I’ve been giving the team more leeway to have fun as long as the results are there.

Being the captain doesn’t only mean leading my team to victory. It also means being there for the fall and listening to them when they talk. Like every responsible general would do.

We lose the ball, and Aiden slams his shoulder in mine on his way back.

“You’re sloppy, Captain.” His eyes shine with contempt as he runs backwards. “I’d be surprised if you impress any scouts with your safe ways.”


He laughs, exchanging glances with Xander.

Sometimes, I think Aiden only allows himself to let go during the game. For ninety minutes, he transforms into an unstoppable beast, playing the opponent’s defence until he wears them out.

Cole snatches the ball from a midfielder and passes it to me. I keep possession, studying the pitch.

I can defend our score and win the game for sure. I can play as Coach wants. As everyone expects.

But I’m not a coward.

I’m a King and we don’t play fucking safe.

I sprint forward, and I can almost imagine the Coach yelling profanities in my peripheral vision.

I focus on the crowd going wild, the adrenaline pumping in my veins, and my team who follows me.

Aiden and Xander sprint on either side of me so we form a triangle. I dribble past one from defence and pass the ball to Xan who changes the direction with one masterful touch to Aiden.

I push in the last defender’s back and make sure we’re at the same line.

Aiden runs forward like a bull in between two defenders and passes me the ball. I don’t bother to keep it in place. I shoot it while it’s still in the air.

The crowd goes wild. I don’t even get a chance to see the ball inside the net. Aiden tackles me to the ground and the entire team plus the bench form a pile on top of me.

It’s impossible to breath, but I laugh anyway. It paid off. The gamble paid off.

This isn’t even only about the game anymore. This is about the fucking zombie I’ve become the last two weeks.

After I walked out on Astrid and never looked back because I was playing it safe.

That’s not me.

And it’ll never be.

Xan and Ro carry me on their shoulders and I shout alongside them.

This victory is for us, not only me.

That’s probably the difference between me and Aiden. He’s too individualist to play the game right.

And the reason I’ll make sure he’s not the captain once I’m out of here.

The guys lower me when we reach Coach Larson. He stares at me with a disapproving glance, and all the guys grow silent.

“That was a dangerous stunt, Captain.” Coach grins. “But a damn good one at that.”

He headlocks me and I accept the taunting punches from everyone.


He and the rest of the team straighten at Uncle’s voice.

“Mr King.” Coach Larson shakes Uncle’s hand. “You should be proud of your son and your nephew.”

“Right. Of Course.” Jonathan’s voice is completely neutral.

Aiden and I exchange a look and roll our eyes.

“Someone is here for you, Lev.” Uncle points to a man dressed in a three-piece suit and looks so much like the type Uncle hangs out with.

Wait. This is…

“Mr Jeremy?” Coach Larson who’s always composed almost stumbles on his words. “It’s an honour to meet you.”

“The honour is all mine, Coach.” Jeremy shakes Coach’s hand. “You’ve built an impressive team.”

He turns towards me. “Levi King?”

“The one and only,” Xan shouts.

Jeremy laughs. “I’ve seen exceptional captaining skills today. Your leadership and ability to make decisions in a split time are exactly what we’re looking for. That finish only proved how much we need to have our hands on you.” He meets Jonathan’s gaze. “You didn’t tell me you hid a gem, King.”

“It comes with the family name,” Uncle says.

Jeremy smiles, eyeing Aiden. “We’ll be talking to the second King soon, too.”

“Yeah, that won’t happen, Jeremy.” Uncle takes him away before the assistant coaches start drooling over him.

I gulp a mouthful of water and spill some over my head.

One thing is over.

“Victory party at my place!” Ronan shouts, gripping me by the shoulder. “Captain, man of the hour!”

“You’ll have to do it on your own.” I shrug him off.

“Why?” Cole snatches the bottle from between my finger.

“I have an important place to be.” A place that’s two weeks overdue.

“Uh, you don’t have to.” Xander waggles his eyebrows, motioning behind me.

My breath hitches when I turn around.

The guys’ cheers, the spectators, and the entire fucking world disappears.

The only thing that remains is the girl walking across the pitch.

She’s wearing my T-shirt with number ten on it. Her hair falls on either side of her face like a fucking halo.

Air rushes back to my lungs, and it hurts.

Feeling so much life after suffocating for two weeks fucking hurts.

I’ll make sure it never hurts again. For the both of us.

Astrid once told me I’m a dark night. It’s in dark nights that stars like her shine the brightest.

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