Crowley Cove: The Royal Healer

Chapter Chapter Seven

Lucien knew his angel would volunteer herself seeing she is who she is and only he knows what she can do, seeing how she showed him yesterday what she can do with her magic.

The four men all agreed to be the one’s on offense to keep their support and protection safe from being targeted from the other team who will be aiming to take out their support.

The five of them huddled together listening to Lucien tell them what the plan is going to be, when their professor start to call out teams to start dueling with the parameters of knock out or taking out the support first to win the match.

When it was there turning Lucien and his friends all stood in front of Liliana creating a protection barrier and each of them all summoned their magic to their hands readying themselves to start on attacking their opponents.

When their opponents were the ones to attack first Liliana silently created a protection barrier around the five of them keeping her eyes closed to feel around her and she used the silent tapping on the boy’s backs telling them where to attack and keep the other’s at bay.

Professor Jericho watched on amazed at the tactics the group of five worked silently all together and keeping their support witch protected with the strength of her magic barrier, they became formidable opponents.

“Time!” Liliana gripped the back of Lucien’s shirt after hearing the professor call it, leaning her head against his strong muscular back blinking her eyes slowly open, peeking around her giant male, to see the other team were all on the ground groaning in slight discomfort from the mock duel they had done.

Lucien and his friends were all impressed with the little witch, seeing how she was able to keep up with them and doing her job as there support and protection trusting them to keep her safe.

“Holy shit, Lily that was awesome,” Leo laughed out in glee hopping from on foot to the other foot waving his arms in glee.

Liliana giggled at Leo’s happy enthusiasm of what they had accomplished as team, and the others all congratulated her on good job well done and Lucien smirk down at his angel, placing a warm kiss upon her forehead feeling proud of his angel.

“I want to say, job well done you all, I have not seen such strong communication between the five of you and how well you have kept your offensive teammate’s safe Liliana, good job,” Professor Jericho praised them all, giving the young witch a soft smile.

Liliana squeaked out when she felt herself being lifted by her waist into a big hug from Leo who spun her around and she held onto his shoulders giggling at his happy self.

Lucien shook his head at his friend’s hyperness, and he quickly took his angel back into his arms placing her gently on to her feet, and summoning his water bottle, opening it up for his angel to take a sip from it first, before he took his own and the group all sat together goofing off and enjoy each other’s company.

Racheal watched from the balcony leading outside at the group surrounding the little bitch and what pissed her off the most was seeing her cuddled up against Lucien, the one that belongs to her and her alone, she quickly left the clearing to head back inside to make a fool out of the little bitch.

Liliana giggled in glee from Lucien gently tickling her sides with a knowing smirk seeing how he found out she was ticklish the other day at her place.

“Angel, would you like to join me at my home for dinner with my father?” Liliana shyly agreed to go over to his place and have dinner with his father, seeing how she knows he was it for her in the long run, and now she wonders if she should tell him what she plans on doing during Christmas break in the next few weeks.

The group of five all separate to head to their other classes for the day seeing how it was close to the end of the day, and Liliana wanted to stay with Lucien seeing how she had a spare.

“Teddy bear, do you think your professor would mind if I joined you for class?” Liliana softly asked peering up at the man she started to have strong feelings for in the last few days of knowing him.

“I don’t see why not, I have Professor Jericho seeing it’s sorcery magic class next, the guys will be happy to have you with us as well,” Lucien smirked picking her up and having her wrapped her thighs around his waist, with him carrying a giggling angel as they walked off towards the Sorcery magic class.

Lucien waked in with his angel attached to him now sleeping on her shoulder with her arms tightly around his neck as he took his seat with her straddling his lap sleeping against his large frame.

“Oh dear, the little faerie must be exhausted from using her magic for so long,” Gareth whispered next to him looking worried for his angel.

“Uh, why is pixie with us, I thought she had her spare right now?” Leo quietly said, taking his seat in front of the trio with Lorenzo who nodded at Lucien softly chuckling at Lily who was mewling in her sleep and making adorable sounds.

“Bro, you are one lucky son of bitch, she is adorable,” Lorenzo softly said chuckling with amusement and the four men chuckled at the little sleeping beauty.

Professor Jericho walked in with his large teachers book of magic when he noticed the same group of five were all quietly talking seeing how Liliana was still clinging to Lucien Bianchi, he quickly made a call to her teacher and told them she was safe with his class seeing how she was now resting after her first day of using her magic in a larger scale.

Across the school grounds Racheal was beyond pissed off not seeing the perfect little bitch in their spare block for all warlocks and witches seeing how they all need to have a day to relax from overusing there life force and magic.

“Where the hell is that little bitch at,” Racheal angerly whispered out making her way outside when the last bell rang, and she stopped in her tracks when she saw the little bitch was getting into Lucien’s car with him and she felt her jealousy rise in her heated anger, and her mind turned dark wanting to have the bitch dead.

* * *

Liliana sat next to Lucien with his father across from them as they were sitting outside in the last week of autumn to enjoy the comfortable company this wonderful evening.

“Liliana, tell me about yourself, my dear?” Lucien’s father softly asked watching his son looking relaxed and showing his emotions towards the young woman next to him giggling with a shy smile.

“Well, my life started all in Florence in a group home when I was six years old when I was taken away from my drug addict mother, and during my time there I dealt with a lot of abuse from the caretakers physically,” Liliana said, taking in another deep breath before she continued her explanation. “When I was ten, I had subconsciously created a magical shield around me hurting the caretake worker who was the one who abused me and that was when I met the Lockhart’s and they adopted me, papa then explained everything to me when I was ten and I was home schooled for a little while learning what I can in the royal mansion until now,” Liliana shyly explained to Lucien’s father.

Lucien squeezed her hand with his giving her his silent strength already knowing about all of this in more detail seeing how she allowed him to mind walk her to see everything.

“I am sorry to hear all of this happened to you my dear, and with how you and my son are, I am glad to have you apart of our family,” Lucien raised an eyebrow at his father in wonder knowing what this means seeing how he approved of his choice.

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