Crowley Cove: The Royal Healer

Chapter Chapter One

“Liliana! You need to get up!” Liliana groaned from her deep slumber hearing her father’s deep voice yell from downstairs.

She got up yawning behind her hand stretching from her slumber as she looked over to her alarm clock to see it was past seven in the morning and her eyes widen in shock scrambling to quickly get ready for first day at the academy.

“I am here, papa!” Liliana softly called out running down the stairs in her new school uniform that consisted of a white dress shirt with a dark purple blazer knee length dark flowy shirt along with the white leggings and deep purple kitty heel boots with the academy crest on the front pocket of the school blazer.

She waved her hand silently telling her class books and notebooks all into her school messenger bag, using a bit of magic to help it come along neatly under her command.

“Lily, how many times have I told you not to use magic on simple things?” Liliana giggled at her papa giving him a cheeky smile as they both left the small cottage home near the center of the middle-class district of Crowley Cove.

“I know, papa, it’s just easier to use when in a rush is all,” Liliana shyly said, looking out of the car window to see many different homes with similar housing structure with dark and light brown colours made with different stone and wood housing.

“I know, sweetheart,” Antonio sighed out keeping his eyes open on the road driving his adoptive daughter to her first day at Golden Light Academy where she will learn more than what she knows as a royal healer. “Remember, Lily, you cannot tell anyone about your heritage unless you know you can trust them,” Liliana nodded at her father’s stern voice knowing how serious it can be.

Liliana gasped with wide eyes seeing the large old castle like structure with many students walking around the outside of the school ground, she felt her anxiety rise, when her father parked.

“Sweetheart, everything will be alright, take a deep breath for me mia filgia (my daughter),” Antonio softly said, holding his daughter’s small delicate hands, and he began to worry knowing how delicate she can be in social interactions with others.

Liliana calmly did what her papa had said, taking I na deep breath to her calm her racing heart and she gave him her soft shy smile, nodding that they can go inside. Stepping out of the car with her father, Liliana put on her bookbag across her body, grabbing her father’s hand as they walked towards the front entrance.

“Welcome, Sir Lockhart, I amuse this is young Liliana?” a soft elderly man spoke with a strong and gentle aura surrounding him, helping Liliana’s nerves calm down from feeling scared.

“Yes, headmaster Jericho, this is my daughter Liliana and we have spoken about her private studies seeing who her birth father was sixteen years ago,” Antonio quietly explained to the headmaster of the academy with his daughter silently holding onto him.

The father and daughter followed the headmaster inside towards his office, taking their seats to wait for the head teachers of the witch and warlock section and the sorcery sections of the academy for speciality classes.

“Now, seeing how Liliana is the last golden royal healer, she will be attending both classes for witchcraft and sorcery magic seeing she needs to learn how to use offensive and defensive magic,” The headmaster started to explain, watching the young girl with pure innocence surrounded by her golden glow of her magical aura.

“I understand, and all I want is for my daughter to find her true path in life within the walls of this academy,” Antonio exclaimed holding his daughter’s hand and squeezing giving her the strength to help her through her anxiety attacks.

Liliana bites her bottom lip in thought wondering how her dark past would come back to haunt her when all she ever wants is to find the many unanswered questions about her heritage and what it meant for her being the last golden royal healer with her being a royal witch from the Moretti Bloodline that died out long ago.

“Headmaster you have called for us?” A subtle feminine voice spoke entering the room with a tall man with long light blonde hair held back into a low ponytail with sharp features and piercing blue eyes, and they were both wearing different colour robes.

“Yes, Professor Julie and Professor Jericho this here is Liliana Lockhart, she will be attending both witchcraft and sorcery magical classes to help her harness her abilities as a young witch,” The headmaster sternly said motioning for the two professors to take a seat.

Professor Julie eyes the young girl before her and her eyes widened slightly seeing the strong resemblance of Valentino Moretti, one of the most powerful warlocks to ever have lived.

Professor Jericho eyes softened at the young witch, seeing the strong resemblance of his old friend who left and abandoned his birth right as the next in line crown prince seeing how he was a powerful warlock with the abilities of battle and healing.

“Liliana has already spoken with her maternal grandfather the king of the Moretti coven, and she has chosen to stay with me and my wife in our coven,” Antonio strongly stated eyeing everyone in the room, and they all understood how the young girl would make that choice seeing how she was raised by the Lockhart’s.

“I-I did not want the responsibility of something only because of where my bloodline resides, I am my own person and I make my own path in life,” Liliana softly spoke out shyly smiling at the adults in the room with her head held high.

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