Cross the Line

Chapter Part Two

                “So what would you do?” Naomi leaned back in her chair and looked at her giggling friend; Emma was struggling to keep her facial expressions under control. The pub was busy and they were already attracting a lot of attention.  “A strange naked man in your friend’s shower. How exactly would you have dealt with this?”

Emma took a deep breath, “well if he was as fit as you describe, then I’d have hung around and asked a few more pertinent questions!”

Naomi shook her head, “no chance.” She lifted her glass of wine and took a hearty slug, “the man was rude...”

                “And? What aren’t you telling me?”

Naomi was travelling on unsteady seas to even think about Conor O’Neill, and it took her back to a sad time of her life. Maisy had started school on the same day as her when they were four. They’d been inseparable. The Fisher family had a large house in the centre of town, Simon and Maisy’s father was a barrister in the City, their mother ran the Women’s Institute, they were the family that had everything. From her little house on the council estate across town she’d been so envious, and so in awe of them. Where Naomi was quiet, a little introverted, Maisy was extrovert, dominating even, they’d got into trouble SO many times at her hands, but Naomi loved her for that recklessness, that vibrancy. She remembered the infatuation that Maisy had on her brother’s friend Conor.  She’d heard every detail about him for months and months, though she had never met him.

It had been three o’clock in the morning when Maisy had called her one day to say that her infatuation had taken a giant step forward at a party that evening. She told Naomi that she’d just left Conor’s bed after a wild night, and that she didn’t just like him now, this was love. It had been the last relationship she’d had...

It was too painful to discuss those times, so she concentrated on what she did know, “He’s a manipulating man Em, he does what he likes. I mean what self respecting middle aged man can come and work for someone at the drop of a hat? He must come from a money family and is happy to just milk that as much as he can.”

Emma shook her head, “you’re such a hard woman to please. Simon is hardly any different really! Look, he’s going to be your boss, so you may as well get used to him...a fractured pelvis sounds like a LONG time away from work.”

Naomi nodded, “poor Simon!”

The next morning she arrived at work early, needing time to settle things and prepare to meet this man again. She was the sort of person who was better if forewarned, prepared and ready for any eventuality. Being early to work was part of her plan, from her central position at her desk she could both observe and manage everything that fell into her path with greater ease. But as she inserted the key into the lock of the office door, she gasped finding it open.

                “He’s here....” she whispered to no one in particular. The devastation at being usurped, outdone was huge, suddenly today was looking less likely at unfolding how she predicted, and far more at being torture!

Taking a deep breath she pushed open the door, to see Conor lounging in HER chair, feet swung up on the edge of HER desk, talking into the phone. He raised an eyebrow in acknowledgement before he continued a conversation which seemed to be about a golf match.

Naomi felt as though the word was about to implode around her. This was her worst possible scenario, she was known to be a control freak and this was against everything she needed and desired to maintain that control. Shaking her head knowingly, she stormed into the kitchen and filled the percolator; she needed coffee, the stronger the better! She was watching the coffee drip into the jug, when the room darkened; she turned to see Conor lounging in the doorway, blocking the light from the office behind him.

                “Enough for two?”

She shrugged, “it’s a large jug.” The sound of him chuckling made her snap around. “What?” she demanded. 

He shook his head, “you are the most highly strung woman I have ever met! I must’ve offended you in a former life because you seem to hold me in contempt, was I THAT rude yesterday?"

He expected an apology, or at least an acknowledgment that she was being out of order, and was a little taken a back when none came.

                “I have worked hard to help Simon launch this business, I find it hard to see some fly-by-night waltz in and take over, without a care for it!” Her manner was defensive and aggressive and in honestly stunned him.

It took a moment to find his voice, “I’m hardly a fly-by-night! I have developed an equally successful practice over the years as this, and I’ve had great success in my life. Simon was lucky to find someone like me who was able to step in at short notice especially after Malcolm dying! Who else could take over all his cases?”

                “Someone who has no work commitments and can turn up at the drop of a hat?” Naomi scowled at him, knowing she was crossing personal and professional boundaries. “All I know is Simon’s put blood, sweat and tears into this company, and I’ll do EVERYTHING I can to keep it going!”

He laughed but there was little humour, in fact Naomi was almost scared by the coldness of his eyes, “I don’t know what you think I’m about to do to this business, but Simon is a friend! Yes I’ve been out of work for a while, but that is not because I can’t do the work, but a choice I made. And where I stand, a self professed office gopher doesn’t have the seniority to challenge the only working member in this office. So retract the claws Miss Young.” He took a deep breath then added, “You seem to have an almost unhealthy interest in Simon Fisher’s affairs. Could this be a back lash because he’s off on his honeymoon?”

Naomi suddenly felt sick, taking a deep breath she shook her head in amazement as his words finally sank in, “are you trying to indicate that I have some sort of crush on Simon??”

He smirked, “if the cap fits....” He saw her hand rise from the corner of his eye and managed to intercept her wrist, “your bite IS as bad as your bark I see!” Dropping her hand he glared at her, “I’ll have my coffee in Simon’s office...or rather MY office!”

With that Conor spun around and walked away, and Naomi was left to rue her short fuse. She was blushing from the roots of her hair, and she felt disappointed in herself as well as humiliated. She usually had such great self control, but it had really failed her today.

She spent the rest of the morning deep into the pile of work on her desk; she barely stopped to look up, let alone to take a break. When she left later that day, she was almost annoyed to see Conor still deep in papers at Simon’s huge desk.

The next morning she smiled as she arrived at the empty office, there was more than a little pleasure in beating Conor to it.  She made coffee, placed fresh muffins on the counter beside the coffee machine, then started on her own work. She’d never admit that she had barely sat down when he opened the door; instead she kept her head bowed and worked diligently.

 It was half past one when she felt a presence in front of her. Conor was lounging against the filing cabinet next to her desk.

                “Can we get lunch? As a truce? I don’t know how or why we got off to such a bad start, but we have to work together. I’ve managed to get a table in L’appareil. Simon told me months ago it was worth a try.” He spotted the look of rebellion in her eyes.  “I won’t take no for an answer, Simon is going to be off for months. We’ve got off to a bad start, but I really would like us to get on. Don’t you?”

Naomi was cornered. Every ounce of her wanted to push him away and run. But she knew she couldn’t. This was too important for Simon, and he was a good friend. She owed him her loyalty, and she knew that she had to work with Conor and help him get up to speed. It was the only way that they two newlyweds could make the most of the tattered start of their life together.  She felt sick as she nodded in acquiesce.

The new French restaurant was stunning, and they had the benefit of being at the tail end of the lunch crowd, so the place was relaxed, almost quiet. He lounged opposite her, “beer or wine?”

                “I don’t drink at lunchtime.”

Conor laughed, “Can’t you break a rule? If we get on well, we’ll work better. I’m new here Naomi; in fact you are the only person I know. So it’d be nice to have a few drinks, some nice food, discuss work a bit, and then tomorrow we’ll crack on with hard core work.”

She was in turmoil, his eyes were inviting, appealing, he was relaxed and smiling, yet she knew he was a predator, manipulative and calculated, waiting until she was worn down. It annoyed her that she was finding it difficult to resist his charm, those blue eyes that seemed to see more than she was willing to give away. So she repeatedly dropped her eyes, remembered all he’d done.

Shrugging Naomi succumbed, “I don’t think it’s the best idea.....but you are the boss I suppose I have to go along with this! 

He stared at her for an age, “this shouldn’t be torture, we are here to enjoy ourselves.” Then he gestured to a waiter and ordered a bottle of Chardonnay. Watching him pour the wine she relaxed a little and found herself smiling at the stories he told her about taking Simon under his wing when he’d been a junior solicitor in London, Conor being three years older had been on the brink of becoming a partner. They’d shared a flat and from what he told her, their life had been fun. Fun that Maisy didn’t always came back to poor Maisy, losing her had devastated Naomi, she’d never really got over it and she felt guilty that she was sitting here having fun with the last man she dated, a man who’d never treated her as she deserved to be treated.

                “Then an alien swept down and sucked me into his spaceship!” He announced staring at her.

She looked at him still unhearing.

                “Am I that boring Naomi?” there was humour in his voice, but his eyes lacked it.

She jumped, “sorry, I was miles away.”

He shook his head gently, “I seem to be having that effect on you. I was just saying how I’ve told you everything, yet you’ve not told me one thing about yourself. How did you come to be working here, with Simon?”

She shrugged, before reeling off the standard story she told everyone, “When I was at University Simon helped me out with any difficulties I had, in the holidays I helped out as a legal assistant. Then when I graduated I had a few options, but Simon was looking to expand here, I apparently was the natural choice!”

He nodded, “well I admire your loyalty and dedication, that’s not the sort of thing you can buy!”

Naomi gave a sickly smile, “he’s like a brother to me, and I’m glad to help him.”

They started on their meal, and so the conversation dried up, but as the afternoon progressed she was surprised at the ease of his company. Once they’d finished their food, and the wine bottle was empty, he threw some notes onto the table, frivolously, then grabbed her arm and dragged her into a pub across the road. She was tight-lipped at the blatant disregard for value he’d shown in the restaurant. It seemed that money was no option in his life at least.

Naomi hovered behind him, then followed blankly as he emerged from the bar with an ice bucket filled with another bottle of wine and two glasses. Filling them, he sat back and smiled at her over the top of his glass.

                “What?” She found his scrutiny disconcerting.

He still smiled, “I find you intriguing. So much passion, and the fact that it’s all directed against me in anger, it’s just so exciting!”

Blushing, she hated the feeling of heat warming her face, “I’m not...”

He chuckled, “you dislike me, you think I’m ripping off your friend, that I’m ruining things for him. Yet I find you interesting, attractive, your anger only enhances that.”

She shook her head, the effect of a few too many glasses of wine fuzzing her senses, “People like you think that a little charm and wine will talk me into your bed?”

                “People like me?” he asked incredulous. “That’s a mighty conclusion you are jumping to Naomi!”

She nodded, ignoring the way he seemed to purr her name; his Irish lilt making the word seductive, “I’m not someone you can buy with expensive meals and champagne...”

                “I was merely trying to show you some thanks for keeping on top of everything in Simon’s absence. It’s made me stepping in so much easier.”

She stood and swayed slightly, “I need to leave, I’m sure I’ll see you tomorrow.”

Before he could stand she had dashed out of the door and hailed an approaching taxi. Watching the vehicle disappear he shook his head, that had been an unexpected turn in an otherwise fairly amicable afternoon...Conor chuckled, and for the second time she’d run away from him, he was losing his touch!

She was ducked behind the computer screen when she heard the office door open the next morning.

It took four throat clearings, two coughs and a “good morning Naomi” before she looked up at him with a scowl expecting questions about her dramatic disappearance the previous night.

                “Have you got the details on the Palmer divorce? I need to present to the other party this afternoon.” Conor was calm and unemotional.

She stopped her typing to look up at him, and her heart missed a beat. He looked devastating, his dark hair still damp from the shower, his searching blue eyes clear and bright, his suit well cut, the blue shirt snugly fitting his chest.

Naomi wanted to tear her own eyes out, she was unable to stop them roaming appreciatively over him at every opportunity, “It’s on your desk. Along with three other cases that are in court this week.”

He raised an eyebrow, “I was hoping for a synopsis of all the outstanding cases.”

She gestured to the screen, “I’m just doing it.” The atmosphere was tense and you could cut the air with a knife.


Half an hour later she knocked the office door, when he looked up she entered and placed the document on to his desk along with a mug of coffee. Turning she was in the main office when she heard his voice, “thanks Naomi.”

The rest of the day passed in a similar awkward atmosphere, but it passed, uneventfully, and Naomi was glad to unlock the door to her flat later that evening.

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