Cross the Line

Chapter Part Eleven

The wedding as predicted was no small family affair, it seemed half of the county had been invited. As they made their way down the aisle of the chapel to find their seats many faces turned to smile, wave and be acquainted with Conor. Naomi truly felt like the accessory on his arm. Michael was stood in a Morning suit, Paul his best man trying to calm his nerves, but to Naomi’s eyes he really did look flighty.

Then the organ struck up the Bridal March and all eyes turned to the rear of the building where Louise stood. Naomi had only very briefly met the bride the night before, and the radiant, beautiful woman who glided down the aisle was a million miles from the woman she remembered.

A thin veil covered her thick dark hair which hung free around her shoulders, but the dress was everything Naomi imagined a wedding dress should be, a tight strapless body with a full skirt that managed to avoid looking like a giant meringue and instead looked feminine and breathtaking.

She turned to Conor and whispered, “she looks absolutely stunning!”

                “All brides do,” he hissed a response before turning to look at his brother who was mesmerised by the sight of his bride.

Naomi sensed the animosity in his words but merely took a deep breath and also faced the front of the church. Presumably he was remembering the infamous Orla who he never discussed, but was presumably a beautiful bride too. His view on every marital was swayed by the failed attempt at it by his wife.  

They watched the service, Louise and Michael were so obviously devoted to each other. Outside the building they were covered in confetti, rice and flower petals as they emerged, and then stood radiant as a barrage of photos were taken by all and sundry. The happy couple went off into the gardens for more photos and poses, the rest of the congregation made their way back to the imposing and impressive castle.

Naomi found she was following the still frosty Conor around the reception room like some sort of lapdog, and she was less than impressed. But she did appreciate how difficult this occasion was for him. The expectation from his family obviously weighed heavily on his shoulders. Saying that, Naomi was pleased that she settled so easily into conversation with the people who crossed their path. Plus, the canapés being served by dozens of waiters were exceptional and champagne was continually appearing in her glass.

                “Are you trying to get me drunk Mr O’Neill?” she asked as her glass was yet again refilled.

He laughed, leaning close to her to whisper, “do I need to?”

She shrugged, so glad that he had finally seemed to relax and become the Conor she’d come here with, the man she’d spent the night with,  “I wasn’t drunk last night!”

He tugged her chin around to face him, then planted an affectionate kiss of her lips, “but I think you intoxicated me!” The look that followed his words drove her body wild, hot and FULL of promise.

Taking her hand he led her across the room to meet some other school friends.

They sat to dinner sharing a table with his siblings, it gave Naomi a chance to recap on everyone’s names, it still confused her. By now the seven nieces and nephews were also in attendance, and each worshipped Conor, rushing over to throw their arms around his neck. He was brilliant with them too, and that warmed Naomi’s heart. Each one relished the chance to bask in his attention, and he took time and effort to speak to and play with them all in great depth. Every time one approached he made a grand effort to introduce her, and whilst they were all polite, they only had eyes for Uncle Con!

After a virtual feast of delicious soup, beef and perfectly cooked vegetables and the lightest white chocolate mousse known to man, Naomi needed a break. She’d both drunk and eaten more than was recommended, and with Conor’s mood being rather unpredictable, knew that she needed a break from him. A little time away.

So she excused herself from the table and headed to the bathroom. After freshening up and catching her breath, she made for the bar that skirted the dining room. A few people were scattered around the room talking. Ordering a soda water, she headed out onto the veranda and sat in the fresh air to relax for a moment.

Conor was struggling to control his emotions, today had been such a difficult day. A lot of people he’d spoken to that day he’d not seen since his own Orla. He shook his head, even the thought of her name set his teeth on edge, and the hairs on the back of his neck to stand on end. Everyone looked at him with such pity, as though the breakup of his marriage was such a sad thing, a tragic end to such a promising relationship. Only the end wasn’t tragic. He hated his ex wife with every inch of his being, yet everyone here thought that an innocent tragedy tore them apart. If only it was something so obvious!

Conor whilst he had to deal with so much mentally was initially glad for some time to brood when Naomi left for the bathroom, he knew he wasn’t being the easiest companion, but after a while he realised that Naomi hadn’t returned. Half an hour later, he found her talking to Lucinda, “you ok? You’re about to miss the speeches, both of you!”

Taking the offered hand, Naomi smiled, bade a goodbye then allowed Conor to lead her back into the dining room. They’d barely sat when there was a click of a spoon on a wine glass and the packed room silenced almost immediately. After the bride’s father, Michael spoke. The whole room gushed as he thanked everyone for coming on behalf of his wife and himself, and then brimmed with emotional tears at using the term ‘wife’ for the first time. He eventually composed himself and thanked Louise’s family for providing him with such a beautiful wife, and then he picked Conor out across the room.

                “Love can be free, but a wedding such as today isn’t. And neither family could have provided the enormity of today if it wasn’t for my wonderful brother. Conor O’Neill is a selfless and generous man, he puts others happiness before himself, and I am more than proud to call him my brother. Thanks Con!”

He raised a glass and drank in honour of his brother before continuing his speech, and Naomi reached out and squeezed Conor’s hand in support. With a grunt he pulled his hand free and turned away from her. For Naomi it was the final straw, he was hot, then was like sitting with a stroppy teenager.

As the last speech finished, Naomi stood and left the room. He infuriated her SO much. He was the most exciting man she’d ever met, she’d never wanted a man with such a raw hunger as she did for this man, but she deserved more respect than he was bestowing her with, and that annoyed her more than anything else. In the bar she ordered a whisky, straight, and had downed it in one shot as she felt him approach. 

“Do you want to come for a stroll with me?” he asked, holding out a hand.

Turning to face him she shrugged, “I suppose so.”

If he sensed her anger he hid it well as he led her out of the building.  The castle gardens were huge, but well groomed, comprising of terraces above a boating lake. They wandered for a few minutes before he stopped at a bench with a fantastic view of the sprawling countryside.

                “I wanted us to talk before we get carried away with the evening.”

She looked up at him suddenly concerned, “so talk away.”

He lifted a stray tendril of hair from her face and tucked it behind her ear, “well. I know I may not be the best company at the moment. The last wedding I came to here, in Ireland was my own. And that was the biggest mistake I’ve ever made, I’m not comfortable here, and I know the memories it’s conjuring up are making me grouchy.”

She looked at him for a moment, “ok, you had a disastrous end to your marriage. That’s not my fault, and I’m the only one you’re being horrible too. I’ve come here at your request. Is it fair that you treat me like this?”

 He had the good grace to look po-faced at that suggestion, “I don’t intend to be like that.”

                 “Was it that bad a marriage that you’d ruin your brother’s day?”

 Conor glared at her, fire in his eyes, his mouth a hard line, “I’ve gone out of my way to make this the best day for them both...”

                 “And it failed to exorcise those demons?” She had a sudden attack of sympathy, for such a strong minded man he seemed to be really wrestling with his past.

 He sighed, “I was happy, really happy. But she...I wasn’t enough for her. She had an affair, and I won’t tolerate that.”

 Naomi reached for his hand, “you were unlucky, not everyone has that heartbreak...”

 Nodding he eventually turned to her, “I know, it doesn’t mean I can watch my brother marry a woman and not worry about where it will end up.”

 She found the concerned almost coy Conor a treat, he was usually so masterful so determined, but now, he was vulnerable, unsure...human. This was the side of him she’d wanted to see, and maybe the bad moods were an essential part of that?

                 “Isn’t it better to have loved and lost...and all that?” 

He shook his head, “sentiment and bullshit. She was a bitch who took me for a ride, I won’t fall for it again! End of story.  I enjoyed last night, and I enjoy your company, more than I ever thought I would, but I do need you to know how things are before we go any further. I’m not ready for deep and meaningful, and I swore I’d never marry again. I want to see you, but don’t think I can offer anything more.” 

“What makes you think I’m looking for more?” This had all come out of the blue, and her anger was mounting. She had come here open minded, was the least likely to be the clingy woman he was talking about, comparing her to.

“Isn’t that what all women want? A man with money to marry them, look after them?”

She was shocked and quite insulted, “you presumptuous bastard! Who the hell are you to talk to me like that? You may be a cynical bastard because some woman got the better of you, but that DOES NOT give you the right to speak to me like this, or treat me like some cheap whore.”  Standing she looked down at him, still indignant, “I cannot believe you can cheapen me like that! Call yourself a friend!”

Conor stood to face her, “It’s not like that, I like you, a lot!”

                “Ha!” she huffed, “If you had an ounce of respect for me then you’d not have said one of those words to me. I came here as a favour to you, and yes, we ended up having sex. Get over it! You might be the greatest catch that County Roscommon has to offer, but I can assure you I am not at the front of that queue! You are presuming that I ACTUALLY want more than just this weekend fling, aren’t you? Well you might think that if you shower me with cash and gifts in lieu of a commitment I don’t even want, that I want to marry you...then you are a million miles off the mark. And if you’re after an old fashioned accommodating mistress, then I suggest you look elsewhere.” She stood up a hand on her head, “I knew what you were really like and yet I still let this happen.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“You are one of life’s takers Conor, everything your way, I knew that before you waltzed into my life, and still I let you in, allowed you to take liberties!”

She stood to walk away when he grabbed her arm, “Naomi! It’s not like that, I’m not like that! We sorted out the Maisy thing, didn’t we? I’ve been nothing but courteous to you, and generous. I’m sorry that I said what I did....”

She held up a hand to silence him, “I should’ve stuck with my instincts and never gone near you. I believed you over Maisy because I thought you were a good man. Now I don’t know! You make me sick!”

He grabbed both arms and pulled her towards him, “what did I ever do to make you hate me this much?”

She shook her head, “the last five minutes were more than enough.” Before he could object she headed for the door as fast as her shoes would carry her.

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