Cross-Checked Hearts: A Brother’s Best friend Hockey Romance (Wyncote Wolves Book 1)

Cross-Checked Hearts: Chapter 7

The first two weeks of school have gone by in a blur. It’s been hectic, trying to settle into a routine, especially being in a new place with new people. August and Logan have both been busy with getting back into the swing of things with their demanding hockey schedule, on top of trying to maintain their school work.

We’ve all been seeing each other more in passing and settling down to watch a movie some evenings before they both inevitably fall asleep on the couch before the movie even finishes. They started having practice early in the morning, so they’ve practically turned into old men, falling asleep super early.

I’m not complaining. I know how their lives are and I don’t want them to feel like they have to entertain me since I’m August’s little sister that they decided to move into their apartment. Plus, I want this to be my own experience, too, and not be following them around like a lost puppy. Which is why I’m so glad I met Octavia.

She’s a freshman as well and moved from Michigan for their art program here. I met her my first day, in clay and sculpture, and it turned out that we actually had a lot of classes together. We hit it off pretty quickly and it was nice to feel like I have a friend to call my own. Someone who is just as lost as I am, but yet we still have enough in common that we don’t struggle to come up with conversation.

Her story is a little different than mine, since she didn’t follow her brother and her childhood crush here. She’s an only child who wanted to get away from her hometown. I can’t say I blame her for that either, though. Octavia got to know a few other kids here before I did and she didn’t even hesitate to introduce me to her group of friends who took me in like I belong with them.

It’s a Friday and I’m so thankful that the weekend is beginning in about thirty minutes. A week packed full of classes gets a little tiring. Octavia told me about a party at the frat house our friend Silas was invited to. I wasn’t much for partying, but it was going to be my first time at a college house party and I wasn’t about to pass that up.

Our professor stands from her desk, going over our assignment that is due on Monday, before dismissing us. Octavia and I both rise from our seats and shove our things into our bags before shuffling out of the classroom after the other students. When we reach the hall, Silas is already standing out there, waiting with Demi.

“Hey, girls!” Demi says, showing her bright white teeth as she pushes her long blonde hair back over her shoulders. She and Silas walk over to us, giving us each a quick hug. “You guys ready for tonight?”

“Hell yes,” Octavia sighs, adjusting her bag on her shoulder. “I need something to take my mind off the fact that I haven’t even started this damn assignment that’s due on Monday.”

“Sunday, we’re spending the day in the library until we both finish this shit,” I tell her, feeling the same pressure. I had already started mine, but essays weren’t exactly my forte. If it were something that involved sketching or sculpting, it would be a completely different story. Written words aren’t my strongest suit.

“Enough of this,” Silas interjects, wrapping his arm around the top of Demi’s shoulders. “No more talking about school shit. We’re going to this party and we’re getting hammered tonight, got it?”

Demi laughs. “Oh, hell yes. I need to get, like, blackout drunk tonight.”

Octavia links her arm in mine as we all start walking down the hall together. “Did you wanna come meet us here and we can all walk there? It’s only two blocks away and you can crash in my room tonight so you don’t have to worry about getting a ride home.”

“That works,” I smile at her, releasing her arm as we all file through the door out to the front of the school. “Can I just leave my bag in your room before we leave then?”

“Of course,” she says, her smile reaching mine. We all pause out front as we reach the main courtyard and a black BMW pulls up out front. My heart crawls into my throat as I know exactly who it is sitting behind the wheel. August had been letting me use his car since they started their early morning practices, so I wasn’t anticipating a ride home today.

Silas raises an eyebrow and glances at me as the passenger’s side window slides down. “Who’s that?”

Demi looks over at him. “You seriously don’t know who that is?” She pauses, shaking her head. “That’s Logan Knight. He’s only, like, one of the star hockey players… not to mention a total fucking god. Have you never seen him before, Silas?”

“Trust me, I’ve seen him and the way that every girl looks at him. What I wouldn’t give to look like that… Jesus.” Silas pauses, rolling his eyes. “I swear, he and August get all of the girls’ attention.”

Octavia elbows him in the ribs. “Don’t be a fucking asshole. August is Isla’s brother and she lives with him and Logan.” She glances over at me, giving me a sympathetic smile. “Sorry. I think sometimes Silas’s dick gets a little jealous of the pussy he doesn’t get.”

I swallow hard over the lump in my throat and flash a fake-ass smile. I have yet to see Logan bring a girl home and I’ve heard Poppy’s voice a few times, late at night when everyone’s in bed already. Now that I think of it, though, just because I’ve never seen Logan bring a girl home, doesn’t necessarily mean anything. That doesn’t mean he doesn’t have someone else’s attention and that they don’t have his.

It would make sense with how distant he’s been toward me…

“I’ll see you guys later tonight,” I tell my friends who are caught in an argument as I push past them. “Or, I’ll call you when I’m getting ready to head over.”

“Sounds good, girl!”

I stride over to the side of Logan’s car, bending down as I reach the window and stare inside at him. His sunglasses cover his deep blue eyes, but I can feel them burning holes through mine as I stare at him. “What are you doing here?”

“Taking you home.”

My eyebrows pinch together. “I drove August’s car this morning. I can’t just leave it here.”

Logan pulls his sunglasses down the bridge of his nose as he stares back at me, his lips tipping upward. “He already got it.”

I narrow my eyes at him. “So, unless I want to walk or pay for an Uber, I’m supposed to ride back with you?”

“Why are you making such a big deal about it?” Logan’s smile falls and he looks at me with a touch of irritation and confusion. He directs his gaze past me, his eyes narrowing on my group of friends who are still standing back there. “You don’t want your new little friend seeing you getting in another guy’s car?”

I glance over my shoulder, catching Silas’s eyes on the two of us. Turning my head, I look back at Logan and raise an eyebrow. “Why the hell would I care what he thinks? He’s literally just a friend.”

“Mhm,” Logan murmurs, rolling his eyes. “No guy is ever just friends with a girl. There’s always something lingering below the surface and I saw the way he was watching you. It’s only a matter of time before he acts on it.”

My heart pounds erratically in my chest as my breath catches in my throat. No guy is ever just friends with a girl. That’s exactly what Logan is supposed to be—my friend. I can’t let my mind get wrapped around his words because I’m sure there’s no hidden meaning behind them. He couldn’t possibly mean us too, or he would have acted on it before.

Instead, I decide to toy with him. “It sounds like you’re jealous, Knight.”

He narrows his eyes at me. “I know how fucking college guys are, Isla. Now, get in the damn car.”

Pushing off the side of the car, I cross my arms over my chest in defiance. “And what if I don’t?”

Logan lets out an exasperated sigh, a shadow passing over his expression. “I won’t hesitate to pick you up and toss you in here.”

A smile breaks out across my face and I drop my arms to my sides before pulling open the car door. Logan’s eyes are still on mine and I can’t quite read his expression as he watches me carefully. “Don’t get all alpha on me. I was planning on getting in anyways, I just wanted to see your reaction.”

“Don’t test me, babe,” he says, his voice low as he puts the car in drive and eases it away from the curb. He falls silent, keeping his eyes trained on the road as he leaves campus and heads back toward the apartment. I swallow roughly over the nervousness that builds in my throat. His reaction throws me off. I’ve never seen Logan act like this before and I’d be lying if I said that it didn’t excite me.

I like seeing him jealous. I like the facade of hope that maybe he does feel something too…

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