Cross-Checked Hearts: A Brother’s Best friend Hockey Romance (Wyncote Wolves Book 1)

Cross-Checked Hearts: Chapter 10

In the back of my mind, I know I shouldn’t be doing this with her. I was the one who proposed the idea of being friends and told her that I wanted to be a better friend to her than I was before. Yet here I am, pressing her against the wall with my lips melting against hers.

The memory of her lips was cemented in my brain and the way she kisses me is just as I remember her. Soft and tender, sweet and innocent. Isla was always the one thing that was consistent in my life and feeling her this close again makes me regret ever missing a moment with her.

Opening my lips, my tongue darts out and I trace the seam of her lips before she parts them and lets me in. She tastes like alcohol and candy as my tongue tangles with hers, deepening the kiss as I breathe her in. I’ve missed her so badly that it fucking hurts in ways I could never put into words. She breaks my heart in two, just feeling her in such a close proximity.

Isla lifts her arms, wrapping them around the back of my neck as I press my body against hers, feeling her warmth. With one hand holding her in place, I slide the other down to her thin waist, grabbing her hip. She’s matured since the last time I’ve felt her this close and fuck, I could come apart right now.

She kisses me back, her mouth moving in tandem with mine and we get lost in the moment, our surroundings fading. I didn’t even bother to shut the door behind us, which I probably should have because I know August is lurking around here somewhere. I don’t even care at this point. Let him fucking find us. Let this all go up in flames.

At least I’ll burn, knowing I had one last taste of her before it all went to hell.

Finally breaking apart, we both come up for air as I press my forehead against hers. Both of our breathing is shallow and ragged and her warm breath skates across my face. Closing my eyes, I savor the moment, feeling her again.

“Can I ask you something?” she whispers, her voice barely audible over the music that pounds through the speakers throughout the house.

I pull away from her, my eyes meeting hers. “You can always ask me anything.”

“You don’t have a girlfriend or anything, do you?” She pauses for a moment, pulling her bottom lip between her teeth as she clamps down. “I don’t want to be the girl who ruins a relationship or anything.”

A soft chuckle falls from my lips. “No, I don’t have a girlfriend. I’m not seeing or talking to anyone.” I move my hand to cup the side of her face. “I haven’t had a girlfriend since high school. I’m not going to lie to you and tell you that I haven’t done anything with anyone since I’ve been here, but it’s never been anything serious. As hard as I’ve tried, I’ve never been able to get you out of my head.”

She stares up at me, frowning, which confuses me. “You told me that I deserved better than you, so why would you waste your time being stuck on me?’

“Because even though I don’t deserve you, that doesn’t mean there’s anyone who comes close to you. I refuse to settle for anything less than greatness, baby. And that’s exactly what you are.”

I drop my hand from her face, pulling her flush against me as she rests her head against my chest. Wrapping my arms around her waist, I hold her close as I bury my face in the crook of her neck, inhaling her sweet scent that is imprinted in my mind.

“Why do you sell yourself short?” she asks quietly, holding on to me as her legs grow tired. “You exude confidence, yet you don’t see yourself the way you make others see you. It’s like you only see yourself in a negative light and I disagree with everything you say about yourself, Logan. You’re the best person I know.”

This girl melts my heart with her sweetness, just like she always has. She’s quiet, constantly observing the world around her. She can read people like no one I’ve ever met, always able to sympathize and make someone feel as if they are someone. Like they’re important and actually mean something. She has a gift with people, one that I would never be able to obtain.

“Your brother is my best friend,” I remind her quietly as I try to not kill the mood between us. “He knows all of my secrets and shortcomings. Do you really think he would approve if he knew about this?”

“I don’t know,” she says softly, her voice somber. “But I know August would support whatever makes me happy. And if he knew the truth, I don’t think he would be as against it as you think he would.”

I don’t know that I fully agree with her. It’s hard to say how he would react. If I were in his shoes, I would never approve. She might not see me the same way that I see myself, but this is still a risky edge to be toeing. Before this goes any further, we both need to make sure that we’re ready to jump off the cliff, regardless of what the consequences might be.

Isla sways in my arms and I can feel her body growing heavier as we stand here together. “Let’s get you home, baby.”

“Mmm,” she murmurs against my chest. “I would like that. I definitely think I need to go to sleep.”

Turning her, I slide my arm around her back as I loop the other under her knees and lift her into my arms. She groans slightly, her head rolling before she regains control of it. “You know, I can walk.”

“Are you sure about that?” I ask her, chuckling softly as she leans her head against my chest and sighs. “You didn’t seem too steady on your feet, so let me carry the weight for you.”

“Okay,” she whispers, wrapping her arms around the back of my neck. “Thank you, Logan.”

A smile touches my lips but I don’t respond to her as she settles into my arms and I carry her out of the laundry room. Tonight didn’t go exactly how I had imagined it would, but life has a funny way of just letting things happen. I don’t know what we’re really doing here, but for now, this is enough.

I carry her through the house, inching closer to the door, when I catch August’s eyes through the doorway that leads into the living room. His eyebrows draw together when he sees Isla in my arms and he pushes through the crowd as he rushes over to us.

“What’s going on?” he questions me, his eyes scanning Isla with a worried look passing through them. “Is she okay?”

“She’s fine,” I tell him, pausing as she adjusts slightly in my arms. “She just had a little too much to drink so I was going to take her back to the apartment.”

A sigh of relief escapes August and the worried expression leaves his face as he glances back into the living room. “I’ll head home with you guys too.”

I shake my head. “I got it, bro. You just stay here and enjoy yourself. Our game isn’t until tomorrow evening, so it’s not like we have to get up early or anything. You deserve to have some fun tonight.”

August looks at Isla before looking back at me. “Are you sure?”

“Of course,” I nod, smiling at him. When I get her home, she’s not sleeping alone and I don’t really want August to be there when I climb into bed with her. It’s always easier to ask for forgiveness than it is for permission. I’ll deal with him in the morning after he will most likely find us together in bed. “You good to get a ride home tonight then?”

A smirk forms on August’s lips as he directs his attention back into the living room where there’s a large crowd dancing. I can’t see who his eyes are on, but judging by the look on his face, I’m positive he has his sights set on someone tonight. “Don’t worry about me,” he tells me, looking back at me with a wink. “I might end up crashing somewhere else tonight, anyways.”

Relief floods me and the thought of having to talk to him when he finds us in the morning vanishes. August finding some chick to dick down tonight and sleep at her place makes this so much easier—not nearly as risky. Even though Isla is drunk and needs to sleep it off, it gives us a chance to be alone without having to worry about him.

“Make sure you wrap it up,” I laugh, shaking my head as I walk around him, carrying Isla to the front door. The last thing we need is for August to go and get some chick pregnant right now. Talk about a fucking curveball.

I hear August’s laughter over the sound of the music as we exit the house. I carry Isla through the crowd that’s gathered on the lawn and make my way down the street to my car. Isla’s eyes open as we reach the passenger’s side and I let her down onto her feet as she leans against the car while I open the door. After helping her inside, I softly close the door and get in the driver’s side, slipping in behind the wheel.

Isla leans her head against the cool window as I start the engine and put it in drive, slowly easing the car away from the curb. I glance over at her, noticing the peaceful smile on her face as she sits there with her eyes closed.

“We’ll be home soon, baby,” I tell her, reaching over and sliding my palm against hers. She laces her fingers through mine and I gently squeeze her hand, resting it against her thigh. Isla sighs, her breathing growing heavier as she settles in her seat.

“Thank you, Logan,” she whispers, her voice thick with sleep. “I’m really glad you showed up tonight, even if you did scare away one of my only friends.”

My chest tightens and the thought of Silas with his arm around her shoulders instantly pisses me off. I swallow back the anger, focusing on her. She’s here with me, her hand in mine, and not with him. “I told you he’s not your friend, baby girl. He wants more from you… You see how well it works when guys try to be friends with you?”

Isla chuckles lightly, the smile spreading across her face. “Yeah, but that’s different… it’s you.” She pauses and for a moment I think that maybe she fell asleep. “I don’t want more with him. I’ve only ever wanted more with you.”

My other hand grips the wheel tightly and I swallow hard over the lump that forms in my throat. As we pull up to a red light, I look back over at her, noticing that she is in fact asleep now. My heart swells as I replay her words in my head.

“I’ve only ever wanted more with you.”

Me too, baby girl… me too.

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