Crises in Love Novel Full Episode (Zora and Jaylan)

Crises in Love Chapter 17

Chapter 17 

I couldn’t believe what was happening right in front of my eyes. The surveillance footage clearly showed him entering Zora’s room and never leaving, yet 

here he was 

I was rooted to the spot, staring at him in shock. He was staring back at me, his gaze unwavering. Then, he slowly rose to his feet. 

The next moment, I burst into tears. I stumbled towards him, throwing myself into his arms. My arms wrapped tightly around his neck as I clung to him, sobbing my heart out. 

“Let’s see who’s the better actor,” I thought. 

Jaylan stiffened at first, then his arms encircled my waist. He looked down at me, a hint of doubt in his eyes. 

“Honey…where did you go? I couldn’t find you. Someone was chasing me they they stuck needles in me!” I sobbed out my story, playing my role to the hift. “My head it hurts, they punctured me it hurts so much Don’t leave me, please 

“Shhh, I’m here Don’t worry, I’m right here, he soothed, his large hand gently rubbing my back. 

“But I couldn’t find you where were you?” I continued to sob, hitting his chest lightly. “Someone was bullying me it was so dark, I was scared I couldn’t 

see you!” 

I rambled on purpose, but the tears were real. I couldn’t believe that this warm embrace was no longer mine What was happening to our family? Where was the man who used to take care of me so well? All the humiliation, fear, and helplessness I had felt over the past few days came pouring out 

“Why I almost blurted out the question I wanted to ask him. 

I covered my slip–up with another bout of crying, touching the spot where I’d been pricked. “It was a long needle. it hurts so much!” 

My heart–wrenching sobs drained me, and I felt my body weakening. I was on the verge of fainting, my heart racing to the point of nausea. My throat felt 


“Allie, stop crying, please,” Jaylan pleaded, seeing the state I was in. He quickly carried me back to my room, laying me gently on the bed before turning 

on the lights 

But I continued to sob, choking out my accusations. “Why can’t I ever see you? Do you…do you hate me now? You just let me be bullied. Jaylan…look, 

look at this! It hurts so much_ 

I pointed to my head, trying to gauge his reaction. 

He bent over, looking at my head with a pained expression, gently touching the spot I was pointing at. “What…you must have had a nightmare, Allie! Don’t worry, I won’t leave you again. Im right here!” 

His words shattered the last bit of hope I had. My heart sank, and I felt cold all over. 

“Jaylan, you’ll pay for this cursed him silently 

Despair like I’ve never known before washed over me. I sobbed until I was hoarse, and then I tasted blood in my mouth. But my mind was crystal clear 

Jaylan was panicking. He quickly pulled out a tissue to clean my mouth. The sight of the bright red blood on the white tissue was a stark reminder of my reality 

in that moment, all my beliefs crumbled. I was terrified. Was I going to die? No, I had to take revenge. I couldn’t die. I had to stay alive, to take my childrën away from this monster 

With a roll of my eyes, I pretended to faint, but my mind was still alert 


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